Category: Legal Services

Högst betyg företagsavtalsrätt juridisk rådgivning strategier av Alexander Suliman

Arbetsliv juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm idag: Som en allmän regel tenderar arbetslagstiftningen i EU att vara mindre arbetsgivarvänlig i EU än i USA, med uppsägningsklausuler som vanligtvis inte är tillåtna och kollektiva förhandlingar vanliga i vissa länder. När du övervakar ditt företag i EU, se till att dina anställningsavtal är förenliga med den lokala lagstiftningen eftersom varje EU-medlemsstat har sina egna regler för olika aspekter som förmåner, anställningsskatter, uppsägning och deltidsarbete. Företagsinvandring är ett nyckelämne i EU eftersom olika företag välkomnar anställda från andra EU- eller tredje partsländer. Du bör överväga vilka alternativ som finns för dina amerikanska arbetare som du vill skicka till EU och definiera strategin och typen av stöd du vill ge din personal och deras familjer. Se till att du är medveten om de senaste och kommande lagändringarna. Till exempel implementerade Belgien nyligen EU-direktivet om ett enda tillstånd, som innehåller en ny uppsättning regler som gör den administrativa processen för arbetstillstånd mindre betungande. Upptäck extra info på

Anledningen till att Europeiska kommissionen var angelägen om att tillåta företag att frivilligt skanna material, är att teknikföretag redan har arbetat på sätt att upptäcka CSAM och värvning under ganska lång tid. Så vad skulle då “lämpliga” säkerhetsåtgärder vara i detta fall? En grundläggande utgångspunkt är att internet ska betraktas som en opålitlig kommunikationskanal – den består av olika delar som drivs av företag, länder och individer, och kommunikation går runt en mängd opålitliga noder. Så om du skickar meddelanden på internet finns det en allvarlig risk att den avlyssnas, analyseras eller till och med manipuleras. Det enda sättet att skydda sig mot detta är genom att kryptera kommunikationen under överföring – och på så sätt säkerställa dataernas konfidentialitet och integritet.

EU:s Cybersecurity Act, antagen 2019, fastställde den rättsliga grunden för EU-omfattande certifiering av molnleverantörer, som ska utarbetas genom sekundära lag av dess cybersäkerhetsbyrå ENISA. I december 2020 inledde ENISA ett offentligt samråd som det första steget mot en reviderad uppsättning regler. En teknisk arbetsgrupp håller på att förbereda ett förslag som förväntas presenteras för experter från medlemsstaterna och för Europeiska kommissionen därefter. De nya kraven skulle kunna slutföras i slutet av året.

Utmärkt företagsoffentlig rätt juridisk rådgivning strategier med Alexander Suliman, Stockholm: Efter att parterna känner sig bekväma med medlaren och kan uttrycka sin oro, och de kan uttrycka förslag med vetskapen om att allt du gör i medlingen är konfidentiellt och inte kan användas i en domstol, Jag tycker att detta är det bästa alternativet. Ibland i fall som är i en skilsmässa kommer domstolen att hänvisa parterna till vad vi kallar intern vårdnad, föräldratidsmedling, och de gör ett bra jobb, och ibland löser det vårdnads- och föräldratidsfrågor, men ibland behöver de mer än vad domstolen kan erbjuda, och ibland finns det helt enkelt inget rättsfall. Parterna är inte i en skilsmässa, eller så är det en fråga efter skilsmässa, så dessa typer av ärenden passar perfekt för medling och passar perfekt för att undvika den känslomässiga och ekonomiska belastningen av rättstvister. Hitta extra detaljer at Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.

