Mocienne Petit Jackson book The dark side of the Netherlands launched in japanese and chinese

Mocienne Petit Jackson book Betrayal launched in japanese : An important reason for writing this trilogy is that I want the world to know that I am not obsessed with my blood tie to Michael Jackson. I also want to make clear that I fully understand how difficult it must be for thousands of fans to accept that I am his daughter. With my books, I hope to present the possibility that he started to show odd behavior because he had had a secret daughter from the age of seventeen – not an easy situation for someone like him! For me, I have let go of all the pain and remember only the good things about him. He is gone, and he was truly a gift from god. I feel sorry for Michael Jackson because he had a bad life. R.I P., I love you always. Thank you for what you have taught me about life.

Additionally, due to the fact that her aunt Diana Ross has declined to provide the press with a comment regarding Michael Jackson since his death, Ms Jackson believes that crucial insights about the story are being concealed from the public. As a result of this, Ms Jackson was prompted to write the second instalment of her three-part autobiographical series, Thriller: The Dark side of the Netherlands, which focuses on her life in the Netherlands as well as the context surrounding the court case. Legal circumstances aside, Ms Jackson also expresses a strong personal sentiment toward Michael Jackson. She claims that, although the relationship she had had with her father did not manage to fully develop into adulthood,…” , he had indeed loved her and he was glad to have her as his child.

People judge me for how I am leading my life, for my past and for what I believe to be true. They call me mentally ill and a liar because it is about Michael Jackson the Illusionist, the King of Pop. People talk about me like they know everything about me. I am just living my life. I want to be a part of the illusion of the life of Michael Jackson, the artist they call the King of Pop. For that, I have to go on the internet as the crazy woman for the rest of my life.

With “Black or White,” Jackson lashed out at his public perception. In the interim since 1987’s Bad, he’d grappled with both outlandish rumors (buying the Elephant Man’s bones, sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber) and some that drew blood (allegations of bleaching his skin). The innocent popcorn-eating Michael of Thriller was gone, but calling him “Wacko Jacko” was slander. He wanted us to know he was a man, an eccentric sure, but an adult with deeply rooted beliefs. Released only five months before the LA Riots, the Rodney King beating and murder of Latasha Harlins almost certainly factored into Jackson’s increasingly political slant. “Black or White” articulated a utopian vision of a post-racial future while acknowledging the sins of contemporary bigotry. He demands equality, shouting that he “ain’t second to none.” He growls, “I ain’t scared of no sheets” (presumably Klansmen). Its hook offers his dream of a color-blind society, echoing Martin Luther King.

Album reviews : Michael Jackson family now and his top songs: Now, admittedly, it’s child’s play to see the flaws and nitpick this release from here until the next one. (Oh, don’t deny it…you know it’s coming.) However, the real joy is hearing Michael Jackson on something that isn’t “Beat It” or “Heal the World” or something we’ve all spun thousands of times, especially over the past year. While nothing on this record comes close to rivaling any of his past material, you can’t deny the urge to indulge yourself in something labeled, “new Michael Jackson”, and that’s where Michael succeeds. In terms of lasting power, however, you’ll probably forget about it in a matter of weeks, but who knows? Maybe you’ll feel nostalgic again. After all, that’s what death does to the best of us. Still, as we learned with Invincible, it takes more than just a studio effort to conjure up the magic. Read additional details on Michael Jackson’s daughter books.

Bad (1987): And now, we get to the heavy hitters. Bad is one of the defining albums of my childhood – one of my earliest memories is “proving” to my parents that I knew every word of the title track by singing it at the dinner table. Equal parts rock, pop and soul, Bad may have suffered from the Thriller curse in the 80s – pundits recognized it was good, but not AS GOOD as one of the best albums ever made, always an unfair criticism – but the album’s cavalcade of hits, and its influence on pop and R&B at the time, cannot be denied. Bad may not have aged as well as some of MJ’s other top-shelf releases but that doesn’t make it any less groundbreaking. Forgotten Favorites: “Speed Demon,” “Just Good Friends,” “Another Part of Me”.

Halki diabetes remedy review and other diabetes treatments advices

Diabetes prevention tricks and Halki diabetes remedy review: Much of the benefit of exercise occurs independent of weight loss. However, when combined with weight loss, the benefits increase substantially. In people at risk for diabetes, weight loss can improve insulin sensitivity as well as delay, and even prevent progression to type 2 diabetes. In patients with overt diabetes, weight loss can play a tremendous role in improving blood sugar control. Two large studies — one in Finland and the other in the U.S. (the Diabetes Prevention Program [DPP]) — have shown the benefit of weight loss in diabetes prevention. In the Finnish study, more than 500 men and women with impaired glucose tolerance were assigned to a control group or an exercise/weight loss group. By the end of the study, the weight loss group had lost about 8 pounds, and the control group about 2 pounds. The weight loss group had significantly less participants develop diabetes than the control group.

Check your risk of diabetes. Take the Life! risk assessment test and learn more about your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A 12+ score indicates that you are at high risk and may be eligible for the Life! program – a free Victorian lifestyle modification program that helps you reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or call 13 RISK (13 7475).

Pros and cons of the Halki Diabetes Remedy: The Halki Diabetes Remedy website states that the Halki Diabetes Remedy will provide you with meals, recipes and exercises to help you control your blood sugar. In particular, the salad dressings that you eat on this program are made with ingredients, such as kohlrabi, broccoli sprouts and marjoram, that protect and repair cells against oxidative damage caused by PM2.5. There is also a detox tea that is supposed to boost the power of these ingredients. You receive recipes for these salad dressings, along with a three-week protocol to follow. The recipes only take 60 seconds to make! And best of all, you get access to this “remedy” for only $37, as well as bonus material on how to achieve your goals, how to increase your energy, and the mind–body connection as it relates to diabetes. And if you don’t find that this program is working for you, Eric promises that you’ll get your money back (as long as it’s within 60 days of purchase, of course). Find additional information at Halki diabetes remedy pdf.

The program is digital, so you don’t have to wait or pay for shipping. You just sign in and download the content right onto your laptop, smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. This makes it easy to access the program wherever you are, whether it’s doing some light reading on the couch, buying groceries at the store or cooking up the recipes in the kitchen. Having the program in digital form makes all of this easy and convenient, as you don’t have to carry around a big book with you whenever you want to read, shop, or cook. You also receive a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, which gives you two months to see how changing your diet to include foods that flush toxins out of your system works for you. This is ample time to see results considering you only need 21 days to complete the program.

What results do I discover? Honestly, I barely possessed any quantity of rely on to get in a seemingly over-hyped program. And the only cause I ever used it out was that this posed no chance of aspect-consequences. But, interestingly, this software provided some unexpectedly good results by the end of my training course by using it. My total body weight at this time soon enough was actually over 90 kilos. The program calls for you to stick to a distinct diet regime that includes a very exclusive salad dressing up. Based on the guidelines inside the guideline, I had to get it with my major dishes. I used this method out for about six months. One thing that I religiously put into practice was a tough exercise routine. Read more details at

Tailor made tours in Sri Lanka best pick

Travel to Sri Lanka for a fabulous holiday tour ?Sri Lank safaris and holiday tours … a fabulous travel location that we will focus in this post. Udawalawe National Park: has fewer leopards, it’s a fact. The population is around 10-12, so the chances of spotting them are quite rare. We were extremely lucky to be able to watch two cute young leopards playing with their mother for about 45 minutes at Udawalawe National Park. It was just us and them, and no other jeeps! We were told this particular family of leopards at Udawalawe had grown used to the jeeps so were not shy to make an appearance for us. However, this experience is probably more the exception than the rule. Nonetheless, there is so much wildlife to see at Udawalawe, that we would have found the experience amazing even without spotting the leopards.

