Clap-Serv or the upsurge of a community service free marketplace app

The rise of a community service platform app : Clap-Serv? Now post your requirement from/for any place: Clap-Serv designed in such a way that it allows you to post your requirement from and for any place, whether you are present there or not. You can place requirement for your hometown, for your office, for your home….from anywhere you like.You can add multiple addresses.

Community Experience: As we grow, we can take benefit of knowing another member’s experience with service providers. We can take the benefit of knowing other’s experiences, reviews and ratings of service they enjoyed. Accordingly we can decide choosing the right service provider from the listed proposals against our service need. Growth For Everyone: Let’s understand this with an example. Name any big IT company. In general, they build programs, Applications…etc right? Think one step ahead, who does that? A group of 3-4 professionals sitting inside the offices of these big corporate. What if this group of people come out and start giving the same work at a way smaller price to the same group of buyers? Joining this professional community world-wide can make it possible. Why these corporate, why not these individuals or small group of professionals with better guarantees or plan B’s in place.

Clap-Serv is committed to help these talented yet left alone service providers and freelancers getting deals from customers without any commissions or ssubscriptions. Just imaging a regular service need of yours and when you contact your service provider and explains your problem. Did you ever feel that just by talking, you can’t explain. You have to call the guy at your house, he looks at it and then he quotes you. It really become difficult at times calling people at Home showing your problems and then deciding upon your terms of business with them. Discover even more details on Clap-Serv.

Believe it or not but with the help of Clap-Serv, you can do endless customization of your service requirement. How?? Use videos, images and attachment for the customization of your service requirement. These are the tools you can use at your fingertips to communicate your service requirement better. Unlock the potential of this app in finding the right service provider for you. Your search for any of your unique service requirement ends here. Now post your unique service request and customize it with the help of images, video and document.

Can I hire agricultural service providers as well? Yes, you can. If a provider says that he can take care of your agricultural needs then why not? Do I get any Warranty on my service? Yes if the vendor is providing any Warranty, No if the vendor is not providing any Warranty. It solely depends on which vendor/service professional you chose. How many days i shall wait for my Quotations? You can wait untill the date you requested and check all quotations to choose one.

In the context of product/service generation and distribution network, the emergence of Clap-Serv will enable bidirectional information flow between individual consumers and communities around the world. It can transform traditional consumers into economically motivated prosumers, who not just consume services but also generate one. Clap-Serv is one such platform which will help manage the businesses carried out within the community. Read additional info at community service platform.
