Category: Technology

Obtain PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate advices

Achieve PMP certification tips? Each PMP exam is compiled of unique questions. Not one question is the same. However, many exam takers have declared that most of the included questions are extracted from these knowledge areas: Project Communications Management and Project Stakeholder Management. There are normally not many calculation questions, like for example Earned Value Management, included in the PMP exam. So, do study them and make sure you understand them, but do not lose time memorizing formulas, because there are tons. Integrated Change Control is one of the topics that most exam takers recommend to study in-depth for the exam. There will probably be a considerable amount of questions on this topic.

There are many reasons why some people fail the PMP exam. It may be because of the lack of understanding the exam concepts or the lack of mock exams you took, prior to taking the actual exam. But whatever the reason for failure is, never let it stop you from becoming a certified project manager. There are ways to prepare for your upcoming PMP examination, it would also depend on your learning style and needs. The PMP certification exam is such a huge step in your career as a project manager or a business person. With the right preparations and self-discipline, you’ll be able to pass the 2019 PMP exam and become a certified project manager.

Contact CBTproxy and through PMP proxy exam, get your PMP certification without any hassle. But that won’t be the case if you choose CBTproxy. Just book the exam and get the happiness of adding the certification to your list. Why Proxy Exam at CBTPROXY? The answer is simple – We provide passing guarantee with extra perks. For example, if “A” is a client of CBTproxy. And unfortunately, he is not able to pass the exam (chances are >1%) then, not only we provide the extension until the next attempt, but also the fee of his next attempt is paid by CBTproxy. See extra details on

How long did you study for the PMP exam? I have started studying almost 1.5 months before my PMP Exam. On average I studied 2 hours on weekdays and 3-4 hours during weekends. In the last 10 days, I basically refreshed my concepts using PMP Flash Cards. What was the biggest struggle when preparing for the PMP exam? As the PMP syllabus includes many knowledge areas, it was a bit difficult to memorize all the elements of the knowledge area with corresponding tools, techniques, input/output documents, etc. At the same time, it was also important to link these concepts with real-life experience.

Apply for the multiple certifications offered at ISACA. Join a vibrant community of global information systems audit, security, cybersecurity, and governance. We ensure first time passing guarantee and liberate the candidate from taking the real exam multiple times. You have nothing to fear as we are here to help you. We CBTproxy is always a handshake away. join hands with us now to avail different opportunities which may help you to expand your business and move towards a brightening future. Discover even more info on

Chinese students in Brisbane and school assignments help

School papers for chinese students in Perth? Requested by parents: Lastly, a small minority of students go abroad to study simply because their parents requested it. Parents have a large influence on their children in Chinese culture, so many students may feel that by studying abroad they are adhering to their parents’ wishes and upholding family honour.

There are different types of assignments you can get from your lecturer. The academic essays are actually the most used in the universities. But apart from them, these can be of different categories. For any category of homework you come with, our writing services will comfortably cover them. Your homework can be to conduct a research about something in the UK or US and answer some questions with the result. In some other cases, the homework writing may deal with the news. You may be asked to listen to the news, or to read up a news journal and come up with a report on the information in the news. This is one of the most used in the universities. If you have such in Canada, our homework writing service will also take care of it. Another style is the email writing system, in which a mail is thrown at the students to read and come up with a reply. This is also an advanced assignment system. Our website will take care of all types of homework writing for you. is specialized in providing assistance to chinese students learning abroad in english speaking countries. Why learn overseas? To increase students’ awareness of business practice, professors often arrange Case studies. The assignment requires you to investigate the problem given and come up with a possible solution based on your findings. By completing this task, you will learn how other business professionals can overcome … ASSIGNMENTBANG specializes in Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, various types of College, Diploma, University, Master and even PhD’s Essay, Paper, Report, Assignment, and other various types of editing services !! It also provides services to assist or complete Dissertation independently! Therefore, homework writing for a British thesis is a strength writing agency you can rest assured! We guarantee that any Chinese overseas student’s entrusted writing task will accurately match the writer’s resources. Our aim: “The client’s work is our work!” See more information at here.

Career Opportunities: When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers. Many students find that they love their host country so much that they decide to seek work there. If you can relate, you will find that a local education will be very valuable when searching for a potential job in that country. Our Student Job Center can help you in your search for a career with country work guides, resume writing, and interview preparation.

For our chinese guests:


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Houston IT consulting company

Houston tech consulting company? The world is becoming increasingly personalized. Frequent flier numbers and customer membership programs enable companies to track consumers’ buying patterns; social media platforms and digital marketing channels enable them to know even more about our preferences and lives. The door has been opened to inappropriate uses of this information, as evidenced by the “fake news” and Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandals from the 2016 election. But far more commonly, companies are using customer data in legitimate to personalize their communications with customers, with significant results. Customers are happy for you to know about them. According to Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data in order to enable a personalized B2C experience, and 91% say it actually impacts their buying habits. For B2B purposes, companies have long known there is easy access to public data about them, so any gain in efficiency is welcomed from suppliers who make use of that information (ideally with internal data as well – see below) to streamline the experience for their clients.

The experts at Innovation Vista have brought our expertise together to collaborate on a unique approach to technology that we call Innovating Beyond Efficiency. Traditional IT strategies yield many efficiencies for organizations which invest time and effort into them. Processes are automated, systems are implemented to gather key organization data, and reports are standardized to analyze and communicate that data. These are valuable gains for an organization, and many of these capabilities have risen to the level of requirements for operating in the 21st century. Efficiency is nice.

Every business should aim to have an IT consultant! One of the greatest concerns when adopting new business technology is data security. IT experts can advise a business on the safest technologies to use. The experts can also help businesses identify loopholes in their current systems that may lead to a security breach. Hiring an IT consultant is the right move whenever a business experiences or suspects a data security breach. Internal IT professionals may be too busy managing daily operations to monitor data operations keenly. See even more details at stabilize your IT.

An advice every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber liability insurance premiums are significantly increasing in cost and often do not cover all of the damages caused by a cyber breach. It is vital that CEOs establish the appropriate cybersecurity “tone at the top” for their respective organization, regarding the importance of information security and how cybersecurity is everyone’s shared responsibility in a truly digital world. Establishing an organizational “culture of cybersecurity” has proven to be one of the best defenses against cyber adversaries. It is the people, not the technology, which can either be an organization’s greatest defense, or its weakest link against a cyber-attack.

A key part successful digital transformation is assessing the needs and opportunities of organizations to ensure that the chosen strategy is the optimal path. Executives are justified in concerns about change, but with the pace of innovation being what it is in today’s economy, doing nothing is often actually more risky in many industries. Concerns about information security are legitimate, of course, but those countermeasures are table stakes in their own right, and many approaches to Digitalization do not raise security risks. Explore even more info on AI.

But from my first-hand experience with multiple CRM launches, I can affirm that EVERY company enjoying high adoption of their CRM also shared these traits as an organization: Churn was minimal. Their sales teams were generally happy and envisioned their future career path staying with the organization, The approach was collaborative. Internal poaching of deals was blocked, and entering notes about a lead INCREASED a rep’s chances of benefiting from a future sale, There was space for long-term thinking. Near-term quotas, if present, were manageable and allowed sales staff to work a bit “on” their process not just “in” it, Required data entry, especially in the early stages of a lead, was kept to a minimum. AI was leveraged where possible to fill in gaps and infer data, Sales managers resisted micro-managing on tidbits and details in the CRM, and instead coached for optimum overall long-term performance.

