Tax office services in Houston, TX

Top quality tax services companies in Houston? State tax you paid last spring: Did you owe taxes when you filed your 2018 state tax return in 2019? Then remember to include that amount with your state tax itemized deduction on your 2019 return, along with state income taxes withheld from your paychecks or paid via quarterly estimated payments. Beginning in 2018, the deduction for state and local taxes is limited to $10,000 per year. When you buy a house, you often get to deduct points paid to obtain your mortgage all at one time. When you refinance a mortgage, however, you have to deduct the points over the life of the loan. That means you can deduct 1/30th of the points a year if it’s a 30-year mortgage—that’s $33 a year for each $1,000 of points you paid. Doesn’t seem like much, but why throw it away? Also, in the year you pay off the loan—because you sell the house or refinance again—you get to deduct all the points not yet deducted, unless you refinance with the same lender.

Meet With Your Tax Advisor: November is a good month to meet with a tax advisor, Powell says. They have finished their October tax filings and may have time in their schedule before the busy tax season starts after the first of the year. “If you sit down and do some math between now and the end of the year, you can make sure you are in a favorable tax bracket,” Barlin says. An advisor can help pinpoint strategies to reduce taxable income through retirement contributions or itemized deductions. That, in turn, may be key to ensuring households remain eligible for some income-based tax incentives such as student loan interest deductions. If you don’t regularly use a tax professional, Barlin says running numbers through tax software can be just as beneficial.

In some states, provisions exist that allow employers to seek reimbursement from the employee for administrative costs related to excessive garnishments. Additionally, some types of garnishments, such as child support, allow for similar provisions that authorize employers to recoup administrative expenses. The limits on the maximum amount of the administrative fee that can be deducted vary by state. When considering employment actions in relation to an employee who has active garnishments, it is recommended to consult a knowledgeable HR source or employment attorney. See more info on Bookkeeping Services Houston.

Whether you file your own taxes or use a professional preparer, the key to a satisfactory, tension-free result is organization. Trying to make sense of a rat’s nest of paper receipts, canceled checks, brokerage statements, and other miscellaneous bits of information is frustrating and time-consuming. The confusion adds time for you and unnecessary expense if you’re using a professional tax preparer. It also increases the probability of incorrectly calculating your tax liability. If you pay too little, you may be subject to a tax audit and additional penalties. If you pay too much, you’re effectively giving the government a donation. Avoid such troubles by following these tips.

Look back to last year’s return? Hopefully by now you’ve filed your tax return for last year, or filed for an extension. If you’ve already filed your taxes for the current tax year, look back and think about areas that were problematic or extra stressful. Then think about how you can alleviate that stress for next year. For example, if you did your own taxes and had trouble with the math, consider using a free online tax-preparation service like Mtptaxes next year. If you had trouble verifying contributions you made to charity, plan how you’ll keep better records so it’s easier to claim a charitable deduction.

This is a popular topic in 2020. Money are a big issue, as everyone knows. We will talk about a few tax loan recommendations finishing with the introduction of a high professional company in US. We believe when it comes to your company, you should only hire the best bookkeeping services in Houston. Above all, we only hire the best bookkeepers as well as only QuickBooks experts so you can rest assure your company books are correct and accurate. Due to the complexity of taxes and state requirements, we only suggest you hire bookkeepers for your company. So, if you need any help for your company and in fact trying to get your taxes done accurately contact us here at Green Tree Tax for a free 30 minutes consultation. See even more information on GreenTree.Tax.

Made in Korea casual children clothing online shopping

Made in Korea designer baby clothing online shopping and the newest kids fashion trends. “Wrap naps”—they’re a thing. And when your baby is snug as a bug in a Solly Baby, be prepared for some awesome on-the-go ZZZs. Not only are the patterns absolutely beautiful, but the soft, lightweight modal fabric is sustainably sourced from Austrian Beechwood trees. Made in the USA with environmentally friendly dyes, you can rest assured your little one is cozying up with safe materials. When not in use, it folds up compactly in a self-enclosing pocket for easy diaper bag storage. Many parents consider the Solly a lifesaver during the newborn phase, but then move on to carriers with more positioning options as kids grow. And while the lightweight fabric is perfect for warm temps and indoor use, you may want something a bit thicker for winter weather.

These bibs are designed to soak up the fountain of drool your wee one will produce somewhere around three months old all the way until about a year—also known as teething time. These dribble bibs have a cotton layer on top, next to your baby’s skin, and bottom layer of absorbent fleece, making them thicker than your average bib. They also have two snaps so you can expand their size as your baby grows. Most importantly, these cute bandanas keep your baby’s neck warm and clothes dry.

Finn + Emma believes you made your little one organically, so why add chemicals now? The adorably stylish bodysuits, classic pajama sets, and whimsical rattles are all made with 100 percent organic cotton, eco-friendly dyes, and all-natural wood. The brand is also committed to providing jobs that focus on social and economic independence, specifically for women around the world. We adore the knit and crochet “buddies” that are sure to spark your little one’s imagination!

Korean kids clothing specialty store, all the goods are made in Korea, air freight to Hong Kong. We aim to bring the highest quality, safest and fashionable Korean children’s clothing to every parent. Kiddie Kisses provides high quality and latest Korean fashion to general public in an reasonable price. Discover additional details at Keep your baby always fresh and clean from dribble and spit ups that may result from teething, drooling or feeding. This triangle-shaped Baby Saliva Towel is soft on the skin, cruelty-free, durable and easy to wash. It can also be switched up for a scarf to complement your kid outfit. A thoughtful gift for a nursing mother.

For our chinese readers:

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本店為童裝品牌Kiddie Kisses,所有童裝全部韓國制造,韓國童裝批發亦然。韓國對童裝特別設有[兒童產品安全特別法],所有嬰幼兒及兒童紡織品都受此法例限制,其品質必須經過授權的韓國檢測機構進行測試和認證。加上政府政策大推設計工業,所以在韓國童裝品質有保障之餘,亦具有設計及時尚。在我们的网站上找到更多信息 童裝.


Immigration business plan

Immigration business plan Canada: Who needs a LMIA? Business producing in Canada that need to hire foreign work force. For your application to be successful, you have to master the components and parts of the procedure and the factors that determine the final decision. To achieve this, you need to single out the group of people that need it.

All entrepreneurs that want to avoid the long waiting period at the immigration department have the benefit of the LMIA and BC PNP Concept. The employer that wants to hire a foreigner undertakes this process. Although it is not required for most situations, it is very important and it’s infinitely better to have it. Once the application goes through, the foreigner gets a confirmation to apply for a work permit. Entrepreneurs have alternatives to obtain a work permit, but it is crucial to confirm with the relevant bodies which path works best.

When preparing an Owner Operator LMIA Business Plan, it is essential to find ways to depict the worth you wish to create if the opportunity is granted. Ensure that you highlight the benefits of having you onboard. Failure to hire a worker within six months of getting the LMIA leads to the need to restart the process. The rigorous assessment is undertaken again using the factors stated above. Some ground needs to be covered to ensure that the country one is planning to move to enjoy all the perks of having your business. These are seen through the questions that the body tasked with giving LMIA considers.

What value does the new employee offer to the industry and the country at large? They should have a set of skills and expertise that are unique. Will the hire pave the way to the creation of more opportunities for citizens? Will the immigrant receive the same benefits as residents and citizens? This is mostly evaluated in terms of wage and working conditions. All these should reflect the county’s labor laws. Has the employer taken the necessary measures in trying to find a citizen to fill the open position? This helps to ensure that there are no jobs given to foreigners at the expense of qualified locals. At this stage, an assessment of the labor market is done. The main aim of this is to determine whether there is a shortage. If you need a LMIA business plan you can contact Quantasphere, a leading provider of Labor Market Impact Assessment documents and plans in the Vancouver area.