Den 24 februari 2022 utfärdade EU-domstolen sin första dom om hushållsarbetare. I mål C-389/20, TGSS (Chômage des employés de maison), ansåg EU-domstolen att uteslutningen av denna kategori arbetstagare från tillgång till sociala förmåner utgör indirekt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det nästan uteslutande berör kvinnor. Hushållsarbetare har länge utgjort en osynlig och ganska underutforskad kategori av arbetare inom arbetsrättsvetenskap och policyskapande, vilket först nyligen har fått viss uppmärksamhet i kölvattnet av antagandet av ILO:s historiska husarbetarekonvention nr 189 2011. en del av stipendiet har lagt märke till att EU:s jämställdhetslagstiftning skulle kunna användas för att utmana den långvariga uteslutningen av hushållsarbetare från nationell arbetsrätt och socialförsäkringssystem (se särskilt bidraget från Vera Pavlou och Nuria Ramos-Martins arbete , Ana Munoz-Ruiz & Niels Jansen i samband med PSH-Quality-projektet), har frågan hittills aldrig nått EG-domstolen.

Legal quotes in Thailand from 3LawyersThailand today

Excellent legal assistance Thailand from 3LawyersThailand: Usufruct is the right to use or occupy another person’s real property for one’s life or up to 30 years under sections 1417 1428 of the Civil and Commercial Code. The right of usufruct is not complete unless registered with the Thailand land department. Established and recorded in the official land registry of the local land office for a fixed term or for the life of the usufructuary, the usufruct exists as long as the usufructuary is alive. After his or her death the real estate property reverts back to the owner. A usufruct is often given to a family member such as a foreign spouse with the intention that a foreign spouse is protected in the event of death of the Thai spouse (registered owner). The usufruct gives the right to the foreign spouse to remain in the property upon the death of his or her Thai spouse. Receive 3 quotes: You’ll get 3 quotes customized for your specific case. Discover even more information at search and find a lawyer in Thailand.

The assistance of lawyers is crucial in the drafting, negotiation and implementation of these instruments. Lawyers are prepared to take clients through their rights and safeguards before acts are committed, or signatures are affixed. Expect lawyers to also explain to you all possible legal consequences which may result from an act. Essentially, proper lawyer consultation results in more learned decisions. Real estate or property law in Thailand is the area of Thai law that governs the rights of use, possession and various forms of ownership of immovable property (land, house, condominium). In this article a brief legal introduction to the most common real estate laws in Thailand.

In order to apply for one standard foreign employee’s work permit in a limited company the employer/ foreigner is required to submit the documents as listed below: Application form signed by the employee; Letter of employment from your company signed by the authorized Director of the company; Company Affidavit/ Certificate of Incorporation and a copy of the list of shareholders (copies signed by authorized director); Audit report, balance sheet for 3 preceding years. If you do not have this, we have to provide an explanation letter stating that the company is less than 12 months old. The authorized Director is required to sign this letter; Employee’s personal income tax declaration form or withholding tax form. A failure to show that tax has been paid correctly will seriously prejudice the employee’s work permit application; A written report stating the employee’s activities and declaration that the activities comply with the conditions stipulated in the work permit booklet. The authorized Director is required to sign this report; Map of the location of the company signed by the authorized Director.

Foreign corporations operating a business in Thailand may for the duration of their business in Thailand obtain special privileges and exemptions for land ownership through the Board of Investment under section 27 of the Investment Promotion Act and under section 44 of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act or section 65 of the Petroleum Act. This exemption requires large investments and is limited to the duration of their business.

We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Are you searching a professional lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s top digital law platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when seeking a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Find additional information on

Reliable legal offers Thailand with

Lawyer offers Thailand with 3LawyersThailand today: Are you searching a excellent lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s best online digital law platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when searching a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Discover even more information on lawyer quotes in Thailand. Fill out the form : Let us know about your legal problem. Just fill out our form. It only takes 2 minutes.