For IT consulting Austin is a great American city, and we’re proud to be operating here. It boasts a strong economy and friendly people. For our IT consultants Austin has been a great place to build experience in the following industries: Healthcare, Financial Services, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Energy. We offer Austin IT consulting across the full suite of Innovation Vista’s services: IT Strategy, C-Suite Tech Advisory, Digital Transformation, Stabilizing IT, Rationalizing IT, Monetizing IT, Weaponizing Data, IT Assessments, M&A/Transitional IT Leadership, CIO Coaching, Part-time CIO Services, System Implementation. Discover additional info at Austin tech consultant.

The rise of a technology thought leader : Nick Ayton

Meet Nick Ayton and some of his tech business achievements… Nick Ayton on the bitcoin generation: There was an uprising similar to Bitcoin the 1960’s in London (a movement) where the average working man on the street, the young and disintermediated, pushed back. They spoke out as individuals and no longer wanted to conform or be suppressed as part of an obedient crowd. This was a break-out because the UK was stuck in a post-war grey period, a dull society where the powerful liked it that way and social norms encouraged conformist behavior as sheep. This young generation spawned the Beatles, The Who, David Bailey, Twiggy, Vidal Sassoon and Mary Quant – the mother of the mini-skirt suddenly developed a voice. They were part of a liberating movement, an emerging culture that encouraged people to express themselves and they did, and there was nothing the establishment could do about it.

An internationally acknowledged tech business leader, Nick works with boards to help them understand the complex nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth. Nick Ayton has worked more than 4 decades in tech fields, trasforming businesses and deploying the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. His most recent project 21 million , will launch an ICO 12th June 2017. 21 million aims to make a crypto-funded blockchain indy tv series about the Bitcoin Revolution, an asset backed Token and a new Media and Film Production business on Ethereum. He advises a range of clients and sits on advisory boards of several Blockchain start ups supporting the founders.

“Nick has a way of getting through to audiences by scaring them a little, then making them laugh. A thought leader and futurist I very much enjoy listening to him” Chainstarter Ventures has a broad International contact base of Investors, Funds, UHNW and Families where we match project opportunities with capital. Nick is number 21 on the Rise Top100 Blockchain people and Global Fintech 100 influencers of 2017. He is an author, speaker and educator and well known Blockchain evangelist. Nick has a background in computer science, has had 8 tech start ups and held a range of corporate roles in the technology services sector including running a €6.6billion P&L with 66,000 staff working for Siemens, CapGemini, CSC amongst others. Explore additional details on Nick Ayton.

A luxury car dealership in Japan now accepts Bitcoin as a payment method through renowned cryptocurrency exchange BitFlyer. According to the company, customers can easily pay for their next prospective vehicle in a matter of minutes — which certainly beats conventional means of buying vehicles, like obtaining finance through a bank. While a Lamborghini may be the goal, people have been able to purchase a wide variety of vehicles, from affordable hatchbacks to luxury sports cars, with cryptocurrency for some time now. While this dealership is driving forward a new payment model, it’s not the first time people have been able to buy cars with crypto. In December last year, a Manchester car owner listed a gold-colored Rolls Royce on Autotrader, which could only be purchased with Bitcoin. BlockShow Asia 2017 also provided the stage for BitCar to promote their platform, which allows people to buy and sell exotic cars like Lambos using cryptocurrency.

NickAyton about crypto app tokes : Blockchain doesn’t discriminate, treating all industries the same. But it is more destructive to some sectors more than others. Any sector that acts as a ‘middleman’ will be first to be disintermediated, a horrible expression I know, lets say ‘destroyed’ then. Any layer in any industry where the core services is checking, validating, settling and matching will be gone! I get great access to entrepreneurs building Blockchains for all industries – from new banking platforms, new forms of payment and remittance, for removing the friction in Insurance brokerage, dealing with the complexities of reinsurance, in music putting artists in control of payments and royalties, in government for land registry and voting, the disbursement of payments and Identity, capital markets for settlement and reconciliation, in healthcare for medical records and linking to devices, in legal services removing the need for lawyers and and and…

Laptop repairs in Hove

PC repair company? Perform a Google search for the problem you’re experiencing. There are countless issues your computer could be experiencing. Problems can occur with your programs, operating system, hardware, or network setup. While it would be impossible to cover every problem in this article, there’s a very good chance that someone else has had the same problem that you’re facing. Searching Google for possible solutions is often the fastest way to get your computer working again. Be specific with your search. Include the program’s name and your operating system. Search for the exact error message along with any error codes. Focus on keywords that describe your problem. Try to narrow it down to your situation as much as possible.

Protect Your Sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is any information that can be used by a cybercriminal to identify or locate an individual. PII includes information such as name, address, phone numbers, data of birth, Social Security Number, IP address, location details, or any other physical or digital identity data. In the new “always-on” world of social media, you should be very cautious about the information you include online. It is recommended that you only show the very minimum about yourself on social media. Consider reviewing your privacy settings across all your social media accounts, particularly Facebook. Adding your home address, birthdate, or any other PII information will dramatically increase your risk of a security breach. Hackers use this information to their advantage!

GDPR requires that you inform the appropriate supervisory authority when you are aware of a breach. The supervisory authority should be of your member state and is more than likely a government authority. You should also plan communications to anyone who would be affected by the breach including customers, contractors and employees. Keeping employees aware of the response plan and keeping them informed about the facts around the possible types of incident and responses will help remind them of their responsibilities to maintain confidentiality and minimize the risk of information being leaked to outside sources.

Windows 10 network cameras support: Another best feature available with Windows 10 version 2004 is native support for network cameras to make it easier for developers to build security and machine learning video analytics solutions. The new support will allow easy discovery, pairing, configuration, and streaming of TCP/IP-enabled for major ONVIF Profile S compliant camera brands. Also, developers will be able to stream from a given RTSP Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) through the same Windows camera APIs. And they’ll also be able to take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) services and features to create high performance end-to-end security solutions, including for common surveillance scenarios like people detection or face sentiment analysis. Find additional info on Computer repair.

There’s a lot in the next Windows release, and we’re only scraping the top of the list of features. What’s clear after having run the current build on both Intel and ARM devices is that Microsoft has done a lot to work on the stability of its flagship OS, at the same time as adding many new features and improvements. As its long incubation period comes to an end, it looks as though 2004 could be one of the most trouble-free Windows 10 updates yet.

Though the situation is improving, unnecessary preinstalled software installed by PC makers continues to be an issue with some new computers. A couple of years ago, a Lenovo PC we tested had nearly 20 so-called helper programs installed, and these would occasionally and unwantedly pop up and interrupt what we were doing on the computer. More recently, the count of preinstalled, unnecessary software has dropped. A new HP laptop included just nine of these apps, while a recent Asus model only had five. Even Microsoft is not blameless in this game, though, including a couple of games from King and perhaps some mixed reality software you may not be interested in. Find extra information at Computer repairs in Hove.

Particle size analysis company with MicroVision Laboratories, Inc.