Wasgamuwa is in the dry lowlands of the North Central Province, 40km north of the richly bio-diverse Knuckles Massif. All of the big game is found in Wasgamuwa, but bears and leopards are pretty elusive. However, it is very good for observing family units of elephants, still relatively wild with unpredictable temperaments. Situated in the wet south-west of the island, this is the country’s premier rainforest. The canopy towers up to 45m in places and more than half of the trees here are found nowhere else in the world. Mixed-species bird flocks are a key feature of Sinharaja. Around six endemic birds may make up one flock, including species such as red-faced malkoha, green-billed coucal and Sri Lankan blue magpie. Animals present include leopard, purple-faced langur, barking deer and three types of squirrel.

Rank “Diyawadana Nilame” was appointed by Buddhist clergy for administrative matters and caretake of the Tooth Relic in Dalada Maligawa, up to date the Diyawadana Nilame do supervise and hold the responsibilities to protect the standard of historical tradition in the procession by getting advice and blesses from the Mahanayaka Theros(chief monks) of Malwathu and Asgiri temple, two Buddhist monasteries. These two temple holds the custodianship of sacred tooth relic. The procession begins with planting Kap at the auspicious time that prepared by astrologists. The main reason for planting Kap is to protect participants in the procession activities from any obstruction. Also believe that gods and goddesses in ‘four maha Dewalaya’ shrine of god Natha, the shrine of god Vishnu, the shrine of god Kataragama, and the shrine of goddess Paththini give their blesses to them. Find more info Kandy Perahera.

At the heart of Sri Lanka’s tea industry, this charming throwback to the country’s colonial years is rich with the heritage of home-county England. Tour neatly-terraced tea estates, watch pickers at work, and buy your own samples to take home. Tea lovers will want to visit the Hill Country’s Haputale Mountains, where Sir Thomas Lipton launched his tea empire. To see where it all began, organise transport to Lipton’s Seat – Mr Lipton’s favourite spot to sit and watch over his enormous estate. It is possible (and maybe a bit more comfortable) to take a car up, but an open air tuk-tuk ride is much more fun. Head out early before the afternoon fog cloaks the surrounding mountains, clouding the awe-inspiring views.

One of Sri Lanka’s most iconic sights is the Nine Arch Bridge in the small mountain town of Ella. This viewpoint offers spectacular panoramas of the surrounding area, which is made up of verdant greenery and tea fields. Visitors can watch trains roll over the bridge as they make their way along the Demodara Loop. Constructed in the early days of the railway expansion in Sri Lanka, the bridge is particularly impressive because it is made of cement, stone and brick, without the use of any steel. Mihintale is a mountain near the town of Anuradhapura. Its summit has much spiritual significance to the Buddhist community. It’s believed that on this mountain top a Buddhist monk named Mahinda met King Devanampiyatissa and together this meeting introduced Buddhism to the country. Monk Mahinda impressed the King with the peacefulness of the Buddhist doctrine and his contented, serene nature. The King subsequently renounced war, and went on to spread peace throughout the nation. There are several impressive religious and historical structures on and around Mihintale Mountain. Hundreds of pilgrims visit the site each year.

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More Instagram views tricks? So with a shift in how we measure engagement, it’s only natural that we change how we try to improve engagement on our feeds. It’s not just about likes anymore — Instagram engagement is going to become a lot more holistic in 2020! To help you improve your Instagram strategy, we’re sharing our best strategic tips to boosting engagement on your posts, videos and stories. Find a few extra details at

Terry Bear hand signed limited edition art large canvas

Wall art idea: Terry Bear hand signed limited edition art wall print? What if you are hanging wall art over a sofa, bed or table? Choose a piece of art (or a series) that is the same length as the furniture piece or smaller. Avoid wall decor that is wider than the furniture piece; it looks totally weird. What if you have a gigantic wall? Large canvas wall art can be very expensive or hard to get into your apartment. Instead, choose smaller pieces that can be laid like a collage or gallery wall like the contemporary living room above.

Mirrors reflect light, helping a small space to feel bigger and brighter. Try hanging an oversized mirror, or display several smaller pieces salon-style. Let your walls transport you to another place by adding a mural. Whether you hand-paint it or choose a wall covering, the motif will make a big impact. If you’ve run out of floor space for bookshelves, take your collection to the wall. Install floating shelves and display hardcovers, small sculptures, and other odds and ends.

Add this beautiful piece of canvas wall art to any room in your house or office for a great piece of home decor. This is the 1st edition print of a picture taken by artist Terry Bear. Only 40 were printed with each print signed and numbered by the artist. The large wall art print features a thick gallery 1.5 inch canvas wrapped frame that measures 36 x 24 inches. Comes with 2 hooks on both sides of the frame to hang (see pictures).

Terry is renowned for his work ethic and unwavering commitment to customer service and satisfaction. As a professional, he is fun to work with and easy-going with the desire to provide the best TB Art Gallery Large Canvas Wall Print 1st Edition 36×24 Blue & White Rock Signed Living Room Framed Painting Home Decor Add this beautiful piece of canvas wall art to any room in your house or office for a great piece of home décor. This is the 1st edition print of a picture taken by artist Terry Bear. Only 40 were printed with each print signed and numbered by the artist. The large wall art print features a thick gallery 1.5 inch canvas wrapped frame that measures 36 x 24 inches. Comes with 2 hooks on both sides of the frame to hang (see pictures). Find even more info on Terry Bear hand signed art wall print.

Best quality makeup brush cleaner

1st let’s start with a few makeup recommendations: For lip color that lasts hours, just swipe on your shade, lay a tissue over your mouth, then dust translucent powder over the top to set the color from budging or bleeding. This process may seem ~extra~, but the payoff is 100-percent worth it. The translucent powder alone could alter your lip shade, but using the tissue as a shield will protect it from lightening or dulling.

Tightlining: For ladies who love a natural makeup look, tighlining is a great trick to learn. The process involves applying eyeliner right to the base of your lashes to create a fuller and more defined appearance without it looking like you’re wearing makeup. To nail the tightlining technique, use a brush to gently push gel eyeliner into the roots of your upper eyelashes. Lighter Coverage Trick: To create lighter coverage with your foundation, try adding one or two drops of argan oil before applying. The mixture will create a lovely, light formula that’ll easily glide onto your skin for a great result. As the oil will create a glow and help even out light reflectance from your skin, it’s also an excellent trick for looking good in pictures. Discover even more info on Best Makeup Brush Cleaners.

Try tightlining for the perfect no makeup look. Instead of putting the eyeliner on the lashline, apply it beneath the line. Make sure you use a waterproof variant for this one. Use an eyeshadow of the same shade as the eyeliner to set the liner in place. When it comes to smudge prevention, kajal is not the easiest product to work with. However, to ensure your kajal stays put for hours, simply dab some eyeshadow over it once you are done. You can also use an eyeliner. Simply draw a line with the liner over your kajal. It will lock the kajal in place and also look super neat. For a quick smokey eye, apply kohl on your upper and lower lashlines and waterline and then smudge it. Finish off by drawing a sideways ‘V’ on the outer corner and blend well. Rock the sultry smokey eyes for a night out.