What are the advantages of investing in high quality Web Design Service? It is obvious that with so much things to consider, not everyone would be able to create a good website on their own. Professionally designed website not only gives you a great variety of customization and functionalities, but also frees you from spending so much time on learning to design and maintain a website. Opportunity cost is the potential loss from committing to one action while giving up the others. In this case, the opportunity cost of designing your own website to save money is the time that you could have spent to improve your business operation and business strategy if you had hired a professional web developer to design and maintain your website.

Branding and Marketing are two common terms that are frequently used in place of each other in many scenarios. Surprisingly, these two seemingly identical expressions are actually very different in nature. In fact, many so-called “Marketeers” or “Branders”, just like you, may not be able to distinguish the clear differences between the two terms. However, if this article is only about the definition of Branding and Marketing, what is the point of wasting your time on this article when you can find that out yourselves in the dictionary. What I am trying to present in this guide is how Branding and Marketing contribute to different areas of business success by exploring the unique nature and crucial impact of each element have on a company. Through different analogies and comparisons, you will be able to understand the correct way that you should be looking at Branding and

Established by a group of creative professionals in 2014, Quantasphere Solutions is an innovative business and technology company focused on providing effective and precise solutions in business, web, software and hardware development. At our core, we are a service company created to address the various challenges entrepreneurs and business owners encounter in every facet of their business development. Whether it may be creating a framework to get a business idea off the ground, formulating a marketing campaign to expand customer outreach, modernizing an outdated business practice with technology, or translating a product design into a working prototype, we are able to provide tailored solutions to our clients’ every business need. Find additional information on

A strategic business plan is designed to meet the specific requirements of a company, whether it is to be introduced to new customers or merely to gain a better understanding of their own business. It differs from other business plans as it focuses particularly on the company’s vision by focusing on a very specific objective. This process will provide business owners with a clear and concise plan to make the right decision and achieve each of their goals. We focus on analyzing the feasibility of your business idea in a designated geographical location through an in-depth analysis of various factors, including the estimated outreach scope of your business, clientele demographics, customer traffic and current local competitors. We provide you with one of two types of reports based on your needs: Report on specific geographical area (recommended for clients looking at a general area without any initial research on commercial unit leasing availability, or client with businesses which do not require a physical storefront) “I am someone who has a general idea of where I want to open up shop, but have not looked into the best place to operate my business.”

Best places to see in Lekki Lagos, Nigeria and real estate picks

Why travel to Lekki, Lagos and real estate offers? It’s possible to arrange various water-based activities through local providers in Lagos. Look into Kayak Lagos, Optimel Water Sports and Lagos Fishing Charters, which offers sport fishing charters in the Gulf of Guinea. Another appealing way to enjoy an action-packed day on the beach is to arrange the “daycation” package at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort. It gives you access to a private beach, swimming pools and a mangrove forest where you can spot monkeys and tropical birds. Available activities include family boat cruises, jet ski and kayak rentals, fishing in the lagoon and horseback riding.

The internationally acclaimed art house, Terra Kulture is the home of contemporary visual and theatre arts in Nigeria. It stands as one of only 2 art auction houses in Nigeria, with a collection of over a thousand art pieces from across the country. The Terra Kulture building is home to a restaurant, a craft shop, a library, a language school and theatre and its central feature; the art gallery. It is proud to have hosted readings by renowned Nigerian authors such as Wole Soyinka, Sefi Atta, Chimamanda Adichie and others for book readings. Annual events at Terra Kulture includes an art auction and the Taruwa Festival of Performing arts (which is often held in January).

Located in Iganmu is the architectural masterpiece the National Arts theatre, home to Nigerian entertainment, art, and cultural preservation. The environment is serene and spacious and is a perfect place to unwind during the weekends and vacation for entertainment and relaxation. Plus, there are some nice restaurants and bars in the theatre great for chilling and hanging out with friends. Who wants to show some moves? Yay! Lagos is known for its awesome night life. And let’s make some confession here *in whispers* *the city comes alive as soon as the sun sets*. With lots of clubs at your disposal, you shouldn’t have a hard time having fun. Club Quilox, Club 57, and Spice Route are some of the best clubs to visit in Lagos. See a few more details on Flats in Lekki.

Have you ever heard of Fela Kuta? If yes, you’ll love this entry on our list of things to do in Lagos Nigeria. If not, you can’t leave Lagos without learning about this incredible figure in Nigerian history! Located in Fela’s former house, the museum tells you the story of Fela’s music, activism, and unusual lifestyle. When I visited I was the only visitor, but that made it all the more fascinating. Bottom line: either before or after visiting the New Afrika Shrine, you should take some time to pop by the small but fascinating Kalakuta Republic Museum.

Limestone retaining wall construction in Colorado

Ledgestone retaining wall repair company in Colorado: Ensure you order everything you need at once and set aside an allowance for breakages and cutting. Contrary to popular belief, building a fence on top or behind a Block Retaining wall is rather easy. In some cases where only a small amount of retaining is required as in 200-400mm, the fence can be built directly on top of the wall with the fence posts passing through the walling blocks and concreted into the ground as normal. This method would be ok to use with all forms of fencing such as post and rail, colour bond post and rail, good neighbour fencing, tubular panel and even pool fencing.

These pros like soapstone because the lines created by grease pencils and markers can stay visible for a long time, whereas soapstone washes off in the rain. The downside is that soapstone doesn’t work as well on wet blocks. You can find these pencils at online retailers. Stagger the overlaps (at least 4 inches for this Versa-Lok product) and try to keep the butt joint between the blocks as tight as possible. Large gaps can create a pathway for water and sediment. Whichever type of block you use, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

DON’T lay blocks on an unlevel surface. The first course (or row of blocks) sets the stage for the rest of the wall, so it’s vital that you make it perfectly level. If it isn’t, subsequent rows won’t be level either, resulting in a retaining wall that’s lopsided and unattractive. Use a four-foot carpenter’s level to ensure that the gravel layer below the first course of blocks is level before you start setting the blocks. Any discrepancies here will show up higher in the wall. DO stack blocks at a slight backward slope.

Designing very tall walls gets rather complex when accounting for lateral pressure, as do the reinforcement options. For example, a retaining wall 8 feet tall is not just twice as strong as a wall 4-foot tall. The 8-foot wall actually needs to be four times stronger. For walls taller than 4 feet, hiring a licensed engineer to develop a design would be a smart move. At the very least, remember to follow the system manufacturer’s instructions to the letter. Plus, keep in mind that building big walls means moving truckloads of soil, gravel and heavy block. See extra info on Building and repair of retaining walls Colorado.

Colorado Retaining Wall specializes in the building and repair of retaining walls. Whether the wall is for a backyard or driveway of a residence or a commercial Shopping Center, we design and build large block walls for all Earth retention requirements. We have the ability to fortify the wall with shotcrete or soil nails which would include helical tie-backs or micropiles. Nearly every wall we build requires engineering and we have deep relationships with engineers that work hand-in-hand with our foremen regardless of the size of project. Please read our reviews and look and our photo gallery.

Estimating the transporting vehicle size when moving in a new place

Find the best moving companies in Los Angeles: Place an extra cotton pad or ball into your powder cosmetics to keep them from breaking. Grab a box and fill it with all the essentials you’ll need on the first day. Include toilet paper, mugs, teabags, milk, scissors, bin bags and why not add a celebratory tipple? Remember to keep it with you on your journey to your new home, so it doesn’t get mixed with rest of your belongings and lost.