Eds analysis laboratories in Chelmsford, MA? Our membrane autopsy service uses a combination of microscopy techniques to examine filtration membranes and identify the elemental and chemical composition of any foulant materials present. This analysis also categorizes the degree of fouling and notes any other causes for poor performance, such as physical damage to the membrane surface. MicroVision Labs has extensive experience examining a wide variety of RO, UF and MF membranes, including hollow fibers, cartridge, spiral wound, and tubular membranes.

Approach: MicroVision Labs’ staff consulted with the client, and determined that, unfortunately, there could be a number of potential sources of a white material. Even before the bottle with the suspended material arrived, it was determined that there was less than 50 mL of water remaining, and likely less than a gram of material suspended in the water. The client was aware that this material could represent precipitated minerals from the source water, a polymer residue from the bottles, some form of biological tissue that might have formed despite sterilization procedures, or could very well represent some completely unforeseen foreign material. The issue facing the client is how to have the material tested, as most tests that they might request for one or the other of these known potential sources would destroy or alter the sample. Choosing a test was therefore something of a gamble, because if they tested for calcium (mineral precipitate) and it came up negative – that didn’t actually tell them what the powder was, just that it didn’t have any calcium. Based on this conversation, the non-destructive, specialized testing at MicroVision Laboratories was chosen as the best choice.

The client was able to obtain a comprehensive sampling of the state of the soldering process from the new manufacturer at a very reasonable cost. Rather than acquiring a mass of images, electrical test print outs, or low resolution optical pictures, the client received a comprehensive report detailing the relevant findings of the analysis on the boards from the new manufacturer. The solder joints in this study showed good bond integrity as well as excellent intermetallic layers. These findings allowed for the validation of the new manufacturer and their process which allowed for the clients device production to resume. The QC Engineers were very pleased with the customer service, analysis, pricing and quick turnaround time of this project.

Do you give lab tours? Yes, we routinely give lab tours to our clients and potential clients. Please call and we would be happy to schedule a tour for you and your co-workers. Do you have other locations around the country? We do work for companies all across the United States, with one laboratory which is located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Did MicroVision Labs ever operate under a different company name? No, we have always been MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. Our founder, John Knowles, used to work for another laboratory that underwent several name changes (Eastern Analytical Laboratories, Industrial Environmental Analysts, American Environmental Network, Severn Trent Laboratories, and EMLab P&K Billeria) and was located nearby in Billerica. When that laboratory was closed in 2008, John hired a few of the remaining analysts and acquired its equipment, client list and phone number. Read additional details on eds testing.

Examining the sample with a polarized light microscope (PLM), it was darker and coarser than expected for a mold sample. The dust appeared to be a closed cell, synthetic blown foam material, and all from the same source. The black color was likely due to pigment particles added to color the foam. Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy was performed on the foam particles. The spectrum showed a mixture of spectral features, associated with vinyl acetates, polyurethane, and cellulose or other sugar-like polymers. Based on these features, a common urethane acetate foam was determined as the likely source material.

MicroVision Laboratories, Inc. has been providing extensive expertise in micro-analytical techniques (FE-SEM, SEM, EDS, XRF, FTIR testing, PLM, X-Ray Imaging, DIC) and sample preparation since 2003. Our cutting edge, high-performance equipment combined with our solutions-focused customer service provide critical solutions for clients hailing from a broad range of industries ranging from medical to semiconductor, and from environmental to textile. Find a few more details on this website.

System consultants recommendations

Tech consulting? Culture flag-bearers, does your sales team suffer from internal poaching? It is possible that your salespeople’s reluctance to enter all their customer insights, predictions, and followup ideas has nothing to do with how (in)efficient those features have been designed, or whether they’re available on a mobile device, etc. and everything to do with their fear that their colleagues will POACH those insights and steal sales from them in the future.

Like many CEO responsibilities, the key is to put the right team in place – whether permanent employees or outside partners. But how can a CEO without technical security expertise know whether their security team and program protect them in every way they should? How can a modern-day CEO sleep at night when considering information security? Our team of expert C-level consultants has consolidated this list of main components which should be included in an effective information security program. A summary list of this kind is, of course, no replacement for deep research nor any insurance that protections put in place will function as intended. But for CEOs wanting to get some sleep at night, it does at least provide fodder for a good conversation with your CIO and CISO…

Over 90% of companies with dedicated sales teams have licensed a CRM system, and yet far fewer of these companies believe their CRMs are strategic in their impact to the top and bottom lines. Quora got double-digits responses to the question “Why do salespeople hate CRM?” “Why do salespeople love CRM?” had not been posted as a question as of the time of this writing. Why is it so challenging to get sales teams to use CRM systems? Contrary to some other commentators on this topic, I don’t believe the problem of low CRM adoption is due mainly to the systems being overly complex, or salespeople having limited grasp of software generally. Don’t get me wrong; some CRMs are no doubt too complex, designed by techies without sufficient input from real sales teams, etc. There are over 300 different CRM systems in the market today, and no doubt some are poorly designed.

Every business should want to have an IT consultant! IT consulting offers multiple benefits to both small and large organizations. Businesses benefit from their wealth of expertise and experience in handling technical tasks. Unfortunately, many business owners wait until they experience a crisis to hire experts. Such an approach may lead to irreversible damage, especially in the case of a security breach. The best approach is to hire consultants regularly to ensure that a business has the best systems in place. See a few extra details on

A simple info every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber-attacks and security breaches will occur and will negatively impact your business. Today, the average cost of the impact of a cyber breach is $4.9 million. Historically, cybersecurity has been an area that is housed solely in the technology department of a company, whether that consists of one or twenty employees. But more and more executives are understanding the importance of being not only knowledgeable but also involved in the conversations and decision-making process when it comes to protecting their data.

We target our services at midsize companies. If you’re a company of this size (< $5B in annual sales), you will not likely see engagement with senior consultants or receive quality staff assigned from one of the Big 4 or Big 3. For each engagement we seek the best consultant match based on the client’s situational needs and the consultant’s industry and leadership expertise. If this approach intrigues you, please contact us to setup an initial conversation.

Highest quality Alexa outlets from Gosund

Smart plug Google home online store with Gosund? Smart home tech makes life a little more convenient (and even more secure), but it can also help you make more eco-friendly choices every day. If you’ve always wondered what makes a smart home “intelligent” and how a smart home supports an environmentally conscious lifestyle, read on. What is a smart home? The term “smart home” is used to describe a home that uses technology to allow the home’s systems and electronics to communicate with one another, be controlled by a time schedule, and even be remotely activated from a smartphone or other web enabled device.

What is a smart home if not also a place to hang out and relax? This technology can also keep you entertained and informed in new and exciting ways. Connected speakers, combined with AI-based digital assistants, can play music, offer news and sports scores, and can even help you control other connected devices as well. Connected devices can also find a good film to watch, either at home or in a real movie theater.

Smart devices also increase your home value! Video doorbells are fantastic smart devices that can seriously increase your home’s value. First of all, video doorbells allow us to see who is at the door before we open it. There are many security reasons why this is necessary such as burglars or home invaders who will try and push past you after you answer the door. Door to door salesmen or religious recruiters are less dangerous but can also be very annoying and so a video doorbell enables you to vet who you open the door to. When looking for the best video doorbell there is a range of features that you should consider. Find additional info on 2 In 1 Wifi Plugs.