Spin&Clean is an innovative brand that is dedicated to creating efficient and effective products to help ease the process when putting on makeup . We launched our first product in 2018, and took the internet by storm. We understand that putting on makeup can be a fuss, especially when cleaning your brushes to reuse them takes up so much time. As such we have designed the most convenient solution for washing your brushes when you’re putting on makeup . Using a highly powered electrical brush, you’ll be able to wash your brushes in a matter of seconds and reuse them, saving you tons of time!

Cleaning and drying your brushes can usually be a very daunting and time-consuming task, and thus is often neglected, leading to unwashed makeup brushes. By leaving your brushes unwashed, they tend to accumulate bacteria, dust, and dirt- all of which are reapplied with the microbes that live on your skin each time you reuse an unwashed makeup brush. This could lead to infections, outbreaks or acne overtime. Thus, by ensuring that your brushes are clean and sanitized, you’ll be able to apply your makeup worry-free! See even more info on

Michael Jackson full cover : songs, career and kids launched in portuguese

Songs reviews : Michael Jackson and family tribute: On the afternoon of June 25th, you couldn’t walk across the street without hearing “Billie Jean” or “Don’t Stop ’til You Get Enough”. Everyone heard the news and they turned to the guy’s discography. Since a great deal of the population didn’t own the records anymore – or, as many of you born in 1984 probably experienced, were forbidden to listen to ’em around the early ’90s – places like Best Buy and/or iTunes witnessed a spike in sales. Within a month, any financial troubles Jackson had left behind were a thing of the past. What’s more, much like the rest of the population, record companies re-discovered his talent again, too. Big whigs signed contracts, projects were penciled in, and products were shipped left and right. Admittedly, and looking back, it’s one of the most impressive comebacks a musician’s ever had – if only it weren’t laced in so much tragedy. Then again, death’s also tricky.

My favorite song on Dangerous is “Remember the Time.” Like so many others on this album, it’s inextricable from its video, which also received the MJ treatment: simultaneous premieres on MTV, Fox and BET in February of 1992. Directed by John Singleton, it stars Eddie Murphy, Iman, the Pharcyde, Magic Johnson, Tiny Lister, and some adorable striped tabbies. It’s probably the only song from Dangerous that can still go off in any club on any given night. If nothing else, they display the full range of his sharply targeted social consciousness, one that encompassed environmentalism, the AIDS pandemic, and every other affliction that still plagues the globe. In that sense, Dangerous might be Jackson’s most complete album, spanning dance music to dark nights of the soul. It’s a portrait of a persecuted genius, desperate to stay relevant, burdened with guilt and rage, lashing out at villains and offering inspiration to allies—always making it seem effortless. Read even more information at Michael Jackson Daughter.

In 2010 I ended up in the world media after I had made a request to the US court to do a DNA test with the now deceased artist Michael Jackson. The entertainment industry thought it was a strange story, with the result that people on various websites and in newspapers called me wrong. The American tabloid TMZ, like many other foreign tabloids, has tried to catch me for an interview. At that moment I thought they would all label me as some crazy person. It might even cost me my Thuiszorg Ernestine BV company once they had the image material they had intended in their hands.

Dangerous (1991): Arguably the most underrated adult-era MJ album. Dangerous might be the first time Michael followed trends instead of setting them but this is no mere cookie-cutter release. MJ’s partnership with Teddy Riley showed that there was more than enough room for him to carve his own niche in the crowded New Jack Swing scene. And he did it effortlessly. Yes, the King of Pop released one of the greatest New Jack Swing albums of all time, crafting an album that blends several musical genres while simultaneously bearing his soul with poignant lyrics. Keep that in mind the next time you get annoyed when a pop singer drops a great R&B album. Forgotten Favorites: “She Drives Me Wild,” “Will You Be There,” “Can’t Let Her Get Away”.

People judge me for how I am leading my life, for my past and for what I believe to be true. They call me mentally ill and a liar because it is about Michael Jackson the Illusionist, the King of Pop. People talk about me like they know everything about me. I am just living my life. I want to be a part of the illusion of the life of Michael Jackson, the artist they call the King of Pop. For that, I have to go on the internet as the crazy woman for the rest of my life.

For our portuguese guests:

Em 2010, eu acabei por ser um tema para os media internacionais, após eu ter feito um pedido ao tribunal americano para fazer um teste de DNA com o agora falecido artista Michael Jackson. A indústria do entretenimento pensou que era uma história estranha, o que fez com que pessoas de vários websites e jornais dissessem que eu estava errada. O tabloide americano TMZ, como muitos outros tabloides estrangeiros, tentou entrevistar-me.

Naquele momento, pensei que todos me iam etiquetar como sendo uma pessoa louca. Poderia até me custar a minha empresa, Thuiszorg Ernestine BV, após terem nas mãos as imagens que pretendiam. Uma importante razão para escrever esta trilogia é que eu quero que o mundo saiba que eu não estou obcecada com a minha ligação de sangue ao Michael Jackson. Eu também quero deixar claro que compreendo perfeitamente o quão difícil deve ser para milhares de fãs aceitarem que eu sou filha dele. Leia mais detalhes neste site

Com os meus livros, eu espero apresentar a possibilidade de que ele começou a mostrar um comportamento estranho porque ele tinha uma filha secreta desde os dezassete anos – uma situação difícil para alguém como ele!

Insects embroidery designs

Top sports embroidery designs online shopping: Satin Stitch Flower Hand Embroidery. Work out satin stitches in this flower embroidery pattern for its wonderfully solid design. With an impeccably elegant design in this pattern, it sure deserves a spot on any fashionable clothing piece.

Other early examples of embroidery are found in China dating to the Warring States period between 5th and 3rd century B.C. In Sweden, the earliest finds of embroidery are from a period known as the Viking Age, around the 9th and 10th centuries. Around the year 1000, the practice of embroidery began to rise in Europe with the growth of the Christian church and royalty gaining power. Richly decorated garments and ornaments in the form of wall hangings and tablecloths were commissioned to display power and wealth. Moreover, embroidery was important and in the Medieval Islamic world because it was a sign of high social status in Muslim societies. In cities such as Damascus, Istanbul, and Cairo, embroidery could be found on items such as handkerchiefs, flags, uniforms, robes, horse trappings, pouches, and covers.

Gone are the days when you had to create embroidery manually in a painstaking manner. Apart from the immense effort, embroidery by hand is also quite expensive since it is a tedious task to accomplish. That is why machine embroidery is the preferred choice. Applique is a type of embroidery that employs a smaller patch or fabric to be applied or sewed onto a larger fabric or surface. It is mostly one piece of fabric in its entirety. These designs look ultra cool and trendy, which is why they are extremely popular these days. From cute themes like hearts and cartoons to quotes and superheroes, you will find a varied range of designs in our gallery. We have skilled professionals on board who have created these beautiful patterns so you can use them to fashion masterpieces of your own. So what are you waiting for? Get started right away! See a few extra info on Applique Embroidery Designs

In 1800s freehand stitching began to dwindle and the machine became more common. Sewing techniques were delivered from a process that was used to tailor, patch, men and reinforce cloths. In the 18th-century art needlework and Berlin wool work began in Berlin. Before the 1870 wool work, canvas thread embroidery was very famous but that was replaced by counted cross stitch using square meshed canvas that had stitch by stitch thread design. As free hand embroidery dwindled bead embroidery was becoming more famous with new needlework stitches.