Here are a few tips from our favorite Los Angeles moving company. If you happen to have older kids or teenagers you can get them involved using the same techniques or maybe a simple promise of a night out on their new town. Take them out to see a movie, go to the mall or out to eat at a local popular eatery. Try being creative, Los Angeles is a fun town for all ages. Museums, theme parks, theatres, plays, sport complexes or school groups. Go to your rental agency with a general idea of what size of truck you need based on the above estimates, and also provide them with a list of all your large items and the number of each that you have to move. For instance, you might have three couches or two king-sized beds or two fridges to move. Often, larger items or specialty items will require a larger truck and possibly special moving tools.

Loads of packing and moving tips to help make moving home easier. If you’re moving locally this should be a no-brainer. Truck rentals used for local moves are billable at a per day and mileage rate, the daily price may vary by $10-$20 depending on the size. In other words, spend the extra few bucks and get the larger truck just to be sure. Larger rental trucks are best utilized for single family and townhomes. If you have any doubt about whether or not your household goods can fit into a medium truck size you should always defer to this range. You will likely find that a larger truck (see medium sizes below) costs the same or sometimes less than a small truck. This is because most companies don’t have an extensive inventory of small trucks whereas they usually have a large inventory of medium trucks.

Also worth considering is what you actually have in your new home. Is anything being left (carpets/curtains/furniture etc.), is there fitted storage etc..? For example – if you’re moving from a house with all fitted wardrobes, and the new house has none, then you will need somewhere to hang your clothes asap – you may therefore want to invest in some rails for the interim while you decide on suitable furniture etc. Or if you are leaving the curtains in your old house, you will definitely need some sort of window covering at least on the bedrooms windows in the new house (it may be worth asking them if it’s possible for them to leave certain curtains for you). It will be worth making a shopping list and getting things sorted ahead of time, I’m sure you agree! Once you’ve decluttered your personal belongings and have a rough idea of what you’ll be taking, now you should book your removal company. You could attempt to do it yourself, but it would be a lot of added stress and time. The removal company will have many years’ experience of carefully packing, handling and loading delicate and heavy items so they arrive safely at your new house. Discover a few more info on California movers.

An important factor many people overlook is the distance of the move. If you are relocating to a new home in-town or just a short distance away, you may feel comfortable estimating your truck needs on the low end. After all, you can always make two trips if you run out of truck space. On the other hand, if you are making a long distance move, it is not practical to make multiple trips. Estimating on the higher end may be beneficial. If you get in a bind, you can always rent a trailer to tow behind your car for additional space.The steps that you take to prepare for moving day can make or break your overall moving experience. Apply these tips to estimate better the truck size that is suitable for your needs. For your upcoming move you have decided to rent a moving truck but have no clue what truck size you should get – Sound like you? If you search the web you will find many references and opinions, some extremely generic (14′ will move 1-2 bedrooms) and others offering a more advanced opinion (12 ft. truck = 450 cu. ft.). The problem, we believe at least, lies in the interpretation of information provided – 1-2 bedrooms may mean something completely different in Arizona than in New York City.

Surprising advantages of a memory foam pillow

Less known benefits of a memory foam pillow: Traditional (or viscoelastic) memory foam is the most widely available variety of the material. It is polyurethane-based, and categorized as a type of polyfoam. Plant-based memory foam is manufactured using a combination of petrochemicals and botanical ingredients. Plant-based foam layers are designed in an open-cell configuration, making them more breathable and cooler for sleeping than standard memory foams. Mattress composition: Many foams are made from flame retardants and other chemicals. While these materials are generally regarded as safe, they are not necessarily eco-friendly. Plant-based foams or foams certified by organizations like CertiPUR-US are considered somewhat better for the environment.

Casper is probably the best-known name in the world of bed-in-a-boxes. For a long time, you could only get their flagship mattress over here, while in the states they started offering newer versions. But we’re catching up, with both the hybrid (also reviewed here) and the essential model, which is a great option for those who want all the benefits of a stable, comfortable and long-lasting mattress, without the hefty price-tag. We couldn’t fault this three-layer foam mattress when it comes to breathability, which stops you getting too hot, and you can move around without much effort or disturbing your partner. All this and yet it supports you in all the right places, even if you sleep on your back (which usually makes finding the right mattress extra tricky). But stick to the Casper original if you’re heavier and/or want a thicker mattress, and the hybrid if you want an ultra-squishy one. We like their bedding, too.

Nectar is one of the best memory foam mattresses on the market. Fit for sleepers of different firmness preferences, the bed is available in two firmness options, Medium (5.5) and Firm (8). The Loom & Leaf is constructed with both high-density gel memory foam and standard memory foam in the comfort layers, as well as a luxurious foam-quilted cover made of organic cotton. This two-layer comfort system provides close conforming for excellent spinal alignment and pain relief. Meanwhile, the high-density polyfoam base layer ensures an even, supportive sleep surface. This all comes together to provide that traditional memory foam “hug” feel. As a Saatva brand, Loom and Leaf also offers free White Glove Delivery in the contiguous U.S. This includes in-home mattress assembly and old mattress removal. See additional details at here.

People are drawn to memory foam for all sorts of different reasons, but one of the biggest attractions is the way the material conforms to pressure. Memory foam is engineered to cradle you in a way that helps your head to stay in healthy alignment with your spine. It is also built to be durable, resilient, and support you all night long without caving in over the course of your slumber. Memory foam is a special type of material which reacts to temperature and pressure which causes it to mold and conform to shape accordingly.. Pros and cons of memory foam : Memory foam sleepers report above-average pain and pressure relief. Off-gassing potential is high for memory foam beds, and some mattresses emit odors for weeks after they are removed from their packaging.

Spinal Alignment: Do you suffer from headaches, neck or back pain? This is typically caused by poor spinal alignment. The main health benefits of sleeping on memory foam pillows is spinal alignment. As you lay your head and neck on thepillow, the weight and warmth of the body allow the foam to reshape itself. This forces the pillow to give greater resistance under the heaviest parts of the head, and equally support the lighter, more pressure sensitive neck area. Proper spinal alignment helps reduce tossing, turning and discomfort. It allows your muscles to relax properly offering natural spinal support to your body, adjusting to your unique shape promoting a deep restful sleep.

Nissan Altima buyer advices

Battery Change Nissan service offers in Wallingford, CT? Nissan isn’t giving up on the car market. The beleaguered automaker will soon be one of the few mainstream brands with a full lineup of four subcompact to full-size sedans amid a sea of SUVs, of which it now has six. It still sees plenty of opportunity in a segment that accounts for over four million U.S. sales annually and has seen the departure of many model lines in recent years. Nissan’s latest four-doors are all-new versions of the Versa and Sentra, and they’re not the economy cars they used to be. They’re still affordable, with starting prices of $15,655 and $20,015, but Nissan stepped up the refinement in a big way to shed them of their fleet car reputations. Considering the Versa is the cheapest sedan on sale today, that’s no small task.

Here are some things to consider when buying a car: Do you have children or want to start a family in the near future? Do you think you’ll need lots of storage space in your vehicle? Do your friends rely on you for carpooling? Is passenger room a priority? Of course, there are several other questions you should ask, but these are a few starting points. Determine whether you’d like all-wheel drive for hauling large loads. Compare fuel economy and cargo volume for your frontrunners. Most Nissan dealers will have an online inventory that lets you sort by different features like trim level, price, color, model, etc.

