Software test manager eBook
A test manager’s knowledge? Encourage clarity in bug reporting. “Reporting bugs and requesting more information can create unnecessary overhead. A good bug report can save time by avoiding miscommunication or the need for additional communication. Similarly, a bad bug report can lead to a quick dismissal by a developer. Both of these can create problems. “Anyone reporting bugs should always strive to create informative bug reports, but it’s just as important that developers go out of their way to communicate effectively as well. For instance, if a developer needs more information, it’s best if they take the time to write a detailed request. Teach people to write good reports, but hold your developers to high standards as well. If everyone is going above and beyond to communicate effectively, everyone’s productivity benefits.
Following on from getting your A-Team together, you now need to get them involved in every which way you can. Get team members involved in documenting the process, in the decision making for your projects, and encourage actively speaking up when they see problems or issues. Keeping the communication lines open with honest and frank discussion, and group involvement, is always going to be better than a dictatorship! Waterfall, Agile, Exploratory, Context-Driven… the list goes on. You need to decide – hopefully as a team – which methodology and which practices of that methodology fit your organisation.
If you’d like to step up your skills from the software testing basics, and access some of the best insider knowledge in the industry, this ebook is for you. A Test Manager’s Guide will make an essential addition to your collection as you continue to develop within this field. As a young graduate I started looking for potential career opportunities and this eBook has shown me the beauty and complexity of the Test Manager profession from a theoretical standpoint. Find additional info on Test Manager Book.
Choose flexible test management tools that can adapt to your needs. No two businesses are the same which might mean a particular tool is best-suited for a situation different to yours. Keeping this in mind, you should look for a test management tool which not only fits your day-to-day testing needs today but should also offer flexibility if your testing approach changes course in the future. Create sample test data if needed. Depending on your testing environment you may need to CREATE Test Data (Most of the times) or at least identify a suitable test data for your test cases (if the test data is already created). Typically sample data should be generated before you begin test execution because it is difficult to perform test data management. Since in many testing environments creating test data takes many pre-steps or test environment configurations which are very time-consuming. Also If test data generation is done while you are in test execution phase, you may exceed your testing deadline.
Quarantine software testing recommendation of the day : Normally with agile teams it is ideal to have a daily standup meeting where everyone discusses what they are working on, identifies any roadblocks, and raise any team-wide issues that should be addressed. With the move to complete teleworking, we have used our normal team chat application (for us a combination of Google Chat and/or Spira instant messenger, but you can use Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.) to write a new thread with a daily standup message each day: This was so successful that our sales and marketing team have followed suit with their own version! Its a good, quick medium that works with the immediacy of a standup and avoids long drawn out meetings that are the reason you “stand up”. We have also been experimenting with a virtual 15 minute Google hangout call. When we had the team partly colocated and partly teleworking this wasn’t necessary, but with people feeling socially isolated due to the wider quarantine conditions, hearing/seeing each other has been helpful. One team member also showed us his cats playing which was a nice morale boost! See a few more info at