Another example of work done around this time were the Catworth Cushions. The embroidered tops of five small cushions were formerly housed in the Catworth Church, Huntingdonshire, were sold to the Victoria and Albert Museum with the permission of the Bishop of the diocese. Worked in gold thread and silks on a silk ground that has faded to a pale brown, they depict figures of the apostles and saints beneath canopies. The shields of arms, belonging to the first Earl of Huntingdon, beneath some of the figures help to date the work. It is assumed that the embroideries have some connection to the wedding of William de Clinton, the Earl, to Juliana de Leyburne, in 1329. Read more info on

Colorado Springs tree pruning professional

Colorado Springs tree pruning professional? If your area constantly deals with drought you will want to consider trees listed as drought-tolerant. Some drought-tolerant species include Arizona Cypress, Japanese Zelkova, White Fir, and Kentucky Coffeetree. On the opposite side of the spectrum if your area deals with a large amount of moisture or wet conditions, here are a few trees that will do better in wet conditions: Baldcypress, Shellbark Hickory, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Paper Birch, River Birch, and Weeping Willow.

Do you want to keep your trees safe? First we will suggest some tips on tree care and after that we will introduce Tree Artisans, a tree services company in Colorado Springs. Tree watering is a key part of tree care, but it is difficult to recommend an exact amount due to the variety of climates. A few guidelines will help you to water your trees properly. For new trees, water immediately after you plant a tree. Usually 30 seconds with a steady stream of water from a garden hose w/ a diffuser nozzle per tree seedling is sufficient. During the first couple growing seasons, your newly planted tree is expending a lot of energy trying to get its roots established in the soil. Especially during the first few summers of your new trees life, it will have a difficult time dealing with heat and drought. You can make this easier by providing water and covering the soil with wood-chip mulch. Deep watering can help speed the root establishment. Deep water consists of keeping the soil moist to a depth that includes all the roots.

Tree staking is never done with the intention of harming a tree. Staking is usually done with love and with a desire to promote root and trunk growth and protect a young tree from harm. What some tree planters do not understand is, rather than helping a tree develop root and trunk growth, improper tree staking replaces a supportive trunk and root system with an artificial support that causes the tree to put its resources into growing taller but not growing wider. Many people wait until spring to begin thinking about their landscaping, but the pros know that getting a head start in the fall can make springtime care easier and more rewarding. There are a few important steps to take when preparing your trees for colder weather. Nip problems in the bud by practicing the PINE method: prune, inspect, nourish and extend. Remember that healthy, well cared for trees generally don’t die, snap, lose limbs, or house termites. Keeping your trees healthy can help prevent damage to your home and property.

Trees are an important element to your backyard landscape. Not only do trees provide much-needed shade in our increasingly urban suburbia, but their lush, green foliage adds amazing aesthetics. But sometimes our common backyard trees can fall victim to unforeseeable natural threats, which can weaken and eventually kill them. Here, we’ll review the most common threats to trees and how you can protect your trees from damage. There are hundreds of different kinds of common diseases, pests and other natural threats that can affect your trees. Here are the most common. Find additional info on Tree stump services in Colorado Springs.

Looking for the best picks if you want to cut down the tree maintenance costs? Start with picking the right trees for Colorado! Nancy is a big fan of American Hornbeams, in part because of the striking patterns on their bark. The beautifully textured bark is sinewy, like well-developed muscles on an athlete. No surprise that the tree is also known as a “Musclewood!” Another remarkable feature of this Hornbeam is the pagoda-shaped fruit it produces in the fall. Fall leaf color is a mottled yellow and red. The fruit and the bark give this tree an especially elegant appearance in a winter landscape. American Hornbeams grow 25 to 30 feet tall and wide. They have a moderate growth rate. This Hornbeam should be watered normally for the first three years. They are somewhat drought tolerant once established.

Some common tree pests found in late spring and summer include borers, mites, scales, and beetles. They can cause wilting, canopy thinning, premature leaf drop, and branch dieback. Many of these insects feed on various types of deciduous and evergreen species. Treatments – including the release of beneficial insects – can suppress the impact of damaging pests. Examples of natural predators to these pests include lady beetles, green lacewings, trichogramma wasps, and predaceous mites.

VLG Studios and the fine wildlife artwork

Let’s discuss the best places where a wildlife photographer can get the maximum inspiration. Looking for some more option with majestic landscape then you should definitely opt for this one. With the soaring granite and snowy summit of Denali National Park is another spot for the wildlife photography lovers. Towering high up in the North American skyline, Denali ascends to 20,310 feet offering one of the jaw dropping sights for the onlookers The national park is situated in Interior Alaska. With a mixture of forest and deciduous taiga this parks has created that perfect life for the wildlife here. The park is home to variety of birds, large mammals and other plants and wildlife of the region.

Finland: Wolverines have an almost mythical reputation, so rare is it to see them in the wild. But we have a tour operator with a secret, one that takes you to a remote woodland cabin where baiting, an admittedly controversial practise, has led to daily visits from wolverines and a very good chance of seeing them from nearby hides. Camera traps, thermal imaging and night vision may all be employed but much of the time you’ll be either in a hide or a vehicle, with little walking involved.

The painting is entitled “DON’T WALK, WALK!”. Completed in May of 2012, using acrylic paints, it depicts an inquisitive Grevy’s Zebra from a herd at Chester Zoo. The image is based upon my own digital photograph. It is professionally framed to exhibition standards with a solid natural beech frame. The entire piece measures 2′ (63cm) wide by 3′ (92cm) high. Due to it’s size and that its framed with glass, this painting is only available for collection. Read more information on Wildlife Original Drawings.

My new supplier going forward is a UK based company that focuses on minimising their impact on the environment, and aims to guide and influence their customers into making eco-friendly choices for their printing. Through this, I am now able to offer products that: were produced by a waterless and chemical free printer; are supplied in only recycled boxes with biodegradable eco-flo packaging as an alternative to polyester ‘peanuts’; contain only 100% recycled paper or paper from sustainably managed forests; use Carbon Offset papers and printed with vegetable oil based inks; and produced by people who recycle 100% of their printing generated waste with none going to landfill!

2019 – Liverpool Art Fair: “What’s Occurring?” completed in 2015 in acrylics measures 26″ by 14″, and was featured in the 2019 Liverpool Art Fair exhibition at the Metquarter for a total of three months. 2015 – National Exhibition of Wildlife Art: My painting, “A Road to Survival”, on display at the exhibition arena in South Wirral, Merseyside. Painted in acrylics and measuring 26″ by 14″, the final piece is mounted in a solid oak wood frame. Find more info at

Home painting services in Jacksonville with a top company

Home painting services company in Jacksonville : Referrals and Portfolios! The interwebs are an amazing resource for getting a sense of what your contractor can do and what kind of experience they offer. Browse their reviews online, as a starting point, and be sure to take note of how your prospective pro responds. Something can be learned from how they handle the occasional (sometimes inevitable) poor review too. You also could ask your contractor which local houses they have painted. We don’t recommend walking around the person’s yard, poking at trim or deck boards, but there’s no harm in driving by. In short, if your contractor says they do good work, don’t just take their word for it. They should be ready and proud to display their craftsmanship.

