Top rated laser hair removal services Hong Kong by

Excellent laser hair removal products in Hong Kong 2022? How does the laser remove the hair? The lasers emit a light at a specific wavelength that will be absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle without damaging the skin around it. The light is converted into heat energy, which then disables the hair follicle so that it will not produce more hair. How many treatments are needed? Typically it will take six to eight treatments to achieve a full clear area, but there are certain people who only need four treatments. Before having laser hair removal done, you should check with your doctor to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. You should limit waxing, plucking and tweezing and electrolysis for six weeks before the treatment. The laser targets the roots of the hair, which are temporarily removed when you have them waxed or plucked. See extra details on

Laser hair removal is the best method for permanent hair removal. Ready to learn why? Here are just some of the benefits of laser hair removal treatment: It’s Quick If it’s a quick solution you’re searching for, laser hair removal is the fastest way to get rid of unwanted hair. You will have to have multiple treatment sessions, but most sessions only take a few minutes. The smaller the treatment area, the less time you’ll spend under the laser.

None Of The Discomfort Or Pain Linked With Threading Or Waxing: The laser that passes over your skin feels like a quick and hot snap before the laser moves onto a new area. This type of treatment is definitely far less painful when compared to having the hairs yanked out by their roots which is what happens when waxing particularly sensitive areas like your bikini line. Just About Pain-Free: Lasers over the years have advanced leaps and bounds, and the technology continues to improve. For example, the 3D Trilogy Ice laser which I used in our beauty salon features its own unique cooling system, this provides the ultimate comfort over the course of the treatment. In fact, with the latest lasers, you won’t experience any lingering pain or discomfort at the end of the treatment, which means you can leave pain-free and feeling satisfied.

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这些光束被引导到毛囊中,毛囊由皮肤中的小囊组成,当你的头发生长时,毛囊内的色素会吸收激光。然后,这种光能转化为热量,从而损坏或破坏毛囊。激光脱毛治疗后,头发很长一段时间都不会再长出来,在某些情况下,由于对每个毛囊造成的伤害,它永远不会再长出来。这些激光束通过瞄准头发的黑色素(颜色)起作用。治疗通常最适合肤色较浅和头发较黑的人,但如果从业者使用最新的激光脱毛技术(例如我们的 3D Trilogy Ice 激光​​设备),其他人仍然可以获得高质量的结果。


為什麼脫毛後毛髮會再次生長?因為毛髮的生長階段總共分為三個時期:生長期、衰退期及休止期。平常肉眼可見的毛髮,正是從處於生長期的毛囊生長出來的,這些毛髮經由細胞不斷的分裂,會使毛髮漸漸變長及粗,毛髮根部膨大形成毛球,是以把處於生長期的毛髮硬拔下來的話,皮膚或會感到疼痛,我們建議採用較溫和的方法來把毛髮脫掉;而處於衰退期的毛髮,由於毛囊細胞將會進入凋亡的階段,毛髮不會再長粗,根部的毛球亦會開始萎縮;最後是處於休止期的毛髮,由於經歷了衰退期,毛髮與毛囊的連接脆弱無比,受到外力時容易掉落。毛髮在經歷衰退期及休止期後,會重新回到生長期,是以脫毛後,毛髮是會重新長出來的。 在此网站上查看 更多信息 脫毛.


常見的脫毛方法有哪些?自古至今,去除毛髮的方法總是五花百門,從傳統的線毛 (用一條線在皮膚表面搓捽,從而把毛髮拔掉)、剃毛 (使用剃刀的刀片把毛髮剃走)、拔毛 (用鉗子把毛髮逐一拔走)、化學脫毛 (使用脫毛膏以刺激性化學劑令毛髮溶解),到近代使用較新較衛生的方法如蜜蠟脫毛 (在長滿毛髮的肌膚塗上蜜蠟後,待蜜蠟凝固後把粘住體毛的蜜蠟撕走)、彩光脫光 (利用彩光的脈衝性光學把毛囊破壞,從而使毛囊休眠) 甚至激光脫毛 (利用激光針對黑色素的特性,把含有黑色素的毛髮及毛囊破壞),人們為了去除毛髮可謂絞盡腦汁,誓要和毛髮劃清界線。當中以激光脫毛的效果最顯注 (適當處理能達至永久脫毛效果) 及最舒適 (於脫毛時疼痛度會最低),但所需的費用相對上亦會較昂貴 (坊間的脫毛療程價格由數百至過萬元不等,視乎療程部位而定),是以在脫毛時,應考慮適合自己的脫毛方法。