We currently have a variety of service specials available for New Haven and Hartford customers. Our service specials can include incredible offers on synthetic oil changes, coolant flushes, battery replacements, tire balancing and rotations, wheel alignments, brake pad replacements, and more. Rest assured that you are getting quality service with added change to spare. Our Nissan service specials change monthly, so be sure to check out our current specials online before your visit to our New Haven area Nissan dealership. Discover more details on Nissan service specials Wallingford.

Although a number of important markets haven’t exactly been kind to Nissan in 2018, increased presence on the Chinese market has helped offsetting any significant loss of sales. The U.S. market has traditionally been one of Nissan’s major bastions in terms of sales, but even here the Japanese brand has struggled throughout 2018. Compared to 2017 when the brand had marketed 1,440,049 vehicles in the U.S. and achieved 8.35 percent in market share (their best U.S. result to date), 2018 sales have fallen by 6.6 percent to 1.344.597 units in total. Nissan’s hold on the market has also loosened since overall market share has now dropped to 7.76 percent.

Any car dealer can sell you a Nissan; any body shop can fix a ding in your door; any parts store can sell you an oil change kit. But only the team at Barberino Nissan can do it all with the level of care, compassion, and professionalism that you’re looking for. Visit us today at 505 N. Colony Rd. in Wallingford, CT, and see why so many drivers in Meriden, Middletown, New Haven, East Haven and New Britain are choosing our team as their prime source for everything auto! Read additional details on

Online dictionary benefits

Online dictionaries are an excellent tool for individuals who are hungry for knowledge. These dictionaries have branched out for ramifying in various aspects. This means that they aren’t just used by people for looking up the meanings of different words. As a matter of fact, online dictionaries are being used as a compact tool for entertainment and knowledge. They can be used for word games like word of the day etc., as a style guide and even a thesaurus. Furthermore, these dictionaries are also offering the feature of translation. They can translate words into different languages such as translation in Korean, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, English, German, Spanish, Japanese etc. The translations are only a click away.

Print dictionary benefits: It gives your child’s brain a workout. Finding words in a print dictionary exercises kids’ minds and helps them develop their problem-solving skills. To find a word, they have to consider order and sequencing, alphabetization, spelling, context, and much more! Print dictionaries slow things down. Faster isn’t always better when it comes to literacy and learning. Whether they’re reading, writing, or conducting research, when kids pause for a moment to explore the meaning of a word, they enjoy a much-needed break from the task they’re working on. Even a small break in action may inspire a new line of thinking or an innovative idea upon their return.

Longman is also affiliated with a website, Pearson Longman, with English Language teaching resources for students and teachers, as well as writing practice and free example exams in English proficiency. The Free Dictionary is an online dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Thesaurus. It is published by Farlex. In English, it offers a Dictionary/Thesaurus, a Medical Dictionary, a Legal Dictionary, an Encyclopedia, and other free resources. Farlex also offers a subscription to the Hutchinson Encyclopedia. They provide phonetics for their definitions, and you can click an icon to hear the word pronounced. They also note when a word is used or defined differently in American English versus British English. Looking for the meaning of a word like gabagool?

Merriam-Webster Online, One of the most respected print dictionaries also has a website for your convenience. It’s made up of a typical dictionary, a thesaurus, a Spanish to English translation and a medical dictionary. It’s features are relatively sparse but if you’re looking for online dictionaries with good pedigrees Merriam-Webster Online should be of interest to you. Laugh if you want, but the Urban Dictionary is a valuable tool if you come across some slang you’re not familiar with. If that’s what you need to learn, this is one of the online dictionaries you’ll benefit most from. Just be wary about going on too many random searches… What stugots means? Define Dictionary Meaning can answer that question.

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Auto glass chip repair tips

Windshield auto glass repair services in Colorado Springs: You’re driving down the highway when suddenly – BANG – a rock smacks into the windshield, chipping the glass. You instantly start thinking about repairing or replacing your windshield. Before having either service performed, you must understand what aftercare is required for your safety and positive long-term results. If your windshield is chipped, you may be able to repair it rather than replace it. In general, chips smaller than 3/8 inch and cracks less than three inches long qualify for a repair. The damaged area must also not reach the edge of the windshield or land directly in the driver’s line of sight to be eligible.

In addition to impeding your ability to see the road, a cracked windshield carries these unseen dangers; some of which are potentially life-threatening: Greater likelihood of rollover accident injury. Cracked glass becomes weakened structurally, and during a rollover accident, your vehicle’s roof is more likely to collapse if the windshield doesn’t hold up to the weight as it was intended to. Higher front-end collision danger risk. Intact windshields are designed to transfer the force of a frontal collision down into the chassis, which lessens the impact you and your passengers feel. Cracked glass can also shatter more easily during a front-end accident, fly around the passenger compartment, and cause injuries.

I wanted to let you know that they did a very good job in replacing the windshield today. They was efficient, timely and very customer oriented. Thank you for the great service. They were, efficient, timely and polite. They got it done right the first time, and I would recommend them to any family and friends.I worked with them and they were the most pleasant to speak with and went out of the way to make my prices and experience the best possible. See more details at Auto Glass Repair Colorado Springs.

Concerned about the cost of fixing a chipped windshield? Fret not, for standard car window repair products are extremely affordable and can be easily ordered online or at your nearest San Antonio auto parts center. Repairing your own windshield chip is the most cost-effective solution—at least for a majority of situations. Repairing a chipped windshield yourself is also relatively easy, even for amateurs. Typical chip repair kits come with everything you’ll need to patch that dent with precision, such as UV-activated epoxy and resin, curing strips, suction plungers, and a simple scraping tool. Following the instructions should result in a windshield that looks almost as good as new.

“There are a lot of schlock operators” installing windshields, says Debra Levy, president of the Auto Glass Safety Council, which offers certification for installers. She says using original manufacturer’s glass is a plus, but choosing a good installer is even more important. To find a certified shop, visit and type your ZIP code into the box at the top of the page. Certification is valuable because it keeps installers up to date on advances in adhesives and changing automotive designs.

Singapore Girl femme fragrance and top destinations in Singapore

If you travel to Singapore you may want to see this incredible new attraction in Singapore. While you are there you can smell one iconic fragrance that was re-launched recently: Singapore Girl perfume. The ability to have this kind of individuality through scent influences your confidence and self-esteem. Believe us, when you wear Singapore Girl Perfume you feel like it was designed especially for you. This boost of positivity in your everyday life increases your energy, improves your mood and increases resistance to failure. Find today Singapore Girl Perfume and see for yourself why it is so special.

Herbal Usage: The entire plant is used in rural Thailand as a tonic to strengthen the body. Root paste is applied externally on scorpion and snake bites in the eastern peninsular Indian state of Orissa. Here, leaf paste is consumed with a clove of garlic daily for 7 days to obtain relief from chest or epigastric pain. At Uttarakhand in Western Himalaya, A. carinata is used to treat rheumatism, sciatica and nerve pain. Some of the phytochemicals like alkaloid, anthocyanins, arundinan, bibenzyl, cypripedin, dendrobine, gigantol, glucoside, glycoside, gymopusin, hircinol, jibantine, kinsenoside, loroglossin, nidemin and orchinol, phenanthrene, phenanthropyran, rotundatin and moscatin, stilbenoid, triterpenoid are reported from Acampe Genome.

Few buildings have created such a stir in Singapore as the Esplanade. Opened in 2002, the eye-catching bayfront complex has been dubbed ‘the durians’ by locals because of its resemblance to the spiky (and stinky) tropical fruit. It’s the city’s most prominent performing arts centre and the programme bears an eclectic mix of Western and Eastern influences. Book a gig, concert or theatre show in advance and make a cultural evening of it. Marina Bay’s giant, 42-storey, 165m observation wheel continues to pull a mix of tourists and locals who come for the breathtaking, 360-degree views of the city available from one of its capsules. Each flight lasts 30 mintues and on a clear day the panorama from the top of the wheel stretches into neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia. If you fancy pimping your experience a bit, take a look at the dining and cocktail packages that are available.