Persistence, persistence, and more persistence: Never take no for an answer, and never give up. Put down the brush! The most important part of good business advice is to actually follow it. I made a huge pivotal change in my business approach when I was told that to be really successful, you have to take the brush out of your hands. Some of my other favorite bits of advice have been: Keep your costs down but don’t bite off your nose to spite your face. Surround yourself with good, positive people.

We are a painting company who shows up on time, every time! We use quality products, possess years of experience, and real craftsmanship. All the while displaying a level of customer service few will even comprehend! Here at Pro Color Painting we aim to exceed the “norm” with your residential painting needs. For most their home is their biggest investment and thus, requires special attention. This contributes to why Pro Color Painting has a specific residential home painting crew they send to every Jacksonville residential re-paint. Discover even more info at Home painting services Jacksonville.

Doing small jobs just for the money. I swear, the small jobs cause ALL the problems. They are usually the jobs that you say to yourself, “Whatever, it’s a quick $300 and it’s pretty easy”. But these are the jobs that can cause all the headaches and eat up all your time. Sometimes customers who have the smallest job (and smallest budget) are the pickiest. I once spent a whole week on 2 interior bedrooms because the client didn’t like the color or the finish once it dried. Spend your time acquiring large profitable jobs. For example, I could have finished 2 full exteriors in that week and made 15x as much money.

Professional Painting Contractors Eliminate Headaches: Does your painting contractor know the importance of customer satisfaction and value? Eliminating the problems that can occur with any project off your plate and ensuring things go smoothly is our job. A lot is in the planning; many times we will go the extra mile; even over and above the contract scope. Here at Pro Color Painting Contractors we strive to produce the highest quality product & make the whole experience as easy on the client as possible. A Paint Contractor Should Never Ask For Full Payment: While some paint contractors may request a deposit before commencing the work as to purchase materials and such. BEWARE of a painting contractor who asks for full payment before the project is finished! Or painting contractors who need draws ahead of schedule. If he is unable to finish the job without being paid in advance; something is wrong and “shortcuts” may occur. Don’t become victim to painting contractors who leave the job unfinished or below standard. Find additional information on Painting Contractor Jacksonville.

What can you see in Korea and the incredible korean massage

Korea top destinations selection and the famous korean massage, i believe i have your attention already! First let’s begin looking at some amazing South Korea attractions and a couple of words about the korean massage, something that any traveler to Korea should not miss!

Of the five grand palaces built by the Joseon Dyantasy in the 15th century around Seoul, Changdeokgung Palace was always the preferred royal residence. It’s where the king and royal family lived their daily lives. It’s not one building, it’s a complex of buildings, and each served a different purpose. Some are accommodations, some are libraries, dining rooms, and meeting rooms, among other uses. Be sure to spend some time in the 78-acre Huwon, or palace garden, located behind the palace. It’s filled with pathways, green spaces, pagodas, streams, and lakes.

Hallasan National Park is home to South Korea’s tallest mountain: Hallasan Mountain. Traditionally, Hallasan Mountain was called Mount Yeongjusan, meaning ‘the mountain high enough to pull the galaxy’. The park is situated in South Korea’s Jeju Island. There are trails suited to every fitness level snaking around the area. Even the hike to the summit of Mont Hallasan is pretty relaxing, and suited to intermediate level hikers. This mountain was once an active volcano; at the summit, you can find evidence of this in the form of a stunning crater lake.

The beautiful and the buff frequent for their gorgeous body color fix. Specializing in tanning machines and spray tanning, your desired shade will be discussed before choosing the strength and type of machine you prefer. Extra tanning lotion can be added for an even darker glow, and face masks provided for those who don’t wish to tan their face. State-of-the-art products and equipment make this the best choice for anyone that is serious about tanning. Discover more info at

For something simple and straight to the point, this mogyoktang in Myeongdong is perfect for soaking in some warm, healing waters. Unfortunately for the gentlemen, but this Myeongdong Women’s Bathhouse is only for the ladies! Unlike a jjimjilbang which often has more facilities, mogyoktang are typically just a bathhouse with a more condensed offering. Soak in the warm ginseng and cypress bath then clear out toxins through your pores by steaming in a sauna. Next, have your skin exfoliated with a full body scrub and release the knots in your muscles with a soothing oil massage and facial pack made of cucumber or seaweed. Last but not least, treat your scalp to a spa rinse and conditioning treatment.

For our korean visitors:

평범한 지질 방이 아니라 한국의 전통 사우나는 강남 군중이 자주 이용하는 고급스러운 여성 전용 스파입니다. 파인 우드 목욕 공간은 오아시스처럼 장식되어 있으며 바닷물 수영장, 인삼, 미네랄 및 장미 목욕뿐만 아니라 슬리밍 및 마사지 공간이 있습니다. 양질의 한국 음식을 제공하는 식당과 건강을위한 주스 바를 확인하십시오.

지친 일상에 나만의 힐링 마사지! 생활에 활력을 불어 넣어줄 전국의 마사지 업소들과 제휴하여 더욱 저렴하고 편리하게 이용 하실 수 있습니다. 위치 기반을 통해 가까운 업소를 찾아 드리고 회원들간의 솔직한 리뷰를 통해 간접 체험해 볼 수 있습니다. 회사는 지속적으로 많은 업체들과 함께 건강한 마사지 문화가 정착되기 위해 역할 수행을 최고의 목표로 운영할 것이며, 앞으로도 업체와 기업간의 발전이 회사의 가치창출이라는 명제하에 더욱 신뢰성 있는 정보로 마사지 문화를 선도하는 기업이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 이 웹 사이트에 대한 자세한 내용을 읽으십시오건마.

유명한 홍삼 치료로 유명한 SPA 1899에는 모든 스파 패키지가 있습니다. 얼굴 마사지, 전신 트리트먼트 등 신체의 여러 부분에 초점을 맞춘 트리트먼트 중에서 선택하십시오. 당신은 당신의 요구에 맞는 것을 확실히 찾을 것입니다. 숙련 된 치료사의 손에 몸과 마음을 젊어지게하십시오. 그들의 시술이 느리게 노화, 밸런싱 등의 이점을 가지고 있다는 것을 쉽게 알 수 있습니다. 이제 이것은 당신이 뒤로하고 싶어하는 내외부 미용 요법의 종류입니다!

Top travel locations to visit in South Korea and the famous korean massage

Why visit South Korea?, i believe i got your attention already! First let’s begin looking at some amazing South Korea attractions and a few of words about the korean massage, something that any traveler to Korea should not miss!

A very popular resort destination, this volcanic island is best reached via a quick hour-long domestic flight from Seoul. The island boasts beautiful beaches along with a lot of culture and history. The highest mountain in South Korea (a dormant volcano called Hallasan) is here along with miles of giant lava tubes. The lava tubes, which can be explored, are natural air pockets in the hardened lava, the size of railway tunnels. Be sure to visit Jungmun Beach to see the diving women. These are women who free dive hundreds of feet to catch different types of seafood. This tradition started centuries ago, when the local men were all out on the fishing boats. The island also has hundreds of miles of hiking trails and a lot of hot springs and health spas.

Hallasan National Park is home to South Korea’s tallest mountain: Hallasan Mountain. Traditionally, Hallasan Mountain was called Mount Yeongjusan, meaning ‘the mountain high enough to pull the galaxy’. The park is situated in South Korea’s Jeju Island. There are trails suited to every fitness level snaking around the area. Even the hike to the summit of Mont Hallasan is pretty relaxing, and suited to intermediate level hikers. This mountain was once an active volcano; at the summit, you can find evidence of this in the form of a stunning crater lake.