We are constantly surrounded by sounds and vibrations in our environment, such as a ringing phone or a buzzing smart device like a wearable activity tracker. While such notifications from personal devices are an efficient way of alerting users to an incoming call or email, do they also distract users from what they are currently doing? Hence, the team recommends that smart devices should have dynamically scheduled notifications where multiple alerts are separated by at least one second. In addition, devices can be designed to actively sense unexpected vibrations or sounds in the environment and consequently delay notifications till the optimal time gap is reached to minimise distractions to the user. For example, a smart watch could delay non-urgent notifications such as emails when the user is running.

Here are a few of the benefits utilities can expect: Unlock novel opportunities to support gird optimization through renewable energy integration, demand response and load management that help reduce costs for all, Open value streams that benefit utilities and customers, Improve customer satisfaction and engage with a new customer segment that wants to help its utility enhance the grid, Grow participation in time-of-use programs with easier-to-manage smart home devices.

Having been working on IOT industry for many years, Gosund is a high-tech enterprise engaged in product design, R&D, sales and service for smart home products. With solid strength for R&D and an experienced team, Gosund designs product ID, MD, PCB and RF module all by its own. Gosund boasts advanced manufacturing facilities and dust-free plant. Its products are manufactured automatically from SMT, DIP to Packaging. Its average daily capacity reaches more than 100k. Since launch, its smart home products have been popular among consumers. Gosund sells all over the world and leads sales in North American market. It sells well in more than 31 countries. Gosund is the market leader in smart plugs. See even more information on here.

Who is J.Hutton Pulitzer ?

USA’s Top Inventors and their inventions Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Award-Winning Inventor, is a highly active technology start-up founder, best known for creating and patenting :CRQ (See Our Cue – Q Code Platform for Scan Commerce and Scan to Connect) has founded companies have included seed investment rounds ranging from $1.6m to over $250m with companies supported and funded by Dreamit Ventures, and Microventures to name a few lead investors.

Pulitzer’s patents have been licensed to more than 330 companies, ranging from early-stage firms to Fortune 100 Industry Leaders such as eBay, IBM, AOL, Cisco, Google, Walgreen Co, TiVo Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.; Crate & Barrel Holdings, Inc.; F5 Networks, Inc.; Quick Logic Corporation; Rackspace Hosting, Inc.; Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.; Zynga Inc., Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Avaya Inc., Ericsson AB, MobiTV, Inc., Nikon Corporation, Pioneer Corporation, NEC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., Novell, Inc.; Leap Wireless International Inc.; Barnes & Noble, Inc., Broadcom Corporation, Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel Corporation, Sony Corporation, HTC Corporation, LG Electronics Inc., Nokia Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Best Buy Co, Inc., Fujitsu Limited, Intuit Inc., and Juniper Networks, Inc.

Additionally, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is an Author of over 200 individual history and treasure legend books is a well-known media personality who has appeared on Fox TV, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS History Channel, and other networks. Pulitzer is also known as an Explorer, Publisher and Inventor. Pulitzer has several hundred patents domestically and patents in 189 countries globally. His Scan-To-Connect and Scan Commerce Patents are now licensed to all global mobile device manufacturers who have more than 11 billion devices utilizing his vast patent portfolio(s). Discover even more details on Who is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer?

Pulitzer and his technology won the 2001 Smithsonian Laureate Medal for “Most Likely to Change Society”. As part of winning the Smithsonian Award, the Pulitzer Patents and history of their development are part of Case Studies in 140 Universities and Museums, such as Brown University, Duke University, Yale University, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Helsinki University of Technology.

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s software app CRQ and its desktop version were recognized by more than 1000 software and information companies for achieving excellence in the software development industry. During the past 27 years, the SIIA CODiE Awards have recognized more than 1,000 software and information companies for achieving excellence. The CODiE Awards remain the only peer-recognized program in the content, education, and software industries so each CODiE Award win serves as incredible market validation for a product’s innovation, vision, and overall industry impact.

Pulitzer’s TV Creation and Syndicated Series won the Platinum WorldFest Award in 2001 for TV. Worldfest is the event that discovered Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, John Lee Hancock, Randall Kleiser, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez, Robert Townsend, The Coen Brothers, Spike Lee, Oliver Stone, and David Lynch with their very first awards. WorldFest has emerged as the oldest film festival management in the world, with the same continuous director for more than 50 consecutive years.

The engageLIVE platform comes from Internet patent pioneer Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and his patent/development incubator FLIP.Ventures. A number of Pulitzer’s technology innovations and patents (for instance, how you scan and connect with QR codes and bar codes on your mobile devices) are already in use on more than 11 billion mobile devices globally. This scan-and-connect software, which comes pre-installed on most current devices, allows Carter’s company to activate the engageLIVE feature set in seconds.

Play games and earn money on SuponicGlobal’s blockchain platform

Get money playing games and Suponic Global? Suponic global is a global platform that allows game lovers, game developers, game publishers and blockchain techs, and crypto lovers to be united together with true fun, exiting, and profiting experience powered by blockchain technology. We are an innovative tech company embracing and integrating cutting-edge technologies to provide solutions and standards in E-sports industry. We are a community and hub for tech and creative talents all over the world to provide not only fun and entertaining experience to their players but also a better way to gain real money through playing games.

Considered as potential pyramid risks in MLM

Suponic Global blockchain platform

1. Products which have “no real world” marketplace.

1. Products have real world marketplace. Gaming industry is a $200 BN Industry.

2. Products which are sold at inflated prices.

2. SUPONIC GLOBAL is sold below industry market average.

3. Mandatory purchases of company product.

3. Games are free to play. Credits begin at $1.00

4. Plans which result in inventory loading distributors.

4. Games are purely digital. There is no inventory loading distributors involved.

5. Substantial cash investment requirements.

5. The lowest entry is $100 USD.

6. Mandatory purchases of peripheral or accessory products or services.

6. There is no mandatory purchase of peripheral or accessory products or services.

7. Plans in which company products are totally or substantially consumed only by distributors.

7. Distributor consumption is less than 5%

8. Plans in which distributors are left with substantial unsold inventory upon cancellation of participation.

8. Unused game credits can be sold on a public cryptocurrency exchange, based on natural supply and demand.

9. Plans in which distributors purchase products in order to further the marketing plan rather than out of genuine desire and need for the product.

9. Our technology and platform solution is already complete. Games are genuinely entertaining with existence of gamers playing up to 6 hours per day. Existing game publishing roadmaps are not impacted by marketers.

10. Plans which would fail without purchases by participants.

10. Company has been generating solid revenues long before distribution network was created. The gaming platform, games, coin, wallet, blockchain technology, exchange were all complete well before engagement of distributors.

11. Plans which make no effort to emphasize retail sales to the ultimate nonparticipant consumer.

11. Company has been engaging in retail sales long before Suponic Global was put together.

12. Plans which require no meaningful participation by distributors after becoming a distributor.

12. Every distributor is required to play games at least once daily to contribute to the concurrent user base and add to exchange liquidity pool, which is vital to the operation. A minimal concurrent userbase is critical to game publishing hence distributor’s daily participation is crucial to the operation.