Foreigners married to a Thai national can’t own land themselves but the Land Department will allow transfer of ownership of the land to the Thai national who is married to a foreigner after a joint statement ‘letter of confirmation’ by the couple stating that the money expended on the land is personal property of the Thai spouse. This procedural requirement is based on a regulation issued by the Ministry of Interior (March 1999), which is based on the principle of section 1472 of the Civil and Commercial Code that if personal property has been exchanged for other property during the marriage (in this case land) that property becomes and remains a personal property, and not a joint marital property between husband and wife. This way the foreign spouse does not obtain ownership rights in the land based on Thai family laws, ‘property between husband and wife’. That is, as a personal property of the Thai spouse, the Thai spouse has sole management of the property (she can sell, encumber the property), and as a non-marital property the real property is not subject to an equitably division between husband and wife upon termination of marriage.

The assistance of lawyers is crucial in the drafting, negotiation and implementation of these instruments. Lawyers are prepared to take clients through their rights and safeguards before acts are committed, or signatures are affixed. Expect lawyers to also explain to you all possible legal consequences which may result from an act. Essentially, proper lawyer consultation results in more learned decisions. Real estate or property law in Thailand is the area of Thai law that governs the rights of use, possession and various forms of ownership of immovable property (land, house, condominium). In this article a brief legal introduction to the most common real estate laws in Thailand.

In order to apply for one standard foreign employee’s work permit in a limited company the employer/ foreigner is required to submit the documents as listed below: Application form signed by the employee; Letter of employment from your company signed by the authorized Director of the company; Company Affidavit/ Certificate of Incorporation and a copy of the list of shareholders (copies signed by authorized director); Audit report, balance sheet for 3 preceding years. If you do not have this, we have to provide an explanation letter stating that the company is less than 12 months old. The authorized Director is required to sign this letter; Employee’s personal income tax declaration form or withholding tax form. A failure to show that tax has been paid correctly will seriously prejudice the employee’s work permit application; A written report stating the employee’s activities and declaration that the activities comply with the conditions stipulated in the work permit booklet. The authorized Director is required to sign this report; Map of the location of the company signed by the authorized Director.

Land ownership in Thailand is governed by the Land Code Act and under Thai land laws only Thai nationals are allowed to own land or have a confirmed right of possession of land. Foreigners may not own land unless there is a treaty or exemption allowing the foreigner to own land in Thailand (section 86). Thailand has currently no treaty with any country allowing a foreigner to acquire land in Thailand. Any foreigner who violates foreign land ownership restrictions could be fined and/or sent to jail for a term of up to 2 years (Land Code act section 111). A Ta.Bian.Baan or Tabien Baan is the document which gives the address of a house or apartment unit and states the persons who have legal domicile at the address. A house book is issued by the local municipality and is merely a registration document. As opposed to Thai nationals a house book is generally not considered an important document for foreigners. We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Find even more information at

Domestic violence defense vehicular manslaughter attorney in Omaha 2022

Felony assault felony assault attorney Omaha, Nebraska 2022? Assessing the Case and Developing Defense Strategies: When a criminal defendant hires a lawyer, they will first analyze the case. They review all the case details and examine evidence and facts to learn as much as possible about the circumstances and the charges. These are vital steps, and any mistakes during this process can jeopardize the entire case, making it essential to hire a skilled and knowledgeable attorney. An Omaha criminal defense attorney will also review the defendant’s criminal history, as sometimes it will impact a case’s outcome. See more information on attorney Greg Nelson

How to discover the perfect criminal defense attorney? Check Reputable Sources & Ask for Referrals: Your search can begin with the State Bar to see if the attorney has any formal discipline on their record. Besides reading online reviews, you can also ask your family and friends if they have any recommendations. Also, if you know a lawyer practicing in other areas, you can ask them who they recommend for a criminal case. Look For An Attorney Who Knows the Basics of The Most Common Crimes: An excellent criminal defense attorney should be able to explain to you all the steps you will go through and the likely penalties you might have to face. They should ask you questions to determine your situation and find solutions to obtain the best possible outcome for your case.