Walk into Coco Lounge’s boudoir shop and you’ll be greeted by the owner’s two dogs. Apart from cuteness overload, this girly one-stop full service nail and massage parlor also provides eyelash extensions and tanning. This is a perfect chill out lounge for those who are looking for a great place to gather together for some manis and a good massage. Order a latte from next door and kick back with a spa pedicure or gel manicure—best new designs and trendy colors guaranteed. Read additional info at

Known for their signature Red Ginseng treatment, SPA 1899 is also home to different spa packages to suit everyone. Choose from treatments that focus on different parts of your body, such as facial massages, full-body treatments, and more. You’ll definitely find one that is tailored to fit your needs. Rejuvenate your body and mind at the hands of the skilled therapists. You can also rest easy knowing that their must-try treatments have the benefits of slow-aging, balancing, and more. Now this is the kind of inner and outer beauty regimen you’d want to get behind!

For our korean visitors:

Coco Lounge의 내실 상점으로 들어가면 주인의 두 개가 인사를드립니다. 귀여움 과부하 외에도이 여성스러운 원 스톱 풀 서비스 네일 및 마사지 팔러는 속눈썹 연장 및 태닝을 제공합니다. 이 곳은 일부 마니 스와 좋은 마사지를 위해 함께 모일 수있는 훌륭한 장소를 찾고있는 사람들에게 완벽한 휴식 공간입니다. 옆집에서 라떼를 주문하고 스파 페디큐어 또는 젤 매니큐어로 반동하십시오. 최고의 새로운 디자인과 최신 유행의 색상이 보장됩니다.

지친 일상에 나만의 힐링 마사지! 생활에 활력을 불어 넣어줄 전국의 마사지 업소들과 제휴하여 더욱 저렴하고 편리하게 이용 하실 수 있습니다. 위치 기반을 통해 가까운 업소를 찾아 드리고 회원들간의 솔직한 리뷰를 통해 간접 체험해 볼 수 있습니다. 회사는 지속적으로 많은 업체들과 함께 건강한 마사지 문화가 정착되기 위해 역할 수행을 최고의 목표로 운영할 것이며, 앞으로도 업체와 기업간의 발전이 회사의 가치창출이라는 명제하에 더욱 신뢰성 있는 정보로 마사지 문화를 선도하는 기업이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 이 웹 사이트에 대한 자세한 내용을 읽으십시오마사지.

한국 전통 목욕탕은 스스로 경험할 수있는 곳입니다. 사우나와 스파 외에도 마사지, 스크럽, 얼굴 트리트먼트, 낮잠을자는 것도 가능합니다. 찜질방으로 잘 알려진 목욕탕에서 밤낮을 보내는 것은 한국의 아름다움과 건강 문화의 큰 부분입니다. 일반적으로 매우 저렴하기 때문에 많은 사람들이 이용할 수 있습니다. 드래곤 힐 스파는 특히 특별하고 인기가 높으며 CNN이 ‘서울이 세계에서 가장 큰 도시인 50 가지 이유’중 하나로 선정되기도했습니다. 드래곤 힐 찜질방 (Dragon Hill jjimjilbang)으로의 낮이나 밤 티켓을 선택하고이 정통 한국 웰니스 문화를 직접 경험해보십시오!

Online wedding guest list platform by Hitch Planner

Online wedding planning platform and tricks for an awesome wedding! It’s always smart to garnish a cocktail with something pretty, but these drinks are especially unique. Flowers are inside the ice cubes while the sprig garnishes are clipped to the coupe with a mini clothespin. It’s true that drip cakes are trending but this mini one is next level. Why? We love that the color is added in the delicate floral accents rather than on the cake itself.

Your wedding is the best (and largest) dinner party of your life. So how exactly do you feed 150 of your nearest and dearest? Well, start with hiring people you trust to deliver—whether that’s the venue’s in-house caterer, a preferred caterer recommended by your planner, or even your favorite taco truck. And don’t be afraid to get creative with your menu! Your guests will enjoy tasting your favorite cocktail as much as they will your grandma’s blueberry pie. Pull up your Pinterest boards, people! It’s finally time to gather inspiration, select a color palette, and create a mood board. If you’re struggling for inspo, planner Jessica Sloane recommends taking a step back to look at things that are already in your world—like how you’ve decorated your house, what you are liking on Instagram, etc.—and draw inspiration from that.

It may be enticing to book the first photographer or florist you meet, but when it comes to booking wedding vendors, it’s essential to not rush into any decisions. Consider at least a few different options to make sure these important wedding day partners understand your vision and can also work within your budget. Are you envisioning a spring garden wedding? Or do you want to be surrounded by gorgeous autumn leaves on your big day? Choose a few ideal dates for your wedding and try to be flexible, if possible, so you’re not constrained when trying to book a venue and your wedding vendors.

Our “Seating Plan” is a drop and drag feature that helps couples customise their wedding floor plan, layout and seating arrangement (you can assign seats for your guests!) Create and Send Out Your HitchPlanner E-Invitation Cards: With a few clicks, you can send out electronic invitation cards so your friends and their partners can quickly RSVP to your Big Day! Actual Day Check In: HitchPlanner function allows guest to e-check in on the actual day, so you will know who turned up! Get Help From Your Friends: Invite your BFFs or Best Man to plan your wedding together using our Collaborator function. You can control and delegate your planning to them, with just a simple click! Discover more information on HitchPlanner Singapore wedding marketplace.

Make a detailed list of everything that has to be done : If you want to enjoy planning your wedding to the max, a good idea is to make an elaborated list of all the things that you will need to do. What kind of services will you need? Who are you going to call? What about the little details like flowers? Food, drinks, dresses for the bridesmaids – you should consider all these things! This ultimate checklist for a wedding can help you by giving you some main ideas. Take time when planning all these things because it can’t be done in a day.

Create an official wedding webpage. Using HitchPlanner, you can create and send your official wedding webpage to everyone! Help yourself stay organized while informing all the guests of any changes in advance, you can also send them reminders. Create an official guest list with HitchPlanner. Create and send invitation cards too. Send invitations to your guests and check the reminders options. This is also a good idea to make any hotel arrangements for guests who are going to travel to attend your wedding. Book an officiant, and get a marriage license. Or if you are getting married in Singapore, be sure to go online to file a Notice of Marriage ( Bear in mind that you can only do so when your wedding day is no later than 21 days and up to 3 months in advance. Bring your NRIC (or passports) and two witnesses (remind them to bring their proof of identity too!) for your ROM.

HitchPlanner is a Singapore-based startup created to solve the hassle of planning a wedding. In our efforts to solve that problem (and after seeing our friends suffer from endless spreadsheets and keeping track of all the messages and replies from various social media platforms – absolute time waster!), we’ve created HitchPlanner to make wedding planning less of a chore so you can focus your energy on enjoying the process instead. Discover even more details at

German PADI diving school in Hurghada

First we will talk about top diving places in the world, benefits of diving in Hurghada and finishing with the presentation of Tauchkurs Hurghada , a diving school that is suited for everyone but especially the german speaking visitors.