13. Plans in which fees are paid to distributors for headhunting.

13. No payment is made for headhunting.

14. Plans in which commissions are not based on actual retail product sales.

14. Commissions are purely based on actual retail sales, in form of revenue share.

15. Plans in which emphasis is on recruitment rather than sale of product.

15. Millions of dollars were spent creating tools for retail user acquisition. 95% of the revenue is expected to come from sale of product.

16. Plans which contain elements of a lottery rewarding participants based on chance rather than on bona fide sales efforts.

16. Suponic Global Game credit relies 100% on skills and hard work. Participants are rewarded purely based on revenue share and direct sales.

17. Earnings misrepresentations or inflated earnings representations.

17. Earnings reported is 100% accurate, and based on sound mathematical models.

18. Promise of high returns

18. No false promise, all products’ price are subject to market supply and demand law and users are educated clearly on this fact.

19. Promise of guaranteed returns

19. No false promise of any guaranteed returns

20. promise of the investments carry little or even no risk

20. we have perfect business model, which is the foundation of success of every business model. Perfect execution of business plan, and adjustment on market reaction also counts, our project also needs our marketers to promote the game together, and engage more player base.

21. pay additional fees or costs to withdraw your profit or money

21. withdraw your money is conducted in our exchange, which is instantly, with no fees, no waiting time.

22. claim absolute safe

22. the coins are on blockchain.

23. claim technology is highly secret

23. Technology uses erc 2.0 (etherium)

24. pressure to buy RIGHT NOW

24. Coin price is based on Supply and demand

25. Participants make money solely by recruiting new participants

25. Participants not only make money by recruiting new participants, but also by retails of game credits packages, and the revenue pool of the company.

26. Promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over money and getting others to do the same.

26. No promise of any type of return, investment is purely based on market supply and demand, participants’ purchase of packages are locked for certain period. Participants are needed to play games on daily bases to contribute game concurrent users base, which is essential for success in game industry.

27. No genuine product or service

27. we have perfectly built game platforms, and dozens of games ready to play. We have games already in the market for years. Game credits packages are products, plus, we have tangible products, such as earphones, fashions, etc.

28. buy-in required.

28. There is no buy-in

29. complex commission structure

29. We offer transparent and simple to understand commission structure which can be explained under 5 minutes.

30. emphasis on recruiting.

30. Our distributor to retail gamers are 1:30. Our participants consist of retail Gamers (90%), distributors, investors and video game developers.

31. Encourage you to quit your job, and tell you this opportunity is life-changer, and you even get rich by selling company’s products

31. Most of our participants come in to purchase video game coins, and consider this to be a part time job.

32. Encourage or require you to buy a certain amount of product at regular intervals, even if you already have more inventory than you can use or sell

32. Our products can be traded on exchange, there’s no overstock.

33. they ask you to buy products before you’re eligible to be paid or get certain bonuses.

33. No. But we do request they play at least one game. The cheapest game is 10 cents.

34. you may have to pay repeated fees for other items, like training sessions or expensive marketing materials

34. All our marketing materials are free.

35. company say you can ear lavish rewards, like prizes, bonuses, exotic vacations, and luxury cars. (However, it’s often turns out that you have to meet certain product purchase, recruitment, training. Or other goals to qualify for the rewards, and only a handful of distributors ever qualify.)

35. We host Esport tournaments with prizes including earphones and phones produced by the company. The esports are mostly free entry, and the purpose is to promote a wholesome fun video game designed for hours of fun, and online community participation. There is nothing overly lavish.

36. promoters make extravagant promises about your earning potential

36. all our earning potential is based on market supply and demand law.

37. Promoters emphasize recruiting new distributors as the real way to make money

37. we emphasize recruiting more gamers to build our gamers pool.

38. promoters play on your emotions or use high-pressure sales tactic, saying you’ll lose the opportunity if you don’t act now, and discouraging you from taking time to study the company

38. we have clear roadmaps and plan, and those are public information, we give no pressure to our participants. We encourage them to take time to study the company, and hold sessions to answer questions related to the company and it’s business plan and products.

39. Training session make earnings claims, tell you the fastest way to make money is to “recruit, recruit, recruit”, or suggest that all you need to do to build a downline is “find two people who find two people”

39. Training sessions of ours are to introduce our company, it’s business plan, and products, and share experiences of how to make the company work well. Besides recruiting people, which is going to end in October 2020, Participants are encouraged to market our games to more gamers.

40. Ask you to buy training or marketing materials. Or pay for seminars on building your business.

41. Our training or marketing materials are offered for free, seminars are provided online and offline for free. We don’t need participants to travel, hence no payments for any hotels and meals.

41. company says things like periodic product purchases or training are optional, but you will become ineligible for bonus or rewards if you opt out of them.

41. All trainings and sessions have no impact on eligibility for any type of bonuses or rewards.

What is SuponicGlobal? This is common in games, but over time the game masters could release more of these special items or rewards and diminish their value, or simply change the game landscape whenever they want creating distrust in the gaming community. With blockchain in the mix as non fungible tokens (NFTs), this could all be solved. On top of that, there could potentially be an in game market place for every game to buy and sell NFTs which could correlate to players actually making real money from buying and selling these tokens.

Suponic Global is a new decentralized hub that links to all toxic games, family fun games all over the world by providing open source API. SGC stands for Suponic Game Credit, backed by blockchain technology, which is our very first game platform token and a successful application of our blockchain solutions in game industry. Among the countries that supports crypto currencies, SGC can be used to purchase tickets and participate for esports tournaments, competitions, bootcamps, and can be used to purchase all derivatives, in-app items and skins which enhance gamers’ experience, and products associated with esports and games. Read more information on Suponic Global.

Eelink device GPS tracking devices exporter from China

Top GPS trackers reviews from Eelink communication technology? We also develop GPS tracking platforms to work in sync with PC, android phone and Apple products. Our specialization area encompasses producing customized designs and solutions as per customer’s requirement. After strong popularity in the local markets, our world class products are now making a perpetual ingress into major overseas markets of Southeast Asia and North America.

Eelink communication technology presentation includes a cooperation with Emerson, one of the top 500 companies in the world and also OEM & ODM services for many supply chain tracking service company. Saving Time with Our Spy Vehicle Tracking Systems None of your drivers can defy once you have our GPS vehicle tracking systems installed. You save time as the drivers are never allowed to waste time in between their due duties. This concurrently also bestows improved productivity as you can handle more orders in the time saved.

Connecting NB-IoT Devices to One Another. In order for an internet of things to function, all of the devices that are on the same network need to be connected to one another. There are multiple layers that are necessary in order for this to occur. Also, the development in the IoT sensors required for such complex operations needs to outgrow the current pace at which the technology is growing. First and foremost, NB-IoT devices need to be connected by physical components such as hardware. For current NB-IoT devices, chipset technology is the physical layer that houses the protocols necessary to make the devices communicate with one another. In addition to making the devices communicate with one another, the physical layer also creates the ability for the devices to connect with internet systems that allow them to “go online” and function within a cloud.

GPS tracking devices exporter from China: Did you know police records show that traditional security methods are not enough when it comes to securing motorcycles? Reports also suggest that motorcycles even with system alarms and locks are stolen. Our motorcycle tracker is an anti-theft device that helps in protecting your bike from getting stolen or misplaced. It provides 24/7 comprehensive protection to two-wheelers. This assists vehicle rental businesses to ensure safety, accountability and a higher level of productivity from their employees. It is equipped with several advanced features such as geo-fencing, speeding and driving behavior. You can also trace the exact location of your vehicle by using customized applications. This tracking solution is beneficial for bikes, scooters to improve motorcycle security, and reduce insurance premiums. Discover a few more details on Eelink gps.

