Distant healing guides

Distant healing guides by Laurent Helene? Does Distance Healing Work? The answer to this question is YES! Distance healing works equally as well as an in person healing session. In my practice I love doing the telephone healing sessions because all I have to work with is the energy body. I like this because I am less likely to be distracted by the physical body and often get extremely accurate readings with just as positive results as I do when you come into the office for a session. From a state of altered perception the healer is able to then instantly access information about the client and also instantly “transmit” healing energy to the client. From this vantage point everything, past future and present are all happening at once. All points of information are readily available and the healer only needs to ask to see certain reference points to gain knowledge or to change events and outcomes.

Who Can Offer Healing Treatments? Healing treatments are offered by distance healers, psychic healers, spiritual healers, and other people trained in the art of healing. When looking for a distance healer, the best healer will be someone who has demonstrated their ability and willingness to maintain compassion over a distance. These healers will have dedicated their lives to the study of energy, the laws of attraction, and adhere to the universal laws. You should always feel free to ask questions and get more information as you search for the right healer. Your intuition and gut feelings are the best guide to go by.

I had the privilege of 3 healing sessions with Laurent and his Team of Celestial Beings. During the sessions I experienced distinct sensations, in particular in areas of chronic pain, i.e. neck and shoulder, hip, etc. After one session, I felt fatigued, after another energized/rejuvenated (even though it was evening when you are typically tired). There was no doubt high vibrational energy work was happening. Read additional info on Distance Energy Healing.

A psychic healer is a person who has learned to locate your blockages and energy disruptions and remove them. Psychic healers use psychic, intuitive abilities to locate, analyse, and treat not only the person but their energy field. Psychic healers will focus on spiritual healings which addresses everything in the esoteric world of energy healing. Problems in your daily life may originate from a number of places including but not limited to: past life interference, blocked chakras, and childhood problems that affect your emotional and physical health. Curses, negative entities or psychic cords sent from others, loss or stolen soul fragments.

An important aspect of the Distance Energy Healing involves Laurent channelling Divine energy to remove any past conditioning, trauma and fear, in order to allow the light of your spirit to shine through your whole being. This will lighten up and enhance every aspect of your life. Another powerful method of healing that Laurent’s frequently uses for the distance healing is transmitting healing intentions to heal every level of your being, physical, mental and spiritual. Discover extra details on https://distance-spiritual-healing.com/.