Once you’ve glimpsed this beautifully designed green space (from the top of the Marina Bay Sands, perhaps) you won’t be able to stay away. Wander through the Bay East Garden, perfect for enjoying the vibrant plant life and escaping the city bustle for a moment. You won’t want to miss Supertree Grove, where you’ll find a cluster of the iconic, futuristic structures designed to perform environmentally sustainable functions. Then, head to the Cloud Forest Dome to see the world’s tallest indoor waterfall and learn a bit about biodiversity. Check the website for final ticket sale and tour times.

The Marina Bay Sands casino resort is the second casino in Singapore. You can try your hand at 700 games tables and over 2,500 gaming machines, spread out over 4 palatial levels. Costing $5.5 billion to build and featuring an area of 15,000sqm, the actual casino area comprises less than 3% of the integrated resort’s gross floor area. Other facilities include more than 50 restaurants, lots of shopping and meeting-and-convention facilities. Entry is free for foreigners. Read extra info at corporate gift singapore.

It did not take long for her fragrance to become popular. In fact, in the early 1970s, Perfumes of Orient and another massive perfume business called Perfumes of Singapore, owned by her soon to be next husband, Mr. Dadi Balsara, merged to become Perfumes of Singapore Pte Ltd. There were at least two factories that produced thousands of this perfume each month, and it was sold both domestically and internationally. In 1997, Singapore Girl perfume became the top prize offered at the Singapore Manufacturer Association as well.

Search personal injury lawyers on personal injury lawyer directory

Personal injury lawsuit tips. Here are some advices for maximizing your chances. Even if you believe you weren’t hurt badly, go to the emergency room or see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury accident. You may have internal injuries, a concussion, or soft tissue damage (like whiplash) that you aren’t even aware of. This helps ensure that you get the treatment you need as quickly as possible. If you wait to seek medical treatment, the insurance company may try to say you weren’t seriously injured. Your medical records will play a crucial role in your claim and help you negotiate the best possible settlement.

Be certain to provide your attorney with the names and addresses of all doctors who have treated you in the past. Insurance companies will try to obtain all of your past medical records in an attempt to prove that your injuries existed before the accident, thereby reducing the potential value of your pain and suffering damage claim. Insurance companies keep records of all claims ever made and share that information with each other through their Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange Database. Once the insurance company has your identifying information, i.e. your name, date of birth and SSN number, the insurance company is certain to find virtually any claims you have ever made in any state.

Thus, personal injury lawyers tend to be especially knowledgeable and have more experience with regard to the area of law known as tort law, which includes civil wrongs and economic or non-economic damages to a person’s property, reputation, or rights. Three million injuries and 40,000 deaths occur every year from 5.5 million car accidents that occur annually. Find additional details on Find Personal Injury Attorneys by State.

Do not reduce your demand more than once until you have a new offer from the adjuster. Never reduce your demand twice without an intervening increased offer from the adjuster; it’s simply not good bargaining. If the adjuster comes up with more reasons for a low offer, go over each one. Once you have dealt with all the adjuster’s arguments, you will either get a reasonable offer, or you will have found out that no reasonable offer is coming and you will have to try to put some additional pressure on the insurance company.

The jury is going to decide your case by looking at the evidence. Even the other party is going to decide whether to offer you a fair settlement based on the strength of your case. That means the more you can do to preserve evidence, the greater the chance of winning your case is going to be. You should take photos of the accident scene and your immediate injuries if you’re able to. It’s important to try to collect names and contact information for witnesses. If there’s a police report, you will want to get a copy as soon as possible. Your attorney can follow up on this information to collect detailed witness statements and prepare the case.

Welcome to the Personal Injury Lawyer Directory. Discover the best personal injury attorneys and motor vehicle accident lawyers. Search top Personal Injury Lawyers that work with all critical accident cases resulting from auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, bike accidents, slip and falls, boating accidents and all other serious injury accidents. Find additional details at Accident Personal Injury Lawyers.

Best quality auto hail repair

Looking for hail or dent repair done on your vehicle?: Here are the benefits of choosing paintless dent repair from your local auto body repair shop. Auto body repair can often be a costly affair. When you go the old fashioned way, you can be sure that your car will be in the repair shop for a few days at least. The traditional methods of repairing dents in vehicles meant that the cost of repairing the dent often outweighed the benefits. Painting costs were often added to the bill, creating many frustrated car owners. With paintless dent repair, you can save money at your auto paint and body store. If you live in a region prone to hail, then affordable dent removal is absolutely essential.

Paintless dent repair (PDR) is the process of removing dents from the body of an automobile. The most practical uses of PDR are for hail damage, door dings, minor creases, large dents and bodyline damage. An experienced PDR technician will use precise tapping with specialized tools to “massage out” dents from the inside of a car’s body. Success rates depend on the professional’s experience, the location of the dent, size of the dent, extent to which the metal has been stretched, and flexibility of the manufacturer’s paint job. This being said, PDR is a much faster method of repair than repainting, which involves hours of sanding, filling, and painting by a professional. A PDR technician can complete the average job in 1-3 hours, often traveling to you to complete the service. For most people with minor dents, leaving their vehicle at a traditional body shop for 4-6 days just simply isn’t realistic. Dent removal is also significantly cheaper than a conventional body repair, often by 60%.

“Can I fix car hail damage myself?” If you have experience working in an auto body shop and have the right dent removal tools, you may be able to fix minor vehicle dents caused by hail. However, we recommend getting a thorough inspection at a highly rated autobody repair center near you, as some situations are not DIY and require more than a YouTube tutorial.

Boost your car value. Dents are an eyesore that depreciates the vehicle’s value. You can solve this problem when you opt for the best car dent remover. If your lease is ending soon, getting the car into tip-top shape becomes even more of a priority. Environmentally friendly. Whenever you take your car to the shop for body work, technicians are likely to use power tools to sand the damaged area, add paint primer, and so forth. With the best paintless dent repair kit, you don’t have to deal with the chemicals and toxic mess created through this process. It’s cleaner and safer to get the job done without plugging anything into an AC outlet. From the ease-of-use standpoint, the suction dent puller is the undisputed winner. The suction cup works with metal and plastic auto bodies. The cups are made of rubber and plastic. Depending on the size of the cup, it can lift upwards of 130 pounds. If you want one of the best suction dent pullers, consider whether the kit includes multiple suction cups. The PDR process is requires patience and a trained eye to see the tiny changes made during each use of a tool. During the repair process it is often required to cycle through each of the previous steps until the dent has been completely removed.

Paintless Dent Repair vs Body Filler: So, how do body shops decide which method to use? It really depends on how damaged the vehicle is. PDR is ideal for removing small dents caused by hail damage. It’s also much cheaper and more eco-friendly compared to body filler, as there are no chemicals involved. In addition, PDR is a good option if you’re looking to sell your car in the future, as painting and traditional dent repair methods can cause the value of your car to depreciate. Plus, PDR typically is a much faster process compared to body filler. Body filler, on the other hand, is optimal for repairing heavily dented vehicles. If hail damage has caused the vehicle’s metal to stretch or crack, then it will need to be repaired with body filler. In addition, if hail has damaged your vehicle’s paint, conventional methods will need to be used to repair the damage.