We manufacture the best GPS tracking devices for cars that can be used in highly complicated and advanced automotive scenarios. You can sync our GPS vehicle trackers with the other modern-day technologies like cameras and proximity sensors to create a driverless car. Some of the top automobile manufacturing companies are currently using our high-precision tracking devices to test their driverless cars for mass production. Vehicle Temperature Monitoring System Our vehicle GPS tracking devices can do so much more than just tag the location of the car. Our best products can help you keep tabs on the entire Asset’s or Reefer temperature characteristics. You can hook up the GPS tracking device to your temperature-controlled trailer and get an insight into its temperature characteristics. Want to know more about the world’s top vehicle GPS tracking devices? Get in touch with us today!

Innovation insights

Technology consulting? If your IT leaders have good solutions in place covering these “threat vectors”, and have a way to know that protections are functioning correctly, they are covering the basics, and you should at least be able to sleep at night. On the other hand, the absence/failure of any one of the line items listed above can open your organization to risk. If any of these protections need to be installed or upgraded, or if you’d like an outside perspective on any unique risks to which your organization may be exposed, please contact us to explore how our experts can offer a deeper analysis.

These technical aspects aside, hopefully it is clear that many of the factors involved with CRM adoption – possibly a surprising number of factors to you? – are in the hands of executive leadership and not your CIO, system implementer or training team. Of course, the technical complaints are FAR more acceptable as excuses than some of the human nature dynamics summarized above, so polls of sales teams often yield results which seem like everything would be perfect and that big investment the company made in the CRM would really deliver, if only a few things in the system were tweaked…. Don’t be misled that polls of this kind yield the real rationale behind your team’s reluctance.

Any business should aim to have an IT consultant! Some technical issues or crisis may be too overwhelming for an internal IT department to solve. Sometimes, hackers breach the systems in a way that internal experts cannot reverse or contain the damage. Natural disasters such as floods or fires may affect technology in a way that only experts can resolve. In such cases, a business cannot avoid hiring experts to restore normalcy and prevent a similar crisis in the future.

Over 90% of companies with dedicated sales teams have licensed a CRM system, and yet far fewer of these companies believe their CRMs are strategic in their impact to the top and bottom lines. Quora got double-digits responses to the question “Why do salespeople hate CRM?” “Why do salespeople love CRM?” had not been posted as a question as of the time of this writing. Why is it so challenging to get sales teams to use CRM systems? Contrary to some other commentators on this topic, I don’t believe the problem of low CRM adoption is due mainly to the systems being overly complex, or salespeople having limited grasp of software generally. Don’t get me wrong; some CRMs are no doubt too complex, designed by techies without sufficient input from real sales teams, etc. There are over 300 different CRM systems in the market today, and no doubt some are poorly designed. Explore a few extra info on IT advice.

The experts at Innovation Vista have brought our expertise together to collaborate on a unique approach to technology that we call Innovating Beyond Efficiency. Traditional IT strategies yield many efficiencies for organizations which invest time and effort into them. Processes are automated, systems are implemented to gather key organization data, and reports are standardized to analyze and communicate that data. These are valuable gains for an organization, and many of these capabilities have risen to the level of requirements for operating in the 21st century. Efficiency is nice.

An advice any CEO should know about cybersecurity: According to most cybersecurity surveys, over 60% of all data breaches originate from unauthorized access from one of your current or former employees, or third-party suppliers. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk. Read additional info on Tech insights.

The growth of a technology consultant influencer : Christopher Bacayon

The rise of a effective project manager specialist : Christopher Bacayon. He is proficient in defining and understanding the scope of the project, gathering and analyzing business requirements, identifying functional requirements, translating requirements into specifications and documentation and finding the perfect solution for the business. Demonstrated success working on Agile Scrum projects – coordinating internal resources and third parties & vendors for the flawless execution of projects on time, within budget and scope of delivery.

What people think about Christopher Bacayon? Here is some feedback from his business partners : Within months of learning the role, Chris excelled and began managing a team of his own while developing a reputation as a trusted source for assistance in many capacities. If he did not have an answer, he would work towards obtaining the means to resolve the issue. His thirst for knowledge has helped him keep up with a technical skillset and business methodologies to maintain his successful track record of making positive impacts.

Aided in PMO PLC (Project Life Cycle) process enforcement. Incorporated MSP and CA Clarity process. Supported the PMO in the creation, management, maintenance, and updating of project and resource schedules, project change requests and 3rd party statements of work. Coordinated tracking/auditing of projects and programs within the organization to ensure SLA compliance and that those projects remain on track. Managed resources, vendors, and worked with the cross functional teams to ensure that all projects are directly in line with company PMO initiatives.

Christopher Bacayon is an experienced Independent Contractor with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Project Management, Tech Support, Data Analysis, PMO, Operations, Data Center, Contact Centers, Management, and Software Documentation. Strong professional with a Bachelors focused in Information Science and Policy. Minors: Computer Science & Business from University at Albany, SUNY.

Talking about himself Christopher Bacayon said: I am a consultant, project manager, and student currently living in New York, NY. My interests range from technology to web development. I am also interested in food, cooking, and innovation.

Contract CIO

Proptech consulting? Data governors, is the bar so high on required data entry that it’s easier to enter none? Sales is an uncertain business, particularly at the upper edge of the “funnel”. A salesperson may not have a sense of which product(s)/service(s) a customer might be a fit for, or the scale or timetable of a likely transaction early in the process – right at the ideal moment when you’d like it captured in the CRM. Consider the (infinite) flexibility they have on what they track about those early-stage/potential deals in their spreadsheets, and configure accordingly. Consider also the new doors AI capabilities are opening to automatically fill in data gaps, etc. Focus your sales team’s efforts on the things that they alone can provide.

Recent incidents should serve as sufficient motivation: UK National Health System – 16 hospitals’ systems were completely shut down by the WannaCry virus, tallying a cost of 100M in 2017. Atlanta – the city government was crippled by ransomware, disabling the city’s ability to operate or fund services in 2018. Marriott/Starwood – 500 million customer records breached in 2018, including birthdates and passport details. Capital One – 100 million customers credit card details and histories were breached in July 2019.

The real power comes when you know how a customer will best interact with YOU. Beyond understanding a customer or client generally, the real benefits come to companies who know how customer needs overlap with the company’s offerings, and to companies who can predict the timing of those needs more fully. This can be challenging when you’re not doing business with a customer yet, but to fill this gap myriad data brokers and aggregators offer data which can be harvested and combined for useful insights. One critical prerequisite for combining multiple outside sources (and later integrating internal data) is to identify a unique key for each record, which ideally can be obtained automatically from data generally complete and accurate in each source. Don’t be dissuaded if this step does require working through exceptions using outsource data cleansing services or temp/intern help. If you’re going to leverage multiple sources of data, it’s a critical step to develop and nurture this unique key; many companies who skip this step end up in a nightmare of duplicate records. See a few more info at CRM data analytics.