The World-Famous Great Barrier Reef: Once you become a diver, it won’t be long until someone asks, “have you been to the Great Barrier Reef?” The world’s best-known diving area, is also an excellent place to get your PADI Open Water certification. The Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 400 types of coral, 1500 species of fish, and the endangered dugong (sea cow). Like all coral reefs, the Great Barrier Reef is vulnerable to global warming, so if you’ve always dreamed of diving here, what are you waiting for?

Located in Malaysia, Sipadan is arguably one of the best five dive sites in the world. The place is teeming with life. You will see turtles, cave systems, sharks, dolphins, schools of fish, bright coral, bright fish, and everything in between. Not only will you get to see these, but you’ll see them in incredible abundance and variety. It was my favorite place in Southeast Asia so definitely don’t miss it if you’ve never had a chance to dive here!

Why Hurghada? For many divers, a visit to the Red Sea is an opportunity to see some of the underwater world’s most charismatic species. During the warm summer months (May – July), plankton blooms in the northern Red Sea attract filter-feeding behemoths, including the whale shark, renowned as the world’s largest fish; and the balletic manta ray. Summer is also a good time for spotting schools of the endangered scalloped hammerhead shark. Discover more info on

For our german guests:

Wenn dich das Thema Tauchen interessiert, dann hast du bestimmt auch schon von den verschieden Verbänden wie PADI, SSI, und CMAS gehört. Tauchverbände sind Organisationen die nach verschiedenen Regeln ausbilden und Tauchschulen in der ganzen Welt unterhalten, über die du deine Tauchgänge machen kannst. Bei unserer deutschen Tauchschule in Hurghada erfährst du die Unterschiede, die Vor- bzw. Nachteile und was du mit dem jeweiligen Tauchschein anstellen kannst. Entdecken extra details Tauchen In Hurghada.

Unser Team der Tauchschule Tauchen Hurghada lädt euch ein die atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt des Roten Meeres zu entdecken. Unsere Deutsche Tauchschule steht für erstklassige Erlebnisse und sicheres Tauchen. Wählt euch den für euch passenden Tauchkurs bei Tauchen Hurghada aus und lasst euch von der Magie des Roten Meeres verzaubern. Informiert euch gleich bei Tauchen Hurghada was eure ausgesuchten Kurse beinhalten und zögert nicht euch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit uns zu buchen.

Ledgestone retaining wall building tips

Limestone retaining wall repair advices: Why you should backfill with stone? Versa-Lok recommends compacting the angular stone as you backfill, but check the installation instructions for the type of block you’re using. Backfill about 8 to 10 inches below the top of the capstones. This will allow enough room for the topsoil and turf. Secure the capstones with a specialty landscape block adhesive, which stays flexible over time. Make sure the blocks are dry before applying the adhesive. Overhang the capstones about 1 to 1-1/2 inch. Joe and Jake use a scrap 2×4 as a guide.

Ensure you order everything you need at once and set aside an allowance for breakages and cutting. Contrary to popular belief, building a fence on top or behind a Block Retaining wall is rather easy. In some cases where only a small amount of retaining is required as in 200-400mm, the fence can be built directly on top of the wall with the fence posts passing through the walling blocks and concreted into the ground as normal. This method would be ok to use with all forms of fencing such as post and rail, colour bond post and rail, good neighbour fencing, tubular panel and even pool fencing.

Colorado Retaining Wall specializes in the building and repair of retaining walls. Whether the wall is for a backyard or driveway of a residence or a commercial Shopping Center, we design and build large block walls for all Earth retention requirements. We have the ability to fortify the wall with shotcrete or soil nails which would include helical tie-backs or micropiles. Nearly every wall we build requires engineering and we have deep relationships with engineers that work hand-in-hand with our foremen regardless of the size of project. Please read our reviews and look and our photo gallery. See even more info at Colorado Retaining Wall Builder.

Designing very tall walls gets rather complex when accounting for lateral pressure, as do the reinforcement options. For example, a retaining wall 8 feet tall is not just twice as strong as a wall 4-foot tall. The 8-foot wall actually needs to be four times stronger. For walls taller than 4 feet, hiring a licensed engineer to develop a design would be a smart move. At the very least, remember to follow the system manufacturer’s instructions to the letter. Plus, keep in mind that building big walls means moving truckloads of soil, gravel and heavy block.

After your drainpipe is in place, you should backfill the rest of the space behind the blocks with either sand or pea gravel—either will allow water to filter through to the drainpipe at the base of the wall. For the best results, backfill with a few inches of the material after laying each course of blocks, and use a hand tamper to compact the material. By tamping the backfill every six inches or so, you’ll ensure that it is packed tightly, which will provide additional support from the pressure of the soil behind the wall.

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Free POS online provider from PymtPOS? Ordorite offers a fully end-to-end management software solution for furniture, bedding and related retailers. The system can manage every aspect of your business from point of sale, inventory control, warehouse management, delivery and logistics, customer service, marketing, mobile solutions, business analytics, omni-channel support and more. Whether you have one store or multiple stores, Ordorite can manage your entire inventory in one efficient system. With our touch friendly, five step Point of Sale, retailers can check inventory availability; create special order products; up-sell and link-sell products; gather customer details and digital signatures.

Talech POS is a cloud-based retail, restaurant & bar and professional services solution that offers point-of-sale (POS), inventory and customer management, appointment scheduling and deep, real-time analytics. The solution stores data in the cloud meaning it can be accessed securely from multiple devices wherever you are in the world. The solution can also be deployed on-premise. The iPad point of sale has distinct versions for the retail, restaurant and professional services categories. For restaurants, key features include easy table management and taking customer orders, process payment from on the floor; the solution supports multiple payment types including split bills and gift cards.

Pymt was launched by two programmers from Birmingham, Alabama. We created Pymt out of necessity as we felt other “free” POS software was sub-par to offer our merchants, and that the POS software that was good quality priced itself above the very small-business owners who needed it most. Does it matter where I’m from? Yes, we currently offer services in the United States, and Canada. We are actively working on supporting additional countries. Drop us a line if you think we should add yours. Read extra information at Point of Sale solution.

By using the advancements in online payment gateway systems, merchants now have the advantage of localizing their customer’s shopping experience. As a result, the financial institutions and payments companies are fast adopting different emerging technologies to stay in form. In this piece, we explore the ways technological applications are revolutionizing the online payment space. This also includes providing offers and relevant information such as local price conversions based on various consumer’s geo-locations and possibly IP-addresses.

Look back to any date and see previous transactions to resend receipts or refund orders. Use a simple date picker to search by date of transaction to find any order instantly. All your order management is quickly accessible straight from the app. Pymt is working hard to provide full-featured, affordable point of sale systems for merchants both big and small. No matter what you do, Pymt wants to help enable you with powerful tools so you can focus on the rest. Free: Receive your first Ethernet or Bluetooth terminal at absolutely no charge. Accepts EMV, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Find more info at PymtPos.

Modern kitchen cabinets plus home decor quality choices

Once considered as bland and boring, white as a color has emerged to be the desired choice for homeowners looking to impart a timeless look to their interiors. When it comes to kitchen cabinets, choosing the right color goes a long way in affecting the surroundings. White undoubtedly is a classic choice and has ruled the roost of the design world for years. No matter what colors are trending, white has always been a predominant choice for kitchen cabinets and is often listed among the top three color choices across all seasons. If you are looking to invest in kitchen interiors, here’s a look at five reasons to go for white cabinets.