In many cases, an experienced lawyer can mount a successful defense to allegations of domestic violence or negotiate a plea agreement that allows the accused to avoid the most serious consequences they are facing. If you have been accused of domestic violence, it’s in your best interest to contact an experienced Omaha domestic violence defense lawyer as soon as you can. Domestic assault charges can result from intentionally causing injury to a domestic relation, as well as threatening them with immediate injury or in a menacing manner. “Injury” can refer to any type of physical impairment or pain. This is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a first offense and can be a Class IV felony for repeated offenses in many cases.

The offices of Greg Nelson include some of the best and brightest in criminal defense, dedicated every step of the way to providing the legal counsel you need. We have put together just a short list of the things you can and should expect upon engaging our services. It should go without saying that your lawyer should know the law backwards and front, but too often we hear about lawyers working passively to support their cases, rather than actively seeking out the laws and regulations that can benefit their clients.

Are You Facing Criminal Charges? Contact an Experienced Omaha Criminal Defense Attorney Today for Help. Facing criminal charges comes with much uncertainty. However, you can count on experienced Omaha criminal defense attorney Greg Nelson to obtain the best result possible in your case. He will examine all the details and the circumstances of your charges to determine the best course of action, guiding you in every step of the legal process. Contact our firm today to learn more about your rights and options after an arrest or being charged with a crime. Even if you haven’t been arrested yet, we can help. Our staff is available 24/7 by phone at (402) 415-9700, or you can contact us online. Discover more information on

Recommended law guidance in UK from Rev. Dane Marks and The National Community Law Project CIC

High quality law guidance UK with Rev. Dane Marks and The National Community Law Project CIC? Dane Marks co-founder and board member of The National Community Law Project CIC, a social enterprise which supports low income and marginalised people with legal issues facing them throughout the UK and a non-denominational new thought minister, who believes to embrace the power of God from within and serves all people regardless of religion, race or colour, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and age.

Partner spotlight: NWAMI hosts a variety of events which provide opportunities for people from all over the world to showcase their talents and provide a taste of their own culture. In the past this has involved taking groups to parliament to discuss issues of integration and welfare. The groups were formed largely of international students from Bangor University, who were passionate about supporting welfare and experience of all international students. This can be through the medium of music, dance, poetry or writing. Some events we take part in include celebrations of DIWALI, Black History month, Inter-cultural events all over the country along. Visit our pages to see pictures and more information about the work we have done! See extra details on Community Law Project in UK.

Law tip of the day: You may be entitled to other insurance benefits. If you have PIP, auto med pay, group or private health insurance or are covered under a spouse’s or parent’s insurance, your solicitor can coordinate submission of all collateral insurance claims to maximize your total recovery. Never settle your claim before its time. It sometimes takes many months to settle a claim. Occasionally a claim may take a year or longer to be resolved. In fact, it is not in the accident victim’s best interest to settle certain types of claims too soon because it often takes a long time for serious injuries to become evident or for treatment or surgery to provide the maximum benefit to the injured party.

If you appeared before the Crown Court and disagree with the decision there, you may have the right to appeal to the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). It is the responsibility of your representative to advise you about your right to appeal following the outcome of your case as strict time limits may mean you will lose the right to appeal if not done quickly enough. If you were represented by one of our in-house Advocates or approved barristers, we will always advise you about an appeal and discuss your options well within the time limit.

The National Community Law Project CIC is a community based legal company that assists people on low incomes in their legal matters. Research indicates that people on low income have been made the most vulnerable and most likely to face problems accessing legal remedies since the passing of the LASPO Act 2012. The further restrictions on legal impinged on the rights of individual access to professional legal assistance. We aim to bridge the gap between people who need access to justice and legal remedies alongside the professionals who can assist them. Find additional information at Rev. Dane Marks.