Any business should want to have an IT consultant! One of the greatest concerns when adopting new business technology is data security. IT experts can advise a business on the safest technologies to use. The experts can also help businesses identify loopholes in their current systems that may lead to a security breach. Hiring an IT consultant is the right move whenever a business experiences or suspects a data security breach. Internal IT professionals may be too busy managing daily operations to monitor data operations keenly.

A thing every CEO should know about cybersecurity: Cyber liability insurance premiums are significantly increasing in cost and often do not cover all of the damages caused by a cyber breach. Historically, cybersecurity has been an area that is housed solely in the technology department of a company, whether that consists of one or twenty employees. But more and more executives are understanding the importance of being not only knowledgeable but also involved in the conversations and decision-making process when it comes to protecting their data.

Trust is a universal Human Need Turbo-charger! Although we apply this approach to IT-driven transformation, it is truly in effect in every aspect of our lives. Myriad leadership studies have proven the connection between success/efficiency/effectiveness and trust. And each of us can confirm in our own lives the “difference” between situations where trust was absent vs. present; it is not difficult to recall in which situations we were at our best. As with many things, the impact of trust may be seen more clearly by examining what happens when it’s absent. There is something deep in human nature which causes us to hold back, maybe in subconscious self-preservation, in these situations. Read a few extra info on Real estate IT consulting.

Top mobiles 2020 and phone buyer guides

Top mobiles in 2020 and phone buyer recommendations? You don’t need to pay up for the $1,399 Galaxy S20 Ultra to get the best camera phone for Android users. The Galaxy S20 Plus is $200 cheapper, and while it doesn’t feature the Ultra’s 108MP main sensor or a telephoto lens with a Space Zoom feature, it still produces shots that surpass what Google’s phones have to offer. And some of the Galaxy S20 Plus’ output even gives the iPhone 11 Pro a run for its money.

Tecno is a relatively new brand to the smartphone circuit of India. Not many consumers are aware of this brand. But nevertheless, this brand has been able to release and launch quite a few impressive products over the last few years. Their January 2020 release – the Tecno Spark Go Plus is a pretty decent device with solid qualities. Especially the fact that it retails for around 6.3k – makes the features that it provides extremely reasonable and valued. It has a 6.52-inch display with a resolution of 7201600 pixels. It runs on the MediaTek Helio A22 processor. The RAM of the device is 2 GB and it has 32 GB internal storage which can be expanded up to 128 GB. Both the rear and the front camera are 8 MP respectively. The battery capacity is 4000 mAh and the operating system is Android 9 Pie.

Tecno Spark Go Plus smartphone was launched on 9th January 2020. The phone comes with a 6.52-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of (720×1600 pixels and an aspect ratio of 20:9. Tecno Spark Go Plus is powered by a 2GHz quad-core MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6761) processor. It comes with 2GB of RAM. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs Android 9 Pie and is powered by a 4000mAh battery. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Tecno Spark Go Plus on the rear packs an 8-megapixel camera with an f/2.0 aperture. It sports a 8-megapixel camera on the front for selfies, with an f/2.0 aperture. The Tecno Spark Go Plus runs HiOS 5.5.2 based on Android 9 Pie and packs 32GB of inbuilt storage that can be expanded via microSD card (up to 128GB) with a dedicated slot. The Tecno Spark Go Plus is a dual-SIM (GSM and GSM) smartphone that accepts Nano-SIM and Nano-SIM cards. The Tecno Spark Go Plus measures 166.70 x 75.80 x 8.40mm (height x width x thickness) . It was launched in Hillier Purple and Vacation Blue colours. See a few more details at Tecno mobile phone specs and prices.

This is one of the best-looking, most well-specced phones we’ve seen in the past year, there’s no doubt about that – from the pop-up selfie camera to the fantastic 6.67-inch screen, the OnePlus 7T Pro exudes quality. A special mention for the OxygenOS software that OnePlus puts on its phones: it features some really good ideas, and in some ways improves on the stock Android that Google provides. Spend a few hours using it and you’ll see what I mean. Other flagship phones might outperform the OnePlus 7T Pro in the camera department, but OnePlus is improving in this area all the time, and there’s no doubt the triple-lens rear camera on the back of this phone is the best OnePlus mobile camera yet.

Google may have just announced its new Pixel 4, but you’ll be very happy with the Pixel 3a if you want a handset with a great camera and decent screen, and aren’t as concerned about sheer speed and performance. Google’s Pixel 3a aims to offer the Pixel 3’s amazing camera at a much lower price and a £399 smartphone that boasts a camera this capable is an appealing prospect. Google has ported much of the Pixel 3’s feature set to the 3a, including exactly the same 12-megapixel sensor with an f/1.8 aperture. Pixel 3a also ships with the latest version of Android 9 along with the latest iteration of the Pixel Launcher. Visually, it’s identical to the software you’ll find on the flagship Pixels and that’s a good thing for many. With these more affordable phones – especially if you want the highest-spec devices available – you’re often restricted to convoluted software from the likes of Oppo, Xiaomi and Huawei. Find a few extra info at

The rise of a technology leader : Nick Ayton

Who is Nick Ayton and some of his blockchain thought leader achievements… An all around the world reputable tech thought leader, Nick works with executives to help them understand the complex nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth.

Nick Ayton and the crypto generation: Bitcoin is part of a tech wave that I call all at once, and where the Bitcoin blockchain is one of several technologies that by themselves will have a profound impact: Deep learning, Virtual Reality, Quantum Computing, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and therefore the magnitude of change we can expect will dwarf anything we have seen so far. I have some idea of the impact of these technologies but all at once in a decentralization model is the most interesting and the most scary, for some. Think: elitism, the establishment, the upper class, royalty – these are intertwined through history with politics that set the rules, make laws and decide how they want the people to behave. These constructs are all centralized, like managing a business where hierarchy within a capitalist system allows the resources and wealth to be owned by a handful and dictates the dissemination of power that flows from top to bottom of any organization. That is until you build a decentralized or autonomous (DAO) business where rules, consensus, and decisions are handled differently. Where responsibility and benefits are shared and behavior is set by consensus.

Nick Ayton has worked more than 40 years in tech fields, improving businesses and implementing the newest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. He is a Writer, Speaker and Lecturer about Blockchain and ranks in some lists as one of the most influential Blockchain experts on a global scale. He was named as a Fintech 100 Influencer for 2017 and number 21 at the rise blockchain Top 100. He has chaired various Blockchain events and has been a keynote speaker to various events. He has also runned sessions for boards and hosted Blockchain Hackathons.

Blockchain doesn’t discriminate, treating all industries the same. But it is more destructive to some sectors more than others. Any sector that acts as a ‘middleman’ will be first to be disintermediated, a horrible expression I know, lets say ‘destroyed’ then. Any layer in any industry where the core services is checking, validating, settling and matching will be gone! I get great access to entrepreneurs building Blockchains for all industries – from new banking platforms, new forms of payment and remittance, for removing the friction in Insurance brokerage, dealing with the complexities of reinsurance, in music putting artists in control of payments and royalties, in government for land registry and voting, the disbursement of payments and Identity, capital markets for settlement and reconciliation, in healthcare for medical records and linking to devices, in legal services removing the need for lawyers and and and… Discover a few more info on Nick Ayton.