If needed on your vehicle we will perform additional repairs on the exterior, including traditional body and paint work. We also repair or replace glass with our in-house glass team, Hail can damage things other than your vehicle’s exterior, such as trim or chrome elements. We replace all such components as part of the repair process at no addtional cost to you. After repairs are completed we perform a thorough diagnostic of your vehicle to ensure every dent, ding, scratch, and part replacement has been addressed to our top standards. Discover a few more details at Auto repair hail services Cimarron Hills, Colorado.

What is Paintless Dent Repair? Do Auto Body Shops Recommend Paintless Dent Repair? Paintless dent repair (PDR) refers to a method of removing car dents while keeping the original paint intact. The process sometimes takes only a few minutes–your vehicle no longer has to stay at the auto body shop for days or even weeks. PDR approaches damaged parts of the surface from the inside, which seems more complex than it actually is. This method of repair may be used on steel and aluminum panels. The most common use for PDR is the repair of large dents, hail damage, minor creases, bodyline damage, and door dings.

Limestone retaining wall building provider in Colorado

Limestone retaining wall building tips: If the block Retaining wall is more substantial as in a metre high or more then the fence would have to be behind the wall instead of through or on top. Most Segmental Retaining Wall blocks do not have a big enough cavity or void for the fence post to be directly concreted inside them and would lack the strength to hold the weight of a fence. Generally, most walls are built using an aggregate (Gravel) backfill or in some circumstances No Fines Concrete (NFC). Because of this, an allowance has to be made for the fence post at the early construction stage such as installing PVC Piping as a sleave for the fence post to fit into, this would require some forethought and good planning.

These pros like soapstone because the lines created by grease pencils and markers can stay visible for a long time, whereas soapstone washes off in the rain. The downside is that soapstone doesn’t work as well on wet blocks. You can find these pencils at online retailers. Stagger the overlaps (at least 4 inches for this Versa-Lok product) and try to keep the butt joint between the blocks as tight as possible. Large gaps can create a pathway for water and sediment. Whichever type of block you use, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Shorter retaining walls, however, can be constructed by enthusiastic do-it-yourselfers equipped with some basic construction knowledge. Does that sound like you? If you’re looking to get your hands dirty and enhance your landscape with a retaining wall, these guidelines for building a retaining wall will help you get off to a good start. A retaining wall’s effect on the natural flow of water could impact your neighbors, so some communities require homeowners to obtain a permit before construction commences. You may have to submit plans for your wall and schedule a property inspection to ensure that building a retaining wall won’t create drainage problems.

To ensure the utmost strength, any wall taller than four feet should be carefully designed prior to installation. You have to consider structural reinforcement, drainage and the wall’s overall stability. Tall walls should all be designed for a “battering” effect, where the courses are set back from one another. In other words, the wall slants backwards as it gets taller. This battering effect adds life to a wall that may eventually tilt forward over time from the pressure of the earth behind it. Although battering is one method of strengthening a wall, most segmental systems incorporate this approach in conjunction with the other reinforcement measures mentioned above-reinforcement grids, anchors or steel reinforcement. Find additional details at Building and repair of retaining walls Colorado.

We also repair existing retaining walls. Many railroad tie walls or older concrete retaining walls which may or may not include rocks or boulders are beginning to show signs of failure. Often times a homeowner will build a DIY retaining wall that needs help after years of service. Colorado Retaining Wall specializes in the building and repair of retaining walls. Whether the wall is for a backyard or driveway of a residence or a commercial Shopping Center, we design and build large block walls for all Earth retention requirements. We have the ability to fortify the wall with shotcrete or soil nails which would include helical tie-backs or micropiles. Nearly every wall we build requires engineering and we have deep relationships with engineers that work hand-in-hand with our foremen regardless of the size of project. Please read our reviews and look and our photo gallery.

Contract CIO

Proptech consulting? Data governors, is the bar so high on required data entry that it’s easier to enter none? Sales is an uncertain business, particularly at the upper edge of the “funnel”. A salesperson may not have a sense of which product(s)/service(s) a customer might be a fit for, or the scale or timetable of a likely transaction early in the process – right at the ideal moment when you’d like it captured in the CRM. Consider the (infinite) flexibility they have on what they track about those early-stage/potential deals in their spreadsheets, and configure accordingly. Consider also the new doors AI capabilities are opening to automatically fill in data gaps, etc. Focus your sales team’s efforts on the things that they alone can provide.

Recent incidents should serve as sufficient motivation: UK National Health System – 16 hospitals’ systems were completely shut down by the WannaCry virus, tallying a cost of 100M in 2017. Atlanta – the city government was crippled by ransomware, disabling the city’s ability to operate or fund services in 2018. Marriott/Starwood – 500 million customer records breached in 2018, including birthdates and passport details. Capital One – 100 million customers credit card details and histories were breached in July 2019.

The real power comes when you know how a customer will best interact with YOU. Beyond understanding a customer or client generally, the real benefits come to companies who know how customer needs overlap with the company’s offerings, and to companies who can predict the timing of those needs more fully. This can be challenging when you’re not doing business with a customer yet, but to fill this gap myriad data brokers and aggregators offer data which can be harvested and combined for useful insights. One critical prerequisite for combining multiple outside sources (and later integrating internal data) is to identify a unique key for each record, which ideally can be obtained automatically from data generally complete and accurate in each source. Don’t be dissuaded if this step does require working through exceptions using outsource data cleansing services or temp/intern help. If you’re going to leverage multiple sources of data, it’s a critical step to develop and nurture this unique key; many companies who skip this step end up in a nightmare of duplicate records. See a few more info at CRM data analytics.

Any business should want to have an IT consultant! One of the greatest concerns when adopting new business technology is data security. IT experts can advise a business on the safest technologies to use. The experts can also help businesses identify loopholes in their current systems that may lead to a security breach. Hiring an IT consultant is the right move whenever a business experiences or suspects a data security breach. Internal IT professionals may be too busy managing daily operations to monitor data operations keenly.

A thing every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber liability insurance premiums are significantly increasing in cost and often do not cover all of the damages caused by a cyber breach. Historically, cybersecurity has been an area that is housed solely in the technology department of a company, whether that consists of one or twenty employees. But more and more executives are understanding the importance of being not only knowledgeable but also involved in the conversations and decision-making process when it comes to protecting their data.

Trust is a universal Human Need Turbo-charger! Although we apply this approach to IT-driven transformation, it is truly in effect in every aspect of our lives. Myriad leadership studies have proven the connection between success/efficiency/effectiveness and trust. And each of us can confirm in our own lives the “difference” between situations where trust was absent vs. present; it is not difficult to recall in which situations we were at our best. As with many things, the impact of trust may be seen more clearly by examining what happens when it’s absent. There is something deep in human nature which causes us to hold back, maybe in subconscious self-preservation, in these situations. Read a few extra info on Real estate IT consulting.

GMC Sierra 1500 buyer tricks

Buick Envision buyer advices? Buying used GMC trucks give you a broad array of options to meet both your style preferences and your hauling requirements. Your first course of action is to determine exactly how much power you need. Think about the type of cargo you’ll regularly haul. If it’s not going to be a substantial amount of weight, you probably won’t have to go with a used GMC Sierra 3500. Sierras offer several available types ranging from the 1500 to the 3500 with variations such as crew cab or extended cab and all sorts of engine sizes and horsepower options. Create a checklist of your specific GMC used truck objectives to help you decide which one is right for you. From there, find some potential models and take some test drives. Remember to thoroughly review the CarFax and have any truck you’re interested in buying undergo a thorough inspection by an independent mechanic. This will ensure that you get a fair and honest price for a truck you can depend on for years to come.