Watch Courts Online is another essential component of the plan that is a subscription-based, international, online live court-based TV channel with legal commentary. Primarily it is for educational purposes but will allow customers to watch a range of court cases in any jurisdiction they choose with relevant legal commentary. The The National Community Law Project CIC is a community based legal support company to assist those facing difficulties accessing legal support and solutions due to the low level of income and less awareness of legal matters. The Courts Online and Watch Courts Online are creating new marketplaces and new demand. Accordingly, the competition is irrelevant in the current context. Marketing and sales plans are focused on increasing customer awareness for a better expansion and a loyal customer base.

Fast translation services advices from firms

Certified translation providers in Houston, Texas? How we can help with apostille services? If you don’t wish to struggle with learning a government office’s requirement or bother about missing something because it may lead to delay your certifications. Therefore we suggest skipping the worry. In short, we are here to assist you and make the transition a smooth process. With this in mind, our processors are merely waiting to accept and complete Apostille or Authentication. Above all, our process is as effective as it gets. Finally, we can do a birth certificate, document and translation apostille service in Houston matters. So, let us take care of the hassle while you enjoy and manage your personal life.

AZ Translation Service is a certified translation services company in Houston, providing assistance to immigrants and businesses in the area of visa, green card, citizenship application and document translations. First and foremost, Azadi Translation Service is an immigration consultancy and translation service company in Houston. Additionally, we provide assistance to immigrants in the area of visa, green card, citizenship application, as well as, document translation.

If you need help with visa petition, green card application, immigration visa status, visa type document translation, and notary service, you will find it at AZ Translation Service. Our team of immigration experts (non-attorney) will take you through our easy process. Our services are custom-tailored to suit our client’s unique needs. Meeting your needs with a focus on customer service is our ultimate goal. We pride ourselves on offering the best immigration and translation service, and the fastest mobile notary in Houston and surroundings.

We treat our clients with the greatest respect, price our services competitively & fairly, perform all singing duties with integrity and honesty, facilitate closings made by company’s principals, and offer friendly customer service that improved the lender images. Azadi Mobile Notary Service is available 24/7. Call us anytime anywhere; we’ll get back to you by traveling to your preferred locations such as homes, hospitals, and businesses. At Azadi Mobile Notary Service, our highly experienced notary publics come with the best Notary Equipment with all possible Notary Situations in mind. Our supplies combine embossing seals, notary stamps, affidavit, embossing seal inker, venue stamps, jurat, and stationary equipment. See more info at apostille service.

Apostille services advices plus services

Apostille services tips from services? How to Arrange Free Delivery of apostille in Houston? So if you wish to avail of our apostille service than call our office by dialing 832-251-9901 Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm to schedule a pickup. Alternatively, once the apostille is ready, we can mail it to your house. Also, you are welcome to stop by our office at 7100 Regency Square Blvd Suite 270 Houston, TX 77036 to pick up the document. Briefly, we obtain Apostilles on your personal and financial documents by submitting them to the Secretary of State offices. Equally, we can also forward them to the US Department of State in Washington, DC. It may vary case by case.

We are dedicated to providing you with the most accurate, efficient and reliable mobile notary services in Houston and other adjacent areas. We value our customers and know how to build strong, lasting relationships with customers. We take every task very seriously and get your work done in no time. Looking for the best, reliable mobile notary service in Houston and other surrounding areas? You’re at right place. Azadi Mobile Notary has a team of highly experienced professionals offering all-inclusive mobile notary services at very competitive prices. We’ll come to you whenever you call us.

Especially, when starting on the path to Citizenship can be confusing and difficult. Not only we can help with birth certificate translation but also help you with the forms for immigration too. In particular, immigration is a complicated process and individuals may be taken advantage of. Differing from our competitors we are fast, accurate and reasonable on prices. In particular, competitions may not fully understand the steps they need to take and. Equally as strangers in a different land, need help to navigate the immigration rules.

We are dedicated to providing you with the most accurate, efficient and reliable mobile notary services in Houston and other adjacent areas. We value our customers and know how to build strong, lasting relationships with customers. We take every task very seriously and get your work done in no time. Visit us today and start a fun and easy immigration application process and translation service today! See extra information on