“We were so fortunate to not only have Nick Ayton as Keynote on our Global Accelerator Program but also a speaker at our Global Investor Summit in London on 17th July 2019. Working with Nick is so inspirational I was indeed taken with his knowledge, experience and expertise, an outstanding speaker, both charming and entertaining” Design & Build Propositions: We help Founders create and develop their propositions to disrupt industries and markets. Nick Ayton has published several White Papers discussing how Blockchain will disrupt Global Custody, Asset Management, Legal Services, Accounting & Audit, Banking and several other sectors. His book – how to design and implement Blockchain Operating Models will be available in the second half of 2017.

NickAyton on crypto app tokes : There are other new App Tokens on their way for climate, for sustainability, for tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges and in a real sense they matter, deliver an impact and it is important we earn them and get behind them. One of the most hotly debated topics around cryptocurrencies is what people can actually purchase with Bitcoin and its altcoin brethren. With Bitcoin’s 10th birthday just around the corner, it’s worth taking a look at some of the most outrageous and expensive things people have been able to purchase with BTC.

Top 5 robotics events for 2020

One of the major challenges of a rescue operation is pinpointing the location of survivors. Drone technology has been playing a massive role in this regard. Drones can fly and take pictures; it gives rescue workers aerial view, which allows them to plan a more effective rescue mission. Drone footage could prove useful in pinpointing survivors. China has been using drone footage for rescue operations, especially during earthquakes. With drone technology, rescue teams have reliable information, such as an estimate on the number of survivors. DroneSAR, an Ireland based drone company, is working a technology to use drones to find survivors. It created an app synched with drone technology to improve rescue mission. For instance, the app maps out grids and orders a drone search only those grids created. When a drone finds a survivor, the app shares the location to every member of the rescue team.

The University of Washington and Purdue University conducted a study on seventy two children, aged seven to fifteen. The study aimed to find out how children interact with both robot and living dogs. These children were studied as they interacted with Aibo, a robot dog created by Sony, and two living dogs. The results found were promising. However, some limitations were also discovered. Discover additional info on this website.

As we are preparing for the upcoming decade, it is safe to say that we have improved, as a society, in every conceivable segment. And that applies to technology in particular. Thanks to the enhancements, we have managed to replace some run-of-the-mill jobs with robots and provide professions that require creativity. It appears that robots are indeed the future, as it was estimated in many (what used to be sci-fi films at the time) and we cannot escape it – so the question is – why not embrace it? Do you want to showcase your talents in robotics? Or attend robotics events to meet like-minded people? Techie lovers from Rozum Robotics helped us compile a list of five exhilarating robotics events coming up in the United State in 2020. You do not want to miss that!

Developed by Boston Dynamics, Atlas is a bipedal humanoid robot designed to operate indoors and outdoors and participate in complicated search-and-rescue operations, operate powered equipment in hazardous environments, or performing tasks such as opening doors. Boston Dynamics is known for actively collaborate with military organizations such as DARP or the U.S. Department of Defense. Their robot prototypes are engineering works of art, mimicking human and animal movements. Unlike other robots, Boston Dynamics’ creations can work under harsh conditions, demonstrating extraordinary human-like stability and rough terrain mobility. If you want to meet the whole Boston Dynamics’ robotic family, check out the official website. Extra details at a good article.

Aluminum is a popular choice for robot makers thanks to its distinct properties. It is lightweight, easy to machine, and rust-resistant. Those properties enable aluminum to use as a single part with complex shapes. It can also handle fragile objects and absorb impacts at the same time. However, those properties also make aluminum less affordable than steel. Technology also offers ways to process its surface that makes your robot presentable. This makes aluminum to be both used as a structural part without worrying about its looks. Aluminum can help to show off your heavy-duty robots for commercial purposes.

Howbeit, it is made clear by the Robotic Industries Association that the installation of robots in North America in the year 2018 was recorded as a landmark breakthrough in the industry. This is because a total of 35,880 units of robots were shipped into North America in 2018, 7% higher than the units shipped into the country in the previous year. Overall, the United States has so far imported 28,476 robots which represent an increase in demand of 15%. What even more notable, robotics production returns from Europe and Asia to the USA, as many young robotic start-ups were born here.

As more data is collected, the decisions of these systems will improve. The end result will be a level of efficiency that we once didn’t think possible. The digital connection of these devices make Industry 4.0 a possibility. In each stage of these industrial revolutions, companies have had to keep up with technology or be left behind. Connected technology will be the next revolution that companies will have to follow. If they don’t, their level of production will be less than their rivals. Read extra info on this publisher site.

MesChain (MES) details

MES stands for Manufacturing Execution System. It is a comprehensive system that controls all activities in the workshop. It is initiated with various orders received from customers, MRP system, the main program, and other planning resources and then manufactures the products in the most effective, cost-effective, affordable and quality manner possible.Entrepreneurs, who increase the production performance of their enterprises by a minimum 15 percent with MES, can increase their MES performance even more with the MesChain and blockchain support. The huge costs of automation systems for entrepreneurs will be eliminated with MesChain and they will regain their expenses spent on automation systems by using the latest technological products and software.

Entrepreneurs can save on average 15 percent or more with the use of MES systems. The use of MES allows the preparation and timely adjustment of detailed manufacturing programs, which allows us to more accurately determine the actual manufacturing cost for each part and the entire product. An important feature of MES systems is the execution of programs. APS systems placed in the ERP planning contour creates production programs only if new products or work orders are included in the portfolio. It is very challenging to set them in real-time, which results in the use of APS systems in small-scale manufacturing. In these cases, MES systems operate more flexible and faster, recalculate and adjust programs for any deviations in manufacturing processes. Thus they increase manufacturing flexibility and dynamism.

MesChain project adds Revain Widget + new competition! Revain is happy to announce Revain Widget integration by MesChain project. The Widget will allow MesChain users to see and leave reviews about the project right from its website. To celebrate the integration, we are launching competition! Study MesChain project and write long and detailed review on it. MesChain is a tech-advanced company committed to reforming the world with digital currency and technology. It provides software information systems in the most efficient state aims and blockchain solutions in industrial production. See more details at MES Chain Youtube Channel.

The digital market is relatively new, so countries and governments are scrambling to bring in cryptocurrency taxes and rules to regulate these new currencies. If you’re not aware of these before you start trading, you may find yourself in a spot of expensive bother further down the line. Many governments are unsure of what to class cryptocurrencies as, currency or property. The U.S in 2014 introduced cryptocurrency trading rules that mean digital currencies will fall under the umbrella of property. Traders will then be classed as investors and will have to conform to complex reporting requirements. Details of which can be found by heading to the IRS notice 2014-21. On top of the possibility of complicated reporting procedures, new regulations can also impact your tax obligations. The U.S, the ‘property’ ruling means your earnings will now be deemed as capital gains tax (15%), instead of normal income tax (up to 25%). Each countries cryptocurrency tax requirements are different, and many will change as they adapt to the evolving market. Before you start trading, do your homework and find out what type of tax you’ll pay and how much.

MesChain (MES) is provided by a Company called Genesis Crypto Technology. We are a tech-advanced company committed to reforming the world with digital currency and technology in general. MESChain would become a world leader in the market by developing a platform in the field of manufacturing execution systems and a solution source based on Blockchain technology preferred by companies in need of technological support. Read additional info on MES Chain.