Just because the offer you get is higher than the average doesn’t mean you should completely shut them down. It may not be worth the hassle to get the cheapest possible price. Plus, a car’s price doesn’t make up the entire deal. Interest rate, the loan term, and the value of your trade-in are also factors to consider. Remember too that fair treatment from a salesperson and dealership should influence your decision. That cheap price tag may not be worth the rude service and swindling from some GMC dealers. Once you’ve completed all of these steps, it’s time to close the deal. You can decide to either buy at the dealership or have the car and paperwork delivered to your home. The salesperson will take you to the finance and insurance office for you to sign the contract and add on any additional products, like an extended warranty. Look over the contract carefully, and make sure there aren’t any additional charges or fees. Once you’ve signed, the car belongs to you! Don’t take a car that doesn’t have a full tank or isn’t clean. A good salesperson will give you a tour of your new car, including Bluetooth connectivity instructions and an owner’s manual breakdown. You can reschedule for another time if you don’t want to do it at the dealership right then and there.

At first glance, looking at the new 2020 GMC Yukon will have you thinking, “this is strictly a city vehicle.” However, don’t be fooled as its capabilities will satisfy even the avid off-roader. More on that later. Its exterior displays a “large and in charge” appearance with an overall length of 203.9 inches and a height of 74.4 inches. It comes in 9 colors that include black, white, red, silver, and more. The 2020 GMC Yukon offers 3 rows of seating with a capacity of up to 9 passengers. Legroom is ample at 45 inches for the first row, 39 inches for the second, and 24.8 inches for the third. So you, your family, and friends (and the luggage) can all come along whether it is for a short drive within the city or a long drive across the entire state of LA. Another notable feature of the vehicle include tri-zone automatic climate controls. This means everyone can ride in comfort. See more info at 2020 GMC Yukon.

One of our biggest complaints about last year’s GMC Terrain was that it kept most of the advanced safety features on the options sheet — very few items came standard. For the most part, that’s changed with the 2020 model. GMC has made lane keeping assist, low-speed forward collision warning, front pedestrian detection, and automatic emergency braking all standard. On top of those added standard features, the 2020 GMC Terrain still gets a comfortable and attractive interior, a lengthy list of upscale optional features and an intuitive cabin layout. Unfortunately, the Terrain also has some significant drawbacks worth noting.

Narrow your choices to a few cars. Once you’ve set your budget and the type of ownership you’re looking for, start researching the cars that have caught your eye to see if they fit your criteria. Visit automaker websites and independent automotive information sites to assess the features that are important to you, and note MSRPs (manufacturer’s suggested retail prices) and invoice prices. Check local inventory listings to see what is available in your area. When you’ve narrowed your choices down to a few top options, don’t rush off to the dealership for a test drive just yet. Explore additional info at

Here you can get free Instagram followers and growth guides

More Instagram followers advices: You can also find more related hashtags and their popularity if you search for any of your target keywords directly in the Instagram app. You’ll want to go through this exercise trying different keywords that describe your brand and products, building out your hashtag keyword list as you go. Keep in mind that Instagram allows for a maximum of 30 hashtags per post. Additionally, the popular words will change over time, so make sure you revisit your hashtag keywords every few months to make sure you’re using the best possible terms. You can also steal hashtag ideas from competitors or similar accounts that have the kind of following you aspire to have, but you ultimately want to create your own groups of hashtags to use that relate to your specific account.

How do video views impact your social proof? When people hit up your profile and see that a vast majority of your videos have lots of views, likes, and even some comments going on – it’s a huge indicator of the fact that you’re probably someone that’s worth following because you create content others enjoy. Now, if your profile has dozens or even hundreds of videos, the easiest way to build up a high view-count and maintain it at a steady average is by getting your followers to keep coming back and interact with your content, time and time again. However, we all have to start somewhere. What if your profile has a tiny following? What if you’ve only got a handful of views at best? Likely there’s barely any chance of that sort of social re-interaction happening on its own.

This is a majorly under-utilized Instagram hack to growing your following – and one you should definitely try out for 2020! Instagram offers up a “Suggested for you” list when you visit an Instagram profile – you just have to click the downward arrow underneath the account’s bio: Instagram curates this list of Instagram profiles based on your interests, who you follow, but also based on that account’s activity. For example, if you click on the Suggested for you button on Later’s profile, you may find accounts like Instagram for Creators, Canva, Your Social Team and Over – all brands that we regularly engage and communicate with. The Instagram algorithm can tell that we have a relationship with these brands and thinks that they would be of interest to anyone who follows Later.

When the opportunity presents itself, aligning your content with trending topics or hashtags can improve discoverability and engagement. For example, you can ride the wave of a trending topic or event, such as a holiday, in a relevant way to boost your engagement and reach. Or you can participate in one of the many hashtag holidays that exist, such as #NationalCoffeeDay (falling on October 1st in 2018). Mark relevant events in your calendar so you can prepare relevant content in advance. Be sure to join the conversation in a meaningful way and when in doubt, ask yourself if your target audience would actually pay attention to the trend.

Did you know that your Instagram caption can be up to 2,200 characters long? That’s a whole lot of space to share with your audience. One of the factors that affects how your Instagram post performs in the algorithm is “time spent on post.” So one of the easiest ways of improving your Instagram engagement is simply writing longer captions! We teamed up with influencers marketing platform Fohr to crunch the numbers and determine just how much caption length impacted engagement. Last year, we saw a great new trend of brands and businesses really taking advantage of this character count and writing longer, more in-depth captions. Some even had to continue their caption into the comments section!

Think outside of your niche too; is there a blogging group for your nearest city or country? For travel bloggers, can you answer questions on local tourist boards or national flight company Facebook pages? Etc. To recap: networking through Twitter, joining Facebook groups, and Instagram pods, will not only help bloggers gain more social media followers but also create the opportunity to build relationships with fellow bloggers. While participating in Twitter Chats and Facebook groups, be professional. Don’t be afraid to offer support to other bloggers who seek help. Offer your advice, not your agenda! Be aware, keyboard warriors exist within these blogging communities too.

Torque trading website reviews

Torque trading bot reviews? Rule number one of investing; don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. You should go into this ready to lose whatever you put in. Ultimately, as the price swings up and down, you should remain calm and still be living a healthy life with room for regular spending. I’ve heard countless horror stories of people investing greedily with their entire life savings or borrowing large sums of money. This is a HUGE mistake.

A lot of Altcoins end up losing value over a certain period of time, sometimes in an unusually short period of time. It is, therefore, paramount to understand that whenever you hold an altcoin for the long term, be careful not to hold on to them for too long. One of the best measures of coins that are perfect for long-term investments is the daily trading volumes. The higher the daily trading volume, the more suitable an asset is for long-term investments. If you’re thinking of going long term with cryptocurrencies, consider investing in some of the following coins: Ethereum (ETH), Factor (FCT), Monero (XRM), and Dash. These have decent trading volumes on various exchanges around the world.

Is Torque Trading Systems company officially registered? The businesses that was setup behind Torque were very decent and well structured. All the business listed are legally registered in Singapore and has been in the financial and technology industry for quite a while. I did some further digging and found a few more interesting facts. They have offices all over the world: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Dubai, China, Hongkong and Australia. So it’s seems legit to me. A scam is rarely having several registered addresses around the world. So physical Offices, Owners And Company Documents Legit are Verified. Discover extra details on Torque trading systems.

But what makes Torque trading system so special are these few things: Due to the high volume of trades every day, they are able to trade in very low commission environment setup for higher profitability.

