Best auto glass repair services Colorado Springs

Auto glass chip repair provider Colorado Springs, CO: You’re driving down the highway when suddenly – BANG – a rock smacks into the windshield, chipping the glass. You instantly start thinking about repairing or replacing your windshield. Before having either service performed, you must understand what aftercare is required for your safety and positive long-term results. If your windshield is chipped, you may be able to repair it rather than replace it. In general, chips smaller than 3/8 inch and cracks less than three inches long qualify for a repair. The damaged area must also not reach the edge of the windshield or land directly in the driver’s line of sight to be eligible.

Increased risk of a frontal ejection. When you aren’t wearing a seat belt, the impact from a front-end accident can forcibly throw you into the windshield. Uncracked windshield glass is designed to not shatter upon impact, but glass that’s already cracked can give way, allowing an occupant to be thrown through. Botched airbag deployment. When a collision triggers an airbag, the windshield serves as the backdrop that directs the inflated bag towards the vehicle occupant(s). A cracked windshield is less-likely to hold up to the force, possibly resulting in an ineffective airbag deployment leading to more serious injuries, or even death. Windshields with cracks of any size need to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Many auto insurance policies cover glass repairs because insurers understand their safety benefits.

I wanted to let you know that they did a very good job in replacing the windshield today. They was efficient, timely and very customer oriented. Thank you for the great service. They were, efficient, timely and polite. They got it done right the first time, and I would recommend them to any family and friends.I worked with them and they were the most pleasant to speak with and went out of the way to make my prices and experience the best possible. Read a few extra info on Colorado Springs Automotive Glass Company.

In most cases, your auto glass repair professionals will recommend a complete windshield replacement as opposed to a chip-fix. Did you know that your car insurance company may cover any windshield repairs without raising your premiums or requiring a deductible? (That is, they’ll pay for the repairs if done at a certified auto body shop.) Having a professional repair your window cracks reduces the insurance company’s risk of liability should you be involved in a crash down the line. If your insurance offers this “free” perk, be sure to take advantage! Rocks will chip and crack your windshield at some point—it’s like an unwritten rule of the road. And when it does, you need to decide how to handle it. Do you save some potential money and time to do it yourself? Or do you want the work to be done correctly? The choice is yours and yours alone (unless your windshield issues are more complicated, then you’ll want to call us.)

Most windshield installation jobs take only about an hour and can be done at your home or office, Beck says. Once the installer is finished, check for signs that the job was completed correctly. Make sure the molding is straight and that there is no sign of adhesives visible inside the car, Beck says. The car should be clean inside. Debris or dirt left in your car could be the sign of sloppy workmanship, he says.