It is not essential to hire a professional to assemble RTA cabinets as you can easily install them yourself and save the money. So, you won’t have to deal with labor and installation costs when you buy these cabinets for your kitchen. You can save substantial amounts of money by choosing ready-to assemble cabinetry for your kitchen. Though more affordable than pre-assembled or custom cabinets, ready-to-assemble cabinetry does not compromise on quality. The solid hardwood cabinet doors, frames, and drawer fronts of RTA cabinets, fixed with dovetail joinery, ensure their excellent durability. The body box of these cabinets is mostly constructed with plywood instead of particle board, which makes them extremely strong.

For any contemporary or modern style of kitchen, you can consider European style kitchen cabinets for a more streamlined look. The glossy, as well as matte finish on the European kitchen cabinetry, will add a shine to your kitchen. These European cabinets are available in a wide range of colors and finishes, that will add glamor to your kitchen.

There are various styles of European kitchen cabinets available to complement your home decor. Here are some of these kitchen cabinetry styles to help you to choose as per your suitability. Scandinavian Style: This category of European style kitchen cabinetry features edged top and bottoms with little carvings. These cabinets are usually made of pine wood with simple designs. Scandinavian style of kitchen cabinets offers a clean and uncluttered design, with a blend of minimalism and muted colors. Though simple in design, Scandinavian style kitchen cabinets appear lighter, brighter, and super stylish providing of the element of elegance to your kitchen design.

Dreaming of remodeling your old kitchen? But don’t just settle for any cabinetry style. Cabinet installation in a kitchen may seem like a monumental risk. There are plenty of places where you can buy cabinets from, however at Cabinet DIY, our RTA Kitchen Cabinets are designed to make installation easy and simple for anyone even with the least knowledge. Cabinet DIY offers you plenty of amazing options when it comes to choosing a cabinetry style according to the type of kitchen in your home. Read extra information on

All auto hail repair processes

Automotive hail repair : “Is my repair estimate too high?” We don’t blame you for being worried about getting ripped off on hail damage restoration. To ensure you’re receiving an accurate quote, we recommend getting estimates from multiple dent removal service centers in your area. After you narrow the list down to a few options, we recommend reading customer testimonials to choose the best auto body repair center near you.

Paintless dent repair (PDR) is the process of removing dents from the body of an automobile. The most practical uses of PDR are for hail damage, door dings, minor creases, large dents and bodyline damage. An experienced PDR technician will use precise tapping with specialized tools to “massage out” dents from the inside of a car’s body. Success rates depend on the professional’s experience, the location of the dent, size of the dent, extent to which the metal has been stretched, and flexibility of the manufacturer’s paint job. This being said, PDR is a much faster method of repair than repainting, which involves hours of sanding, filling, and painting by a professional. A PDR technician can complete the average job in 1-3 hours, often traveling to you to complete the service. For most people with minor dents, leaving their vehicle at a traditional body shop for 4-6 days just simply isn’t realistic. Dent removal is also significantly cheaper than a conventional body repair, often by 60%.

If your car is totaled, you probably have two options: Let the insurance company take it to the scrap yard, or ask for your car back. Keep in mind that your car may still be driveable even if it’s considered “totaled,” especially if most of the damage is purely cosmetic. However, keeping a totaled car is always a risk as there could be underlying damage that’s not visible to the naked eye. The cost and difficulty of hail damage repair depends on the severity of the damage. If you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance should cover the cost of repairs if you’ve met your deductible. For specifics regarding the damage of your vehicle, it’s best to talk with a trusted body shop to get an estimate on the cost of repairs.

Best dent repair kits ? Boost your car value. Dents are an eyesore that depreciates the vehicle’s value. You can solve this problem when you opt for the best car dent remover. If your lease is ending soon, getting the car into tip-top shape becomes even more of a priority. Environmentally friendly. Whenever you take your car to the shop for body work, technicians are likely to use power tools to sand the damaged area, add paint primer, and so forth. With the best paintless dent repair kit, you don’t have to deal with the chemicals and toxic mess created through this process. It’s cleaner and safer to get the job done without plugging anything into an AC outlet. From the ease-of-use standpoint, the suction dent puller is the undisputed winner. The suction cup works with metal and plastic auto bodies. The cups are made of rubber and plastic. Depending on the size of the cup, it can lift upwards of 130 pounds. If you want one of the best suction dent pullers, consider whether the kit includes multiple suction cups. First and foremost, the dents must be identified and analyzed before making the repair. The PDR Technician will examine each dent, and how he or she will be able to reach behind the sheet metal. Once the Tech has an understanding of how the repair is done, he or she will choose an area to get started on. The Tech uses a suction-mounted LED to help see the intricacies of the dent, even in the day time. In order to better see the dent, technicians prefer to work in an area which is out of direct sunlight. Find even more information at Hail Damage Repair Dallas, TX.

Joe Dent has a centrally located repair center in the North Dallas area. During certain seasons, we offer pick up /delivery services, free mobile consultations, and free mobile estimates. We pride ourselves on convenience and customer service! From auto hail repairs to small door dings, there is no job too big or small. We understand how stressful this may be for you. As our vehicle is one of our top expenses and when we get caught in the middle of a hail storm we feel helpless. Joe Dent is an auto hail repair specialist and is here to help. This is how our process works: first we perform a hail damage inspection, followed by a hail repair estimation to your insurance company.

South Ossetia tours with unrecognized countries travel

Unrecognized countries travel with Turkmenistan destinations? Amadiya (or Amedi) is my most favorite place in Iraqi Kurdistan. Basically, it is a 5,000-year old village located on the top of a flat mountain, super gorgeous, and the ancient stone gate to the village is still there, very well-preserved. Amedi is rather small but there are plenty of things to do around, like hiking to the surrounding peaks to see the village from above because, otherwise, you can’t really appreciate its composition. The village has been inhabited by several civilizations, including Persians, Christians, Jews and Assyrians and, today, it is a Muslim Sunni village, even though there are a few Christians living there, as there is one liquor store.

Artsakh, or Nagorno-Karabakh, is located in the southeast of the Armenian Highlands. Myriad sources confirm that it has been a part of historical Armenia since antiquity. In the medieval period, however, it fell under foreign rule: first to Persia and then to nomadic Turkic tribes that began invading its borders in the 18th century, starting centuries-long wars against local Armenian noble families. 1988 was a turning point in the history of Karabakh. The people of Artsakh raised their voices using their constitutional rights, seeking to secede from Azerbaijan according to Soviet laws on self-determination. However, every effort to discuss the dispute in a civilized fashion was followed by an escalation of violence. By 1994, the self-defense forces of Artsakh had driven out all Azeri military and civilian presence, establishing de facto rule over Artsakh including territories liberated in 1993-94. Find additional details at Somaliland Tours.

Some ethnologists trace the roots of the Abkhaz to the Heniochi, a fierce tribe documented by Ancient Greek explorers, while others believe their progenitors were Kartvelian (Georgian). Regardless of their origin, everyone agrees that Abkhazians are a culturally distinct Caucasian ethnic group; they have their own language, customs, and pantheon of nature gods (though the majority of Abkhazians today practice Abkhazian Orthodox Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Islam).

Entities that are recognized by only a minority of the world’s states usually reference the declarative doctrine to legitimise their claims. In many situations, international non-recognition is influenced by the presence of a foreign military force in the territory of the contested entity, making the description of the country’s unrecognized status problematic. The international community can judge this military presence too intrusive, reducing the entity to a puppet state where effective sovereignty is retained by the foreign power. Find additional details on