What could be the expected profit from Torque Trading Systems if I invest $200? The minimum investment is 1 ETH (which is around 200USD now). They are claiming to perform 0.15% to 0.45% daily profits. But I have been with them for a few months now and the average is around 0.3~% daily. Only once did it hit 0.41% and the community are really happy about it. Let me do the maths for you: If I invested 1 ETH, my daily profit will be around 0.22%, which means 1 month there will be 0.3% x 30 days = ~ 9% returns a month. A conventional safe investment is 4%, to beat inflation. We are doing 9% a month. Do the maths and you will understand why it is getting so much traction.

Torque Trading Systems has been created with the sole purpose of providing everyone an alternative to self-managed cryptocurrency portfolios. Torque is currently operating in 5 countries across Asia, driven by a team of traders with each of them having more than 10 years of trading experience in traditional markets and instruments, have discovered huge opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies. Torque is now 60 men strong with the largest team of coders based in Vietnam. See more details on

Top fridges for India market in 2020

Which is the top fridge sold in India? LG260. Only a few brands in the whole world can match the quality of L.G refrigerators. It comes 1st on the list because this is the best Inverter Technology refrigerator in India. It is the energy-efficient, cost-efficient and looks very stylish with a glossy steel finish. This model has 4.5 ratings from over 800 customers. This model is one of the most energy-efficient double door refrigerators on the market with 4-star BEE ratings. All its operations are stabilizer free. It can handle voltage fluctuations from 100-290 volts.

Samsung 212L 3 Star Direct Cool Refrigerator. Compared to the LG and Haier models mentioned above, Samsung has larger capacity. But the downside is that it consumes more energy and has only 3 star rating compared to 4 star rating of Haier and LG. Just like LG, this refrigerator also has a fresh cool zone in addition to the super freeze zone for keeping milk, curd and desserts. Stabilizer free operation; Big bottle guard that ensures enough space for keeping larger bottles; Toughened glass Shelves capable of holding up to 150 kg weight; Keyhole on the Chromium Handle; Anti-bacterial gasket that prevents fungal and bacterial build-up inside the refrigerator.

Whirlpool’s range of models with Intellisense Inverter Compressor is quite popular these days. This BEE 4 star rated model is among some of the most energy-efficient models in this size range in the market. This refrigerator has a lot of sensors that optimise the performance of the refrigerator based on load, weather conditions and usage patterns. The inverter technology also provides it with a stabiliser free operation and it can operate perfectly between 160-200V. The Whirlpool’s IntelliSense inverter technology cools faster and consumes less electricity. It also has micro block technology to prevent up to 99% bacterial growth. The fresh flow tower provides adequate cool air throughout the refrigerator. The active deo also keeps the air inside the refrigerator odour-free. On the whole, it is a great refrigerator to keep food fresh for a long duration. Explore a few more details at Best refrigerators in India 2020.

Fridge trick : Cool things off before you put them into the fridge. Maybe you cooked a big batch of food on Sunday so you could assemble no-cook meals throughout the rest of the week? Good for you — that was smart. But before you put that hot food in the fridge, consider letting it cool on the countertop for a little bit. When you put something hot in the fridge, the appliance has to work extra hard to cool it down (and to regulate the other contents in there). Just be sure to avoid letting your food enter the “danger zone“: Food enters a danger zone between temperatures of 40°F and 140°F, so never leave food out at room temperature for longer than two hours. And only one hour if it is a hot day!

Store together or always separate? The rule of thumb is to store like with like: meat with meat and fish with fish; veg and fruit in separate veg drawers (mixing the two often results in the ethylene the fruit produces spoiling the veg); herbs and green leaves away from the icy-cold back of the fridge (to which they’ll inevitably stick, thereby making a mess of both your fridge and your salad plans.) Adjust your shelves, and stack wisely: use flat long containers (juice carton-length) to make use of the full depth of your fridge; use lidded containers that can stack in order of height; put tall things behind short ones (so nothing is hidden); and position duplicates (bottles of beer, say) one directly behind the other. Glass is best for visibility, hygiene and sustainability: get containers with lids that shut tight. Label anything opened or decanted with the date of purchase: washi tape is undeniably good-looking, but any plain tape you can write on works too. Find a few extra details on

Top mobiles 2020 and phone buyer guides

Top mobiles in 2020 and phone buyer recommendations? You don’t need to pay up for the $1,399 Galaxy S20 Ultra to get the best camera phone for Android users. The Galaxy S20 Plus is $200 cheapper, and while it doesn’t feature the Ultra’s 108MP main sensor or a telephoto lens with a Space Zoom feature, it still produces shots that surpass what Google’s phones have to offer. And some of the Galaxy S20 Plus’ output even gives the iPhone 11 Pro a run for its money.

Tecno is a relatively new brand to the smartphone circuit of India. Not many consumers are aware of this brand. But nevertheless, this brand has been able to release and launch quite a few impressive products over the last few years. Their January 2020 release – the Tecno Spark Go Plus is a pretty decent device with solid qualities. Especially the fact that it retails for around 6.3k – makes the features that it provides extremely reasonable and valued. It has a 6.52-inch display with a resolution of 7201600 pixels. It runs on the MediaTek Helio A22 processor. The RAM of the device is 2 GB and it has 32 GB internal storage which can be expanded up to 128 GB. Both the rear and the front camera are 8 MP respectively. The battery capacity is 4000 mAh and the operating system is Android 9 Pie.

Tecno Spark Go Plus smartphone was launched on 9th January 2020. The phone comes with a 6.52-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of (720×1600 pixels and an aspect ratio of 20:9. Tecno Spark Go Plus is powered by a 2GHz quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6761) processor. It comes with 2GB of RAM. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs Android 9 Pie and is powered by a 4000mAh battery. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Tecno Spark Go Plus on the rear packs an 8-megapixel camera with an f/2.0 aperture. It sports a 8-megapixel camera on the front for selfies, with an f/2.0 aperture. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs HiOS 5.5.2 based on Android 9 Pie and packs 32GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded via microSD card (up to 128GB) with a dedicated slot. The Tecno Spark Go Plus is a dual-SIM (GSM and GSM) smartphone that accepts Nano-SIM and Nano-SIM cards. The Tecno Spark Go Plus measures 166.70 x 75.80 x 8.40mm (height x width x thickness) . It was launched in Hillier Purple and Vacation Blue colours. See a few more details at Tecno mobile phone specs and prices.

This is one of the best-looking, most well-specced phones we’ve seen in the past year, there’s no doubt about that – from the pop-up selfie camera to the fantastic 6.67-inch screen, the OnePlus 7T Pro exudes quality. A special mention for the OxygenOS software that OnePlus puts on its phones: it features some really good ideas, and in some ways improves on the stock Android that Google provides. Spend a few hours using it and you’ll see what I mean. Other flagship phones might outperform the OnePlus 7T Pro in the camera department, but OnePlus is improving in this area all the time, and there’s no doubt the triple-lens rear camera on the back of this phone is the best OnePlus mobile camera yet.

Google may have just announced its new Pixel 4, but you’ll be very happy with the Pixel 3a if you want a handset with a great camera and decent screen, and aren’t as concerned about sheer speed and performance. Google’s Pixel 3a aims to offer the Pixel 3’s amazing camera at a much lower price and a £399 smartphone that boasts a camera this capable is an appealing prospect. Google has ported much of the Pixel 3’s feature set to the 3a, including exactly the same 12-megapixel sensor with an f/1.8 aperture. Pixel 3a also ships with the latest version of Android 9 along with the latest iteration of the Pixel Launcher. Visually, it’s identical to the software you’ll find on the flagship Pixels and that’s a good thing for many. With these more affordable phones – especially if you want the highest-spec devices available – you’re often restricted to convoluted software from the likes of Oppo, Xiaomi and Huawei. Find a few